Showing who is dominating Nadia vs Satsuki

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Re: Showing who is dominating Nadia vs Satsuki

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Nadia had hit the canvas hard, all she knew at that moment was that she was trapped, and when she heard those words after a tug on her bottom, she knew she was in trouble, when she felt how something was attacking her pussy, Nadia would moan in no time, she was attacking with everything she has, Nadia was trying to resist and try to do something to avoid it, but at that moment, she understood that her luck ran out, she had had her moments and opportunities, but simply the cards played this time in Satsuki's favor, Nadia was only weakly fighting, while her pussy started to drip slowly, showing that the inevitable end was approaching.

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Re: Showing who is dominating Nadia vs Satsuki

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After a solid battle, Satsuki finally had the upper hand -- hopefully once and for all! All she needed was one more push to force her opponent off the brink to a screaming orgasm! After that, just a simple pin or submission would earn her the win.

But first, she needed to finish up here -- and that's exactly what she did. Her tongue slashed up and down Nadia's wettening pussy, cutting wide swaths of spit across that precious slit before stabbing at her puffy clitoris. The drip of Nadia's essence upon her face turned into a steady stream, and then into a practical deluge of wetness. Satsuki knew Nadia was close... it was just a matter of time.

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Re: Showing who is dominating Nadia vs Satsuki

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Nadia had gone too far, as a good thing, she managed to have a lot of fun in this fight, but she couldn't take it all without looking like what a problem it all was, Nadia could feel Satsuki's tongue finishing with all her erotic resistance, until finally, Nadia buckled, and finally cumming before Satsuki's skills, tired and finished, Nadia would be totally exhausted, looking at Satsuki, she would think.
Well.... at least Satsuki didn't act disrespectful to my jokes

leaving Satsuki to decide how she wanted the fight to end.

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Re: Showing who is dominating Nadia vs Satsuki

Unread post by FreestylePoet »

"Mnnn...! Slchrp!" Satsuki drank up Nadia's cum with glee, continuing to make out with her lower lips all throughout Nadia's climax. Her tongue poked and prodded anywhere that seemed right in an attempt to prolong her orgasm. "Mmm... Hehehe!" When she pulled back, her mouth sticky with Nadia's sweetest of coatings, Satsuki couldn't help but laugh. This match was all but over. Anything else would merely be pageantry.

Satsuki rolled to the side, hoping to reverse their positions and sit upon her face. But once the pin started, Satsuki did nothing else. No grinding or anything like that. To Nadia's credit, her opponent had done a good job of arousing her during their match; the way Satsuki's bottoms were sodden proved that. But in a match like this, it made sense to treat her own orgasm like something to be earned. If Nadia wanted it, then she had to fight for it. She hadn't done that, and Satsuki wouldn't give it freely even in the name of domination.
So the pin went on without any fanfare.

"One... Two..."

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Re: Showing who is dominating Nadia vs Satsuki

Unread post by Lederface »


Finally it was all over, Nadia was defeated and barely with strength, so after her opponent had stood up, Nadia would only say to him.
we will see each other somewhere else..... And by the way, good job making this kitty meow, hahaha.

Finally Nadia would walk out of the ring, noticing that she was carrying something black in her hand

It will be a pleasure to see you elsewhere!


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Re: Showing who is dominating Nadia vs Satsuki

Unread post by FreestylePoet »

At last, the bell rang, closing the book on yet another victory in LAW. Satsuki rose, raising a fist and shaking it in the air with a beaming grin. The crowd cheered, though Satsuki thought that must have been mostly because she was standing before them topless after having just eaten a girl out -- the former of which she couldn't really change, as Nadia had swiftly made off with the jacket she'd entered the ring with.

Not that she cared. She had a dozen of those jackets back at her opponent. Still, it was nice to be recognize as the victor, even if the bout had been less seriously spirited as she might have preferred. Nadia had some skill, so overcoming it was a treat. On that satisfying note, Satsuki simply smiled and left the arena without another word.
Winner by Orgasm + Pinfall: Satsuki Hanayo

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