MIO Vs. Eileen Sommers - Softly, Softly.

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
The Ominous Future
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Re: MIO Vs. Eileen Sommers - Softly, Softly.

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Laying atop of the smaller figure, Mio had little means of escape, but given her state, Eileen had little intention to punish nor harass the girl. At least for the moment. Simply resting upon her, figure fully mattressing Mio with her sizeable breasts squishing that modest pair beneath her, the only part that Eileen did not rest fully on the girl was her head. Instead hovering it a inch or so above the smaller beauties, gazing into the eyes of the figure who she had brought herself to orgasm against, Eileen would let loose a long, heated exhale yet again that flickered across Mio's face entirely, perhaps briefly forcing her eyes to squint.

"I must say...you're one of the more complaint ones I've pressed upon...I may even keep you yet..."


Re: MIO Vs. Eileen Sommers - Softly, Softly.

Unread post by Nicia »

Mio winced as she felt Eileen's breath washing her face, the woman's words afterwards made her cheeks blushed a bit. She didn't fully understand what the redhead meant, but the hints seemed to be all there. Uneasy as she was in the presence of Eileen, right now she couldn't do anything against the woman, which only added up to her nervousness.


The Ominous Future
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Re: MIO Vs. Eileen Sommers - Softly, Softly.

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Leaning up, Mio had very evidently hit a nerve on the redhead. Well, evidently to Eileen. In the encounter thus far, the redhead had been playing more mind games than she herself could keep track of. It was a miracle Mio wasn't completely distraught with confusion at this point. From Mio's view now, she would once more be given a great view of the ample cleavage that she had been subjected to so much, with Eileen's bent posture practically bringing her bust upwards yet again to press it in Mio's face. Or so it would seem.

"...Of...course..." Shooting her words sharp and seriously, Eileen instead pressed her face down, tongue extending and tasting the flesh upon Mio's cheek and lips. "I keep my toys close..."


Re: MIO Vs. Eileen Sommers - Softly, Softly.

Unread post by Nicia »

Mio stared right into Eileen's breasts as the woman brought it oh so close to her face, blushing deep. Instead of having her features being smothered once again by those large jugs, however, her cheeks and lips were licked instead, causing her to twitch cutely and gasped. Something that Eileen said seemed to stir something inside her, keeping her gaze towards the redhead a curious one.


Given how their encounter had been so far, it might not be too surprising if Eileen considered her as a plaything. She wouldn't be the first person to do so... and most likely wouldn't be the last either given Mio's tendencies when it came to a wrestling match. Nevertheless the raven haired girl always found herself rather thrilled in a situation like this, even if she might not look like it.

The Ominous Future
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Re: MIO Vs. Eileen Sommers - Softly, Softly.

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Eileen of course had every intention to render Mio her puppet the moment the two were locked in the padded room together. Having forced the girl to orgasm many a time, and even bring herself about one if but once, Eileen had no doubt in her mind that this was to be a pet she would indeed keep close.

"Oh..? You object?" Once more switching, adopting the emotions of a woman heavily offended yet again, Eileen peeled back. Kneeling still against the figure, the light shining up behind her amplifying what she would describe to be a goddess-like aura, Eileen stroked a single finger near Mio's tummy, tilting her head in curiosity.

"You're lucky I'm even this giving...perhaps I should just make you finish yourself from now on..."


Re: MIO Vs. Eileen Sommers - Softly, Softly.

Unread post by Nicia »

Mio felt a little nervous with Eileen's reaction, whimpering slightly as she felt the woman's finger stroked her midsection, her cheeks blushed deeper. She wouldn't be completely against being a toy for the redhead honestly, it just that being around Eileen seemed to be making her uneasy almost all the time.

"N-no..." still she not taking a liking to the idea of finishing herself, at least not in a match. So for the time being, she'd let Eileen do whatever she wanted while trying to adapt to the woman's attitude. Maybe, just maybe, she'd eventually be able to find a clicking point with the redhead.

The Ominous Future
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Re: MIO Vs. Eileen Sommers - Softly, Softly.

Unread post by Devilish53 »

"No..No...if that's how it is..." Eileen roared, hands to her hips as she stood, briefly nudging her tummy against her new pet. With an idea already firmly in her mind, Eileen was somewhat committed regardless of response. "Then get in the corner...if you aren't appreciative of yours truly...then you won't get it..."

Eyes askew, Eileen kept nudging her head in the direction, keen to have Mio slide her figure as directed.


Re: MIO Vs. Eileen Sommers - Softly, Softly.

Unread post by Nicia »

Watching the towering figure of Eileen made Mio gulped, but she'd then proceed to move towards the corner. She wasn't sure about what the woman wanted to do, but it seemed like it's best to comply for the time being. Not that she could do anything if Eileen simply grabbed and dragged her to the said destination anyways. Approaching one of the beanbags, the raven haired girl just stood next to it, not sure whether the redhead wanted her to sit on it or something.

The Ominous Future
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Re: MIO Vs. Eileen Sommers - Softly, Softly.

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Mio did not have to concern herself over the issue of the beanbag for long, as Eileen's hands came to her hips. Forcibly pulling Mio in an upwards direction, albeit not at all close enough to being on her knees let alone outright on her feet, the smaller figure would soon find her cute rear dead centre of the bean bag chair. Such moment of physically was seemingly to remind the smaller beauty that whilst although having just shared an orgasm with her, Eileen was still very much the one in charge.

"Now..." Leaning over Mio, pressing her arm against the corner of the wall directly behind her, Eileen would look near directly down to match eyes with the figure. From there, her lips formed a small, evil grin, as even she could not hide the enjoyment she had from simply speaking the words, let alone seeing the actions.

"Beg me...for your next one..."
Last edited by Devilish53 on Tue Jan 02, 2018 11:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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