"Fucking witch!" yelled an audience member in the front row as he wound up to throw something. Before the ice cubes had even left the man's hands, Húxiān had already moved out of the way. Then, a crumpled hot dog wrapper hurtled towards Húxiān's head, which was summarily avoided with a quick slip to the right. Trash clattered besides her as she continued moving around. An empty can flew towards Húxiān's jaw, only to be parried as if it were a jab. Liquid splashed at Húxiān's feet as a drink cup fell short of its mark. Debris kept flying at Húxiān, but the barrage slowly decreased in intensity until finally, the fusillade of garbage had halted.
"The fuck was that? You didn't even come close!" yelled Húxiān as the last dregs of the impotent barrage landed in the ring. "Is this all you can muster up for this poor, pathetic, broken piece of trash?!" roared Húxiān as she pointed towards her victim. "This poor, pathetic excuse for a wrestler?! A wrestler who can barely even wrestle, who can't even properly defend herself?! A face who ASSAULTS REFEREES just because she gets a little pissy?!"
But the audience was sequestered behind the barriers, removed from the action, and in their mind, absolved of any responsibility. Not one audience member left their seat.
"It's her loss," scoffed Húxiān before kicking her victim towards the ring apron, as if she were nothing more than an empty can on a sidewalk. After the auburn-haired trash was situated at the edge of the ring, Húxiān would gracefully vault over the ropes and land on the ring apron. Then, Húxiān knelt down besides her prey and whispered,
"I'm going to end your career."
With that, Húxiān casually lifted her prey up into the classic piledriver position. Standing on the ring apron, Húxiān looked down at the fall below: about a meter, possibly slightly more.
Perfect, thought Húxiān. If Húxiān was lucky, the drop would paralyze or even kill her victim. Of course, people occasionally take piledrivers in LAW: there was nothing inherently deadly about that move. But there was still a small chance of an accident, given that Kotone would be landing directly on her head and neck. Húxiān knew that the chance of her actually ending Kotone's career was very slim---but hey, a girl can dream, right?
The crowd waited with bated breath as Húxiān held her victim above the cold, unyielding floor. A single step off the ring apron would send the Chinese demon's victim crashing into the ground. A team of medical personnel gathered near the side of the ring with a stretcher. The arena was silent as all eyes fixated Húxiān and her broken victim.
A twisted smile slowly appeared on Húxiān's face. The muscles in her legs relaxed as she lowered herself. Eyes widened as the audience looked on helplessly. Then, the muscles in Húxiān's legs tensed, propelling Húxiān and her victim off the ring apron and into the air as a single unit. The unit traveled upwards in an arc before reaching its zenith. For a moment, the Chinese demon and her victim were suspended motionless in midair, moving neither upwards nor downwards.
But that moment did not last long. Gravity cruelly pulled the two downwards, towards the ringside floor. The two picked up speed, two women's worth of momentum being built up. Gasps emanated from the crowd as the victim's skull drew inexorably closer to the ground. Decimeters turned into centimeters, and centimeters into millimeters. Eyes averted, mouths fell agape with shock. Hands clenched as---
The sickening sound of Kotone's skull impacting the ringside floor echoed throughout the arena, silencing the arena.