Pansy the Blonde (Debut) vs. Wisteria Khan

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Re: Pansy the Blonde (Debut) vs. Wisteria Khan

Unread post by SWLPal »

Thinking she was getting somewhere, Pansy tried to pull harder on Wisteria to weaken her some more. But then, her opponent suddenly stopped and pulled her legs back. While also breaking free from her too. Pansy was surprised by how she was giving up on the bodyscissors, but she also believed it would be an advantaged for her too.

However as she would try to pull her in closer, Wisteria then kicked into Pansy's stomach hard and sent her rolling away from her near the edge of the ring. "Ahhh!! D-damn, should've seen that one coming!" Pansy said to herself as she got back up to her feet.

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Re: Pansy the Blonde (Debut) vs. Wisteria Khan

Unread post by Bare »

After releasing the bodyscissors Wisteria rolled away fromthe blonde and onto her feet, only to come right back in with a kick to her opponet’s stomach. Luckily the blow seemed to do a good rnough trick in knocking the girl back as it forced the blonde near the ropes. Lowering herself slightly Wisteria waited till the girl woulf start to stand, and as she would Sheena would spring forward. Dashing at Pansy and picking up speed Wisteria would leap up and shoot her legs forward, attempting to land a drop kick on Pansy’s chest to try and futher damage her.

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Re: Pansy the Blonde (Debut) vs. Wisteria Khan

Unread post by SWLPal »

As she got back up, Pansy sensed something and looked to see her opponent charging at her. Thinking quickly, she dodged out the way just in the nick of time. "Heh, that was a close one. I think you gotten enough out of me for now, so let me take you for a spin this time!"

After her opponent missed, she kicked them against the ropes. Then she picks her up from behind, turns her over, and delivers a power bomb to Wisteria. "Alright then, let's try this again! Ref!" As she attempts another pin, the ref comes over and starts to count.

"One... Two..."

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