Sauna Match: Heather Sunderland vs Alyssa Monroe

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Sauna Match: Heather Sunderland vs Alyssa Monroe

Unread post by TiefBlau »

Sauna Match
Victory by Submission or KO

"Haah..well..this is unique.." Heather stood in the..'arena' for the match that she was about to have, eyeing the cameras around that seemed to be specially made to be able to capture all that would happen in here. She stood with her hands on her hips, a blacktowel around her waist just for the whole..feeling and effect of the whole thing. She had a black two-piece bikini beneath it with a purple outline. It was one that covered her breasts and butt almost fully, Heather nodding to herself a couple times as she looked around the place.

It was quite the unique sauna for sure! The air was already quite a bit heated, a long breath coming from Heather's mouth as she stood on the mats that were laid out, almost looking like water was spilled on them with how moist they were from the steam. The rest was just a usual sauna--a bench--the coals...all of it laid out for them, a room of wooden walls and floors that lie underneath the mats that were laid out. She tapped her bare foot atainst the mat a couple times, already feeling the heat really hitting her.

"S..something else honestly.." She let out, a deep breath coming from her mouth that pushed her chest out and back in. It was..a bit of a sensual feeling..and from what she's seen, neither her nor her opponent were exactly cut out for the whole..sensual thing..this was going to be more than interesting.
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Re: Sauna Match: Heather Sunderland vs Alyssa Monroe

Unread post by Devastated »

Alyssa wasn't too sure about this match, she'd never fought in a sauna before, it felt doubt this was just an excuse for people to see her and another girl in swimsuits getting all sweaty. The young Brit had a white towel covering her waist down to her knees, as she walked into the sauna and felt the heat hit her skin. It was moist and hot and she could already feel how she'd become sweaty in a matter of seconds. Shaking her head a little as she walked in and looked at the mats laid out around the wooden floor.

Alyssa would look on at the purple haired woman who had been chosen as her opponent. She'd tilt her head a bit as she'd remove her towel and toss it to the side, revealing a black two-piece bikini with red straps. She'd walk up towards her opponent and stand right in front of her. This Heather was a bit taller than her, and bigger in general. However...that hadn't stopped Alyssa from beating up people before.

" I guess you're the one who asked for this kinda match huh? Not confident about taking me on in the ring?" Alyssa teased as she would poke her finger into Heather's more generous chest.

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