The Cat's Meow - Aziza vs Mina Takemi!

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Re: The Cat's Meow - Aziza vs Mina Takemi!

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

Despite how tired she was, Aziza was aware enough to know what Mina was doing as she moved over to the corner of the ring, her foe beginning to climb in an attempt to do what Aziza did best, nabbing some high flying offense in order to really show off! However, as Aziza was a seasoned luchadora, she knew that high flying was often high risk, and that if Mina happened to miss her landing she'd be in a world of hurt, with the Dancing Panther gathering strength in order to move out of the way of her foe!

And sure enough, as Mina flew through the air, Aziza would roll out of the way, wisely choosing not to try and contest her foe at all, and letting Mina crash down onto the mat with a hefty thud! Aziza turned to inspect her opponent and the sight was exactly what she expected, Mina groaning in a heap on the canvas, with Aziza offering her a nod and a sympathetic look.

"First time?" Aziza sympathized, giving Mina a quick pat on the head in a fashion that might have seemed a bit more condescending than she intended, though she did truly mean to comfort her opponent a little bit! Of course, she did have a match to win, and so the Panther would only give Mina a slight bit more sympathy before she would turn over onto her stomach, reaching behind her and getting a handful of Mina's hair in order to re-position her head!

"Sooooo... remember when I told you were going to be buried in butt? Yeah, that's gonna be right about now!" Aziza chirped, before quickly taking Mina's face and shoving it right between her massive, plump buttcheeks! Burying the MILF's face in her buttcrack, Aziza would suddenly cross her legs behind her, over the back of Mina's head, using them as something of a harness to keep Mina's face sealed in her thick ass, commencing the smothering of a lifetime!

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Re: The Cat's Meow - Aziza vs Mina Takemi!

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The terrible agony that the mature wrestler was enduring made her swear that she wouldn't attempt such a thing again. Not until she'd had more training. What had once been a match under her control had transformed into an exercise in suffering. She struggled to breathe as the wind had been driven out of her. She could only gasp out a breathy "..Yes.." as Aziza cheekily petted her head. It was true... Aziza had likely thrown herself into this position dozens of times. It certainly made Mina admire her endurance.

Aziza ensured that Mina was on her belly. Her arms were still wrapped around it as she attempted to comfort herself. She bit her lip before looking up towards the Dancing Panther as she took control of her head. "W-wait-" She rasped. Aziza didn't!

Mina's world became ass. Only ass. "Mmnf!" She argued, far too late. Her groaning only ensured that she received Aziza's backside with an open mouth. And when Aziza locked in the reverse head-scissor, it ensured that her predicament was sealed with a kiss!

Mina was left belly down in an ocean of booty! Her arms pulled away from her belly as her palms slapped down on the luchadora's bare cheeks! Her fingers pressed into the generous flesh as she tried to by herself some space, but realistically, it resulted in little more than a massage! "Mnnnf!! MNNNN!" Mina's breath had returned, but only so that she could cry out into Aziza. Her protests unintentionally pleasuring her captor in a way that would make even the most experienced smotherer blush! It wasn't intentional... But Mina did love booty. And as her senses were failing, her subconscious was taking over. Much to Aziza's delight!

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Re: The Cat's Meow - Aziza vs Mina Takemi!

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

After poor Mina crashed and burned on the canvas following her attempt at stealing a page out of Aziza's book, the Panther and the Ring Therapist shared a moment together, Aziza patting her head lightly before shifting onto her stomach! With their cute moment only lasting a small window, Aziza was now quite focused on making sure that she would be winning this match in exactly the fashion that she had promised her gorgeous, busty opponent that she would at the very beginning!

And so it was with great glee that Aziza would take Mina and stuff her face deep between the Dancing Panther's soft, round buttcheeks, burying her foe's pretty face in her ass, before crossing her legs behind Mina's head! Aziza's legs served as something of a harness to keep Mina's face smothered deep in her ass, and despite the woman's muffled protests, Aziza was not swayed at all!

"Awww, you look so adorable with your face in my ass Mina! Just relax and enjoy it, I know you wanna!" Aziza teased, her foe pushing and pawing at her thick buttcheeks, only serving to grope and massage Aziza's ass! But she did also happen to offer a bit of pleasure thanks to her hot breaths and loud moans into Aziza's ass!

"Mmm! Heeeh... not bad, but you're still not getting out! Best to just snuggle into your 'pillows' and get comfortable!" Aziza chirped, wiggling her ass and jiggling her plump buttcheeks against her foe's face!

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Re: The Cat's Meow - Aziza vs Mina Takemi!

Unread post by SuckerPunch »

For all of her bluster, the end result had been her face down in an ocean of ass! The head-scissor smother was perhaps even more humiliating than a face sit. The position left both women on their bellies and gave the illusion that Mina was almost there by choice. Face first in her partners backdoor. Her hands against Aziza's rump caressed and massaged the supple flesh as she was beginning to feel her strength fade. The feet that had been kicking were now idly lashing out.

The leverage Aziza's legs gave upon the back of Mina's neck kept her trapped! Her mouth opened in a muffled cry of pain. "Nnnn! MMFFF!" The whimper filled the beautiful woman from behind. It was the most intimate suffering of her life. She could feel herself running out of air from the booty-choke. Her eyes were beginning to roll up and hers tongue lolling out. The consequence of that being that it was pressed sensually to Aziza's secret entrance.

When Aziza began to wiggle her ass, the result was that the fading Ring Therapist was unintentionally eating Aziza's ass. Her whimpering and extended tongue teasing and pleasing the woman hotly. Every quiver and shake of her hips bringing a new stimulation.

And as Mina's breathing slowed towards unconsciousness, she stopped struggling entirely. Her fingers pressed into Aziza's plump posterior in submissive enjoyment rather than desperate struggle! Her moans moved from agony to intoxication. Aziza could feel the kisses the skilled milf was placing upon her. If not for her attire, they would be within her!

"Hnnnn... Mmmmm... Schlrp!"

And then her feet went still. Her hands rolled off of Aziza's hind-quarters. And she was left unmoving, face down, ass up and with her mouth full of Aziza.

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Re: The Cat's Meow - Aziza vs Mina Takemi!

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

With Mina's face wedged firmly in between her massive, round buttcheeks, Aziza's legs crossed behind her foe's neck and pushed her deep into the Dancing Panther's ass, leaving Mina locked in something effectively akin to a smother harness, with Aziza's powerful legs being the thing holding her down! The Ring Therapist and Aziza had agreed on one thing in this match, and it was becoming very much a reality as Mina Takemi was getting the whole faceful of booty that she was promised, only it hadn't been at her whim as she had wished, but was instead Aziza's way to cap off her performance here and give her foe the ass smothering of a lifetime, sealing Mina's face in her plump cheeks!

Mina's muffled moans and groans were music to her foe's ears, and Aziza hid her blush as Mina's tongue slipped out of her mouth, teasing at Aziza's scarcely covered ass, giving the Dancing Panther a bit of intensive licking to her rear! Fans could scarcely hear the lewd sounds coming from Mina but Aziza could certainly feel them, wiggling her ass a bit as if to give her foe even more of the beautiful, massive booty that she had right now!

"That's right... there we go..." Aziza coo'd, almost in a singsong voice, lulling Mina to a peaceful slumber within her chocolate cheeks, feeling her foe plant a few submissive kisses on her nethers before passing out!

With a smile showing wide and bright on her face, Aziza would wiggle her ass, her plump cheeks jiggling against an unconscious Mina as her legs relaxed, releasing the back of Mina's head and letting her simply rest! But as the referee went to stand Aziza up to declare her the victor, Aziza shook her head no, motioning her to kneel down and raise her arm while she rested, putting a finger over her lips and shushing the referee!

"She's sleeping! Don't wake her up!" The cheeky luchadora whispered, reaching back to give Mina's head a pat as she basked in her victory, putting another impressive win under her belt!

Winner via Smother KO: Aziza!

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