normal attire
win by making the other orgasm two times
Haley stretched in her ring gear a blue sport bra and yellow shorts with black panties under her shorts. she would already be use to hentai matches that she was actually looking forward to them now. it didn't weird her out and she felt more confident with her body. if her dad found it she would get an ear full. however she heard she was facing a tough opponent someone that been in LAW shorter then her but was very good.
she was excited as she wonder how she would do against worth while foe. Smirking she licked her lips abit and headed to the ring after she was ready. Her music cued up as she would walk out and wave to the crowd swaying her hips around to add more fan fare. she was having fun and would even lean forward and wiggle her breasts to the crowd making them pop she liked how the crowd enjoyed her breasts which she felt was her best feature. once in the ring she leaned down abit and tugged on her bra to tease the crowd giggling a little bit as she wait for Gosu who was suppose to be her opponent.