No Holds Barred Hentai Match - POW Rules
Victory Conditions: Victory is achieved by Hentai Submission. Anything is legal in this match up. Loser becomes the winner's POW for 24 hours.
I Like It Rough (Blixx Mix) by Lady Gaga hit and a spotlight appeared on Vanessa I. Price as she walked out on the stage wearing a long black jacket and sunglasses. Camera's flashed as various people all came up to the stage to take her picture like a mock paparazzi as she cracked a small smile, posing for them in a practiced and subtle manner. The crowd rained boos on VIP, absolutely loathing the blonde as the red carpet was being rolled out for her, allowing her to make her way down to the stage, unfazed by the crowd's noise.
After making her way to the ring steps, she walked up them and demanded the referee hold the ropes open for her. Upon doing so, Vanessa stepped through the ropes and made her way to the middle of the ring, arms out as the crowd got louder. The fashionista took off her sunglasses, regarding the crowd silently before finally slowly taking off her jacket, revealing her tight black bikini, complete with a collar and tiny tie that rested between her breasts. Her body fit the outfit nicely, being very fit, but very lean.