Broken Bones, Broken Hearts - Renee Steinhauser vs Kaelyn Williams

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Broken Bones, Broken Hearts - Renee Steinhauser vs Kaelyn Williams

Unread post by ReneeCockyUndercard »

Match Type: Hentai “Scream My Name” Match
Stipulations/Rules: All sex moves in the match are legal. There are no DQ and the only way to win is to have your opponent scream out your name. If Renee loses, she breaks up with Jacob and leaves Kaelyn and co alone. If Kaelyn loses, she has to accept Jacob and Renee dating and leave them alone.

Renee would be sitting in her locker room. She would be joined by Phoebe and Jacob. She was wearing her red bikini and knew that before the match starts, she had to strip down nude and get ready for war. Renee also wasn’t 100% healthy, still needing to wear her back brace to keep her back in check. She knew Kaelyn would target her back. She just had to maintain her vigilance and hope to get the win and make Kaelyn scream out her name.
Renee turned to Phoebe with some determination on her face.

“I’m hoping I can pull out a win against her as always. But what do you guys think? Can I actually beat Kaelyn for good or will this be the last time talking in this locker room?”

Phoebe: “Of course you can win this. Remember, she hasn’t trained that hard for this match. You can basically wipe the floor with her in that ring. You just have to be careful when she has you behind your back.”

Renee gave Phoebe a fist bump and got pumped up for her match.
Last edited by ReneeCockyUndercard on Tue Jun 27, 2023 11:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Broken Bones, Broken Hearts - Renee Steinhauser vs Kaelyn Williams

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Renee was sitting in her locker room with Hannah, Sophie and surprisingly Janelle. "So you contracted me just to be your little body guard against Phoebe?" Janelle asked cracking her knuckles. "If she decides to involve herself when Renee's back inevitably gives in, yes" Hannah replied crossing her arms. "And Janelle if you ever attack me again I'll have Hannah here giving you a back injury of your own" Kaelyn said as she looked in the mirror naked. "Keep your mouth shut towards me and you won't have to worry about it" Janelle replied. Sophie quietly sneaked out of the room to go find Renee and company to support her through this important match. "So Sophie are you ready to see.... Where did she go?" Kaelyn asked looking around. "Eh we will find her eventually" Hannah said as the three of them got ready in the locker room.


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Re: Broken Bones, Broken Hearts - Renee Steinhauser vs Kaelyn Williams

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Renee would see Sophie coming across the hallway and stopped her.

Renee: “Woah. What’s going on with you?”

After hearing that she wanted to find her and support her, Renee giggled.

Renee: “Alright. But you have to come a few seconds after I come out.”

Soon, Renee’s music would hit as she sighed and got ready to remove her bikini. Once she came out after the beat drop, she would walk to the ring and then slid inside it. She hyped up the crowd before removing her top. The crowd cheered for her even more and the whole crowd popped after she dropped the panties and waited for Kaelyn to show her ugly face.
Last edited by ReneeCockyUndercard on Wed Jun 28, 2023 12:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Broken Bones, Broken Hearts - Renee Steinhauser vs Kaelyn Williams

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Kaelyn walked out of the locker room already naked for her match as she waited for her music to start as she put her arms around Hannah and Janelle. Janelle immediately took Kaelyn's arm off her and gave Kaelyn a dirty look as they walked out hearing Kaelyn's theme playing.
Kaelyn's Theme
Nude Kaelyn
Kaelyn took her arm off Hannah as she made a few sexy poses for the camera's to the cheers of a few people in the crowd before putting her arm back around Hannah as the three of them walked to the ring with Hannah and Janelle taking there place at ringside as Kaelyn walked up the steel steps and stepping between the ropes pausing the a moment to shake her ass for the camera and then entering and going to her corner and looking Renee up and down. "You know we are supposed to be bare naked" Kaelyn said referring to Renee's back brace as she crossed her arms making an unamused face.
Last edited by Sigma Morgan on Tue Jun 27, 2023 11:49 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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Re: Broken Bones, Broken Hearts - Renee Steinhauser vs Kaelyn Williams

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Renee looked unamused as well.

“Honey. From all that weight you put on after I embarrassed you the last time we fought, I recommend you put on a shirt. Nobody in this crowd wants to see some ugly chubby girl wrestle naked against me.”
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Re: Broken Bones, Broken Hearts - Renee Steinhauser vs Kaelyn Williams

Unread post by Sigma Morgan »

"Chubby huh?" Kaelyn said walking up to Renee before giving her a hard slap across the face before backing up. "Take off the fucking brace, those are the rules are they not ref?" Kaelyn asked with an amused smile.
Last edited by Sigma Morgan on Tue Jun 27, 2023 11:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: Broken Bones, Broken Hearts - Renee Steinhauser vs Kaelyn Williams

Unread post by ReneeCockyUndercard »

The referee agreed with Kaelyn and asked Renee to remove her back brace.

Renee sighed and would remove her back brace. She then tossed it to the side and flexed on the crowd in the nude.
Renee then looked at Kaelyn with anger. “You happy now you fat cow?”
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Re: Broken Bones, Broken Hearts - Renee Steinhauser vs Kaelyn Williams

Unread post by Sigma Morgan »

"I saw that little red bikini you have outside the ring, I'll be sure to take those as a trophy along with your dignity when I win" Kaelyn taunted. "Make sure you don't strain yourself flexing before the match begins. Kaelyn added as she waited stretched waiting for the bell to ring.


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Re: Broken Bones, Broken Hearts - Renee Steinhauser vs Kaelyn Williams

Unread post by ReneeCockyUndercard »

Once the bell rung, both opponents exploded out of the turnbuckle. Renee would be faster however as she grappled her and started punching her when she transitioned the grab into a headlock.

“Aww. What’s the matter now? You aren’t talking while I’m punching you.”
Renee’s Undercarders

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Re: Broken Bones, Broken Hearts - Renee Steinhauser vs Kaelyn Williams

Unread post by Sigma Morgan »

Kaelyn struggled as Renee put her in a headlock before trying to push Renee back into a corner back first hoping the sudden pressure would get Renee to release the hold.


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