Vi vs Olga. An sexual debut

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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Vi vs Olga. An sexual debut

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Vi vs Olga Ivanov
Hentai match
First to cum loses , and has to kiss the winner's ass.

Olga was excited to make her debut for LAW , and did not care that she be making it while competing in one of it lewder matches. As it actually kinda made it even more special as the grey haired woman was wearing an yellow slingshot bikini that exposed her body in the perfect way,Plus with her hair being the chaotic mess that it was it added to her image as she would walk out wearing only an robe to conceal her body

After waiting for an little while in the gorilla position it was finally time. As the grey haired woman would hear the owl house song play as she dropped the rope as she appeared on the entrance ramp. Waving at the fans before coming down to the ring as the announcer said ''From Sofia , Bulgaria making her debut for LAW. She weighs in at 180ibs it's Olga Ivanov'' as she would climb into the ring to await whoever management picked to be her first dance partner here at law.

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Re: Vi vs Olga. An sexual debut

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Vi would be fighting In another Hentai Match but with experience and with a lot more confidences. Vi developed a sort of misstriss side in law now. Vi would walk down to the entrance area wearing a cloak. Through out the entrance she had the cloak on but when she got in the ring shee took off the cloak and revealed
Misstriss Vi she would look at Olga and laughed at the 30 year old and said " Ho Ho Ho! Be careful old hag becauseyou step in the ring with misstriss Vi i hope your ready to be my bitch tonight!"
Last edited by ApartBadge9937 on Wed Apr 13, 2022 12:53 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Vi vs Olga. An sexual debut

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Olga would just watch as an rather cute pinkette made her way to the ring. As the bunny costume she was wearing showed off the other woman's body perfectly , and the grey haired wrestler was liking what she was seeing. Well she was until the other woman would open her mouth as she just glared in response as she retorted ''it is always fun to teach you younglings an thing or two. As it seems you got our roles mixed up as I am the mistress tonight , and you my dear Vi will be my bitch and loyal pet after I put you in your place.''
Last edited by anime_hentaifighter on Thu Apr 21, 2022 9:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Vi vs Olga. An sexual debut

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Vi would look at her opponent all she thought was easy match for her because her opponent look like she didn't have that much experience in the ring and was feeling a little dirty today.


Vi took off out of her corner as soon as she heard to bell and attempted to hit Olga with a running hip attack to the stomach hoping it knocked her down to a seated position if that happened Vi would go up to her opponent try to grab Olga hair and pull her to Vi's rear-end and rub it all in

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Re: Vi vs Olga. An sexual debut

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Olga would take in her opponent as she took in the pinkette as she was wondering what she was thinking as she would wait for the bell to ring. As the moment she heard it she would make her way towards Vi who seemed to do the same as her younger opponent ran right towards her as she watched as her good looking opponent went for an running hip attack.

Now normally she would have loved to get an closer look at Vi's ass , but not during an wrestling match as she tried to move out of the way of the incoming wrestler as with some luck Vi would fall. Which would likely leave her wide open for an standing bodysplash that Olga planted to hit her opponent with should she fall.

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Re: Vi vs Olga. An sexual debut

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Vi though she had her opponent in her sights but then she hit air and fell on her ass and scrabble to get up but then she got hit with a bodyslpash

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Re: Vi vs Olga. An sexual debut

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Olga had successfully dodged her opponent's attack , and followed it up with one of her own as she landed directly onto Vi. Pinning the pinkette beneath her as she just smirked as she leaned down as she whispered ''hmmmm now what should I do with you next hot stuff''
Last edited by anime_hentaifighter on Fri May 06, 2022 10:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Vi vs Olga. An sexual debut

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Vi would be pinned to the ground and had her opponent whispering in her ear she would try to wiggle or over power her opponent so she thought of this. "well this is a start." Vi would move her head and tried to kiss Olga to Suprise her and if successful she would try to push her opponent off her

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Re: Vi vs Olga. An sexual debut

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Olga was looking down at her opponent as she had pinned down the gorgeous pinkette as she figured she could easily go for her next step. Only to be surprised when Vi would kiss her as the older woman was left in an slight daze from the shock as she was easily thrown off the other wrestler as she quickly got to her feet after getting over the shock.

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I'm sorry for not responding I was overwhelmed at the number of things that has come my way and need to regroup my self

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