Best of 5 falls by submission only
Debut for Nathalie Christiaens
Keeping that in mind, she walked the ramp, her gait somewhere between a tight strut and an easygoing glide, smacking a select few hands - no more than three or four that stretched long enough to reach her at mid-ramp. The Belgian would rather the camera catch the angles of her figure than to have three dozen arms in the way, but keeping up appearances had its value. She wanted these people to like her, appreciate her, cheer for her path to victory; the other wrestlers, not so much. There was surely a value to playing her part as the beauty who worked for their entertainment and service while she tore her way through the roster.
She would start tonight. Nathalie entered the ring, adjusting the straps of her attire and tightening the straps on her gloves before she threw a few kisses to the crowd and leaned on the top rope, and there she awaited Ossi Shamar, a name that she found didn't hold much in the way of recognition. Didn't mean she wouldn't have any skills, but Nat figured that wouldn't matter. The girl wouldn't be able to touch her bad ass; a smile worked at her lips at the thought.