Predator Vs Prey [Constrictor Vs Drifter]

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Predator Vs Prey [Constrictor Vs Drifter]

Unread post by thesteedman »

The Constrictor Vs Drifter
Match: Standard
Victory Conditions: Pinfall, Submission, Knockout, Count out or DQ

Drifter's entrance music began to play at high volume on the PA System. Having performed mostly on house shows, many fans were aware of the homeless woman's presence and she had impressed many despite the lack of flash to her wrestling prowess... that said, she was still gaining desired attention as the crowd reacted very well to her. Many cheers and applauding began for the rookie wrestler on this match tonight.

The crowd began to cheer louder still when Drifter finally made her appearance upon the ramp. The powers that be were certainly playing things correctly by easing the young wrestler onto the main scene from the house shows, Drifter was slowly rising up to become a well known name and a face the watching crowds could get behind. Mostly due to her heroic talents to take an astonishing amount of punishment and still have plenty of swing left in her when the onslaught was over.... Drifter was wearing her usual clothes, one of the few sets she had to her name given her lack of funding.. wearing a long coat and dark jeans that had seen better days. She had her rucksack over her shoulder, already living up to the Drifter moniker she had been hoping to shift by now. It seemed that gimmick was fast becoming a mainstay... given it was reality.

As Drifter made her way down the ramp she revealed her face like nature, tagging hands and high fiving those who offered as she made her way to the ring. In no time at all she had descended the ramp, approaching the corner where she slid her rucksack out of reach that held what little belongings she had to her name. She took off her coat, revealing a white sports bra top that covered only her chest, leaving the rest of her stunning upper body exposed, her figure a sight to behold and well fine tuned over years of training and survival beyond the ring in the bad world outside. She kicked her worn out converse away, climbing into the ring bare foot, as she kept a checked shirt tucked into her jeans, making what almost looked like a waist cloak behind her.

Once in the ring after setting herself up and ready, she climbed a turnbuckle, raising her arms for the crowd who all began to cheer once more. She quite enjoyed the reaction which fashioned a smile upon her beautiful features. It was no main even reaction for her, but such a thing would come in time for the rookie if she proved to be worthy enough for the fans. Drifter was still new on the scene and considered a newcomer despite being around for a year, even if she could handle herself in a fight. Jumping down and approaching the center of the ring, Drifter began to shadow box and hop a little on the spot, warming herself up. Soon enough, the music of her opponent began to dominate the PA system, and Drifter turned in horror knowing the music all too well.

Quickly she realised... Her opponent was an established powerhouse of the LAW... The Constrictor!

"What? No... I... I thought this was a lightweight match..." Drifter gasped under her breath. It seems she had been misinformed... and all at once she realised she was put in this match as a jobber for a more heavyweight and famous wrestler... Her high spirits diminished all at once as she backed away into the far corner... watching as her opponent finally revealed herself in all of her impressive... yet threatening form!

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