Ossi Shamar (Debut) vs Scarlet Tokoyama (Debut)

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Re: Ossi Shamar (Debut) vs Scarlet Tokoyama (Debut)

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Ossi's eyes rolled as the chokehold was briefly tightened, cutting off her air, before relaxing slightly as Scarlet spoke into her ear. A faint squeak escaped Ossi's lips as Scarlet gave her the words to say. It was utterly shameful, but there was nothing the Syrian heiress could do about it.

"Yes... gnnhh... please," Ossi whimpered out desperately, her pride totally broken by Scarlet's dominance. "Put me... to sleep... hnghh... I beg you!" Her arms flopped limply down by her sides as she gave up her useless struggles, now with nothing to do but wait for Scarlet to finish off the match. She had been utterly destroyed, now paying the price for her earlier arrogance.

Hit me up on Discord if you have any match ideas - arktriumph66#8743

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Re: Ossi Shamar (Debut) vs Scarlet Tokoyama (Debut)

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Scarlet grins a bit to herself as she intensifies her chokehold, going for a complete pass out of Ossi , waiting for her to completely go limb and unconcious due to the force of the sleeper hold.
"Hmm, okay then, i think i had my fun for today."
Whispering to Ossi's ear, as Scarlet verifies she broke her in every possible way she could think of in a public setting.

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Re: Ossi Shamar (Debut) vs Scarlet Tokoyama (Debut)

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Ossi didn't offer any resistance as Scarlet seemed to tire of torturing her, squeezing the sleeper hold tight again against the defeated Syrian. Ossi's eyes fluttered for a moment, mouth opening and closing stupidly as she was slowly choked out.

Eventually her eyes rolled back in her skull before drifting shut, and Ossi's body sagged limply in Scarlet's grip as she slid into merciful unconsciousness, having been utterly dominated in the ring.

Hit me up on Discord if you have any match ideas - arktriumph66#8743

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Re: Ossi Shamar (Debut) vs Scarlet Tokoyama (Debut)

Unread post by Boredom »

Win by KO to Scarlet, finishing Ossi off with a Sleeper Hold

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