Ms. Apple (Debut) vs. The Smother Twins

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Re: Ms. Apple (Debut) vs. The Smother Twins

Unread post by dddybee »

The muffled cries of the Chan Sisters began to soften, as Ms. Apple continued to facesit them into oblivion. Each round, thick, plump, sexy cheek of the teacher completely smothered either of the twins faces. To make matters even more disorientating for the girls, Aurbrey was shaking her hips on them, causing her buns to mush and mash against their facial regions. The crowd cheered, Ms. Apple having earned quite a dominant debut match. And now it was simply a matter of waiting for the inevitable.

"Ngggghhhh......" Mami whimpered. She was the first one to give. Stubbornly refusing to tap out, the heel member of the stable passed out instead. "MMMPH!" Ami cried, with the remaining effort in her voice. Then with the last efforts of her body, the tweener twin opted to tap out against the mat! With Mami clearly limp and Ami tapping, the bell rang. Ms. Apple was declared victorious! Now it was only a matter if the professor would rise off of Ami, before the more timid twin could pass out!

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Re: Ms. Apple (Debut) vs. The Smother Twins

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

Taking a dominant seat atop her opponents, Ms. Apple covered the faces of the twins, one cheek for each woman beneath her, and quickly began to smother the opposing ladies in order to put this match to a close, knowing there was little chance that the twins would fight back! They struggled, squirmed, and writhed, but there was no removing the instructor atop them, and before long, Mami would slowly pass out, fading to stillness beneath the teacher's rump, while Ami would eventually began slapping her hand against the mat, submitting to the facesitting!

"Ah, there we go! An A+ performance on my debut!" Ms. Apple cheerily exclaimed at the sound of the bell, before standing up and pushing up her glasses, a smile on her face as she briefly regarded the two women on the ground! The teacher had performed quite a feat in her debut match, taking down two opponents in a handicap match, and putting herself on the map, a promising start that signaled good things to come!

Winner Via KO/Submission: Ms. Apple!

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