Smother Match for the LAW Middleweight Championship: Victory to be awarded by KO'ing the opponent with a smother. There will be no disqualifications. The winner will become or remain LAW Middleweight Champion.
Lillian Byrne
Ember Sykes
Last edited by winner3 on Fri Jul 14, 2023 1:07 am, edited 3 times in total.
Links to stuff I wish more people would read General Wrestling Knowledge Primer<-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more
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The time had finally come. After weeks of build up, Ember's chance had finally arrived. It seemed not too long ago she was a pint-sized rookie that no one really had any expectations for. Now she was about to take centre stage in a match against one of her long time idols! In a few short moments, Ember would face Lillian Bryne in the ring, an honor she never thought she would get to experience! Thanks to a bit of savvy behind the scenes work between both participants, the hype had been building for weeks about the matchup between one of LAW's rising stars and and one of its most accomplished veterans!
Her music started to play, and Ember took one last deep breath for herself. "Showtime," she whispered with a smile, before taking those first steps out into the arena. Emerging from backstage, Ember was greeted by a chorus of cheers from a excited audience. It was the biggest turnout for a match that Ember had ever seen in her careerIt made Ember grin wide, having never received such a reaction before, and she knew right away that all the buzz she and Lillian had whipped up had been worth it! She was clad in her usual, unorthodox attire consisting of white t-shirt and tight fitting yoga pants, under which a tiny black thong was poking out from her wide hips. Though unusual, this look was starting to become iconic for the purple haired woman.
Once near enough Ember would climb up the ring apron and slowly slide her way through the middle ropes, but not before purposefully giving the audience a good long view of her big Lycra covered ass that her Instagram followers loved to see! Heading to the ring center Ember would flex a double bicep pose, earning her a cheering ovation from the watching crowd before she headed for her corner. From there she would begin to stretch in last minute prep for the upcoming match. This was the match of Ember's life and she was going to give 110% in order to emerge victorious!
Also, she was secretly ecstatic to see Lillian again! Though she and the brunette had put up quite a show of feuding, that had all been for the audience's sake and for building up hype! The whole incident of her smothering the champ unconscious in her dressing room had certainly done the trick, and she couldn't wait until Lillian saw just how successful their efforts had been!
Lillian was angry. That was nothing new really, Lillian had felt plenty of anger towards past opponents who had come after her title, plenty of them earning the ire of the brunette thanks to smart mouths or nasty backstage brawls, but this one had turned out quite a bit different. Ember hadn't been a mouthy challenger, someone willing to try and stamp on Lillian verbally or physically, but rather someone chosen by the fans, and in addition to that, a super fan of the champion herself, a surprise to Lillian! But Ember's eagerness to hype up their match had led to perhaps the most humiliating thing the champ had experienced in a while, a healthy helping of Ember's bare ass in her face, while her mouth was stuffed with a thong, all as the LAW crowd watched online!
It had been bad enough that it had happened to her, but when she had woken up and had to deal with the fallout of that being posted online, it all meant that she had been waiting for a chance to right this wrong! And she'd get a chance to do so when the night finally rolled around, and the title challenge would be set to take place. It seemed like a great time for revenge, but there was one last little wrinkle, a proverbial cherry on top to make Lillian even angrier... and it was none other than the stipulation of the match itself!
When the champion appeared at the top of the ramp, she had her title wrapped proudly around her waist, letting the reaction of the fans wash over her, both positive and negative! Lillian herself wasn't exactly focused on the reception she got, as instead she began to make her way down to the ring, a glare fixed on Ember the entire time! The champion looked every bit as scary as she usually did, and as she slipped into the ring upon arriving down to it, she'd stomp her way over to Ember, getting nice and close to the challenger, even going so far as to grab her shirt!
"Alright you little pervert, who the hell did you pay off to make this a smother match?!" Lillian hissed, veins in her neck bulging as the referee tentatively attempted to separate her from Ember, with Lillian nearly snarling like a dog at the prospect! It was a humiliating prospect, Lillian needing to use her curvy figure to KO her foe, a lewder aspect of wrestling that she usually didn't go near! But now she had no choice, and failing to do so meant that it would be happening to her instead, resulting in a humiliating repeat of her booty induced nap and her title being lost! And so as Lillian was angrily dragged away by the referee her eyes remained locked on her smaller foe, with Ember left to interpret this however she wanted! And given how she had done so last time, intimidation likely wouldn't be on Lillian's side at all here!
Oh God, this was it! Lillian's music was blaring over the loud speakers! It was the same music Ember had heard dozens of times before when she had watched Lillian's matches online or on television! That in itself wasn't unusual of course. It more about Ember coming to terms that this was actually, one hundred percent happening! In a way, this whole match didn't become real for Ember until she heard that music; until it was signaled that Lillian Bryne was actually coming! That Ember was about to fight her in this ring for the actual Middleweight championship belt! It was all hitting Ember all at once, but to the shorty's credit, she somehow managed to keep her composure, though her heart was thumping in her chest as she waited for Lillian to arrive!
And arrive she did, with all the spectacle and hype that accompanied a champion of LAW! The Middleweight belt hung from her hips, and with the arena lights catching on it, Lillian looked like she was literally glowing! Ember had watched Lillian Bryne make her entrance dozens of times. It was a completely different experience it as her opponent! Ember was nervous, excited, and starstruck all at the same time! Lillian was even doing her trademark 'angry face' for her! Actually, it was becoming apparent the closer she came, that she looked a little more angry than she usually did!
It wasn't until Ember had her shirt grabbed by an irate Lillian that the shorty realized that maybe the champ had something else in mind! Ember's blue eyes went wide when she was pulled in close enough to Lillian that she could have kissed her in she wanted to! It made the heat rise to Ember's face before the ref promptly went to separate the two of them! It took Ember a second to ponder just why Lillian was acting this way, until the realization hit her that Lillian was just continuing the act they were putting on of them being hated enemies! Of course an experienced veteran like Lillian would be thinking of both publicity and the match at the same time, and now she was expecting Ember to play along!
Putting on her best arrogant look and hiding her giddiness, Ember would gesture to be handed a mic! The ref would quickly oblige after ensuring that Lillian wouldn't make another rush on Ember, and would hand the shorter woman the mic!
"I had nothing to do with it," Ember said into the mic, which would amplify her voice loud enough that the whole arena could hear it! "I guess after that video of mine, people just like seeing you suffer in my butt!" The video in question, which involved Ember breaking into Lillian Bryne's dressing room and smothering her in the most humiliating of manners, had already been viewed millions of times, which was probably why most of the arena started to laugh in response to Ember's taunt! "By the way, thanks for bringing your belt with you. It made such an effective smother harness last time! Can't wait to use it again once it's officially mine!" Ember would then fix Lillian with the best, shit-eating grin she could come up with, putting on quite the show for the now rowdy audience!
Walking to the ring in such a way that nearby audience members visibly shrank back for fear of getting in her way and catching some of her wrath, Lillian would soon arrive at the squared circle, and at no time at all she'd be inside of it, marching towards Ember with a enraged look! And when she got close, it soon became apparent what all her wrath was about, as she snatched the shorty by the shirt and pulled her in close, looking ready to do her best to fling Ember from the ring, as she pointedly questioned her about the stipulations! The referee would step in between them and pull Lillian away, but the question had been posed, and as Ember motioned for a microphone, it became clear that everyone was going to get an answer!
Lillian had just been successfully moved away from her opponent when Ember's voice suddenly rang out for all in attendance to hear, as the purple haired beauty would go ahead and began speaking, and if Lillian was mad before, nobody had seen anything yet! From the very first mention of the video of Lillian's face wedged in Ember's ass, to mentioning the champion's belt being used to harness her face to booty, and the final declaration, by the time she was done, Lillian was nearly climbing over the referee, with the official fighting off the snarling champion as best she could!
"YOU'RE DEAD! YOU'RE SO DEAD! I WILL PUT YOU THROUGH THE RING!" Came the howls from Lillian as she was restrained, absolutely livid by everything that she said, doubly so because of the stinging truth behind it! Still, she was eventually pacified, and while she was still looking ready to charge, she eventually managed to calm down enough to grip the ropes on either side of her, as if holding herself back! But now, she was so completely ready to start this match and let out all that pent up rage!
"RING THE BELL!" She hollered one final time, her grip on the ropes tightening as she stamped the mat, almost like a bull signaling it's intent to charge, and all that was left was for Ember's consent, and the bell to ring, and they'd be underway!
Oh wow! Lillian was really selling it tonight! After Ember had requested the mic and delivered her over-the-top message over the loud speakers, the champ looked absolutely livid! Ember knew bringing up the video they had collabed on was the right move since practically everyone who follows LAW had seen it by now! The image of Lillian Bryne, stuffed with a mouthful of Ember's thong underwear before being smothered unconscious in her naked butt had just the polarizing effect they had been hoping for! Now from an outsiders perspective, they actually looked like heated rivals!
"Aw, don't be so cross, Lil," Ember said into the mic, assuming the role of arrogant challenger yet again in she believed to be a mutual performance. "I'll even let you kiss the belt goodbye when you lose it. Just make sure you save those save those lips of yours for when you kiss my booty!" With that, Ember would figuratively and literally drop the mic, which another official would hurriedly correct since the ref had her hands full stopping Lillian from jumping on Ember and tearing her limb from limb! God, such a good performer!
Assuming her position in her corner, Ember did a few last minute stretches while she collected her thoughts. This was it. In a few short seconds she would be in the match of her life. Not only against the Middleweight champ, but against a woman Ember had the utmost respect and admiration for! The shorty was ready. This was her moment to prove that not only did she belong here, but she belonged at the top!
The bell would soon ring and the match was officially underway! Grinning, Ember would step out of her corner and proceed to the center of the mat. It was time face her biggest challenge yet!
Livid would have been a relatively tame word to describe how Lillian was feeling right now, as all the anger that she had carried into the ring with her thanks to her encounter with Ember before this had doubled now from the purple haired woman getting a microphone and beginning to speak! Ember's bold and brash claims of how she was going to take her title, as well as calling everyone's attention to what had happened the last time they had met, Lillian being smothered out cold under naked ass after having Ember's thong shoved in her mouth, the brunette was ready to rip her challenger apart! The referee managed to get Lillian back to her corner, but Ember continued on as she doubled down on her intent to take Lillian's title, and even told Lillian that after she had kissed her ass, she'd be able to kiss her title goodbye, and that nearly caused another outburst!
However, instead of that, Lillian had grabbed hold of the ropes on either side of her, restraining herself and snarling as she dragged her foot against the canvas, glowering at Ember as the shorty soaked in the moment! It almost looked like Lillian had gone numb to what Ember was saying, because as the purple haired woman began to do some light stretching, the brunette didn't move from her position, head lowered and glaring at Ember!
But when the bell finally rang to start the match, Ember would take about two steps before the last little bit of Lillian's restraint completely broke, signaled by a thunderous roar from the champion!
"YOU! ARE! DEAD!" Lillian screamed, before she suddenly burst from the corner, her feet somehow not tearing up the canvas as she sprinted across the ring towards Ember as fast as she possibly could, pure anger fueling her onwards towards the smaller woman! And in a flash, once Lillian had closed the distance, she threw herself at Ember with as much force as she could manage, looking to damn near spear the shorty in half as she attempted to throw her shoulder into the challenger's stomach with as much force as humanly possible!
The ringing of the bell would signal the beginning of the match, as well as the beginning of Ember's dream come true! Here she was, center stage, about to go toe-to-toe with one of the best talents in pro wrestling, for nothing less than one of the highest honors in LAW! It had taken a lot of work to get to this point, both in and out of the ring, but as she stood here basking in the cheers of the crowd, she knew it was worth it! The pint-sized wrestler would look across the ring at Lillian, seeing that she was just as raring to go as she was! Why, looked like she was ready to launch herself out of her corner like a rocket! She even had that fake furious look on her face for her fans! Classic Lillian Bryne!
Ember stepped out of her corner the moment she heard the bell, ready to take whatever the champ threw at her! Much as she liked Lillian, she was going to do whatever it takes to try and take her down and claim her title! Ember was sure the brunette understood that. After all, Lillian had been so supportive of Ember so far! Enough that she had been willing to debase herself in that video they produced!
"Alright, let's get this show on the-" Ember's opening match declaration would be cut short by the primal scream that erupted from Lillian's mouth, with the champ bursting out of her corner like a bat outta hell, charging straight at Ember! "Eep!" Ember couldn't help but squeak! The look on Lillian's face was one that could kill! It was in that moment, the shorty understood what it was to have the champ as her opponent; and exciting yet terrifying experience!
But Ember wasn't about to back down from this challenge; not when she had come this far! So while Lillian charged at her, Ember stood her ground! As the champ drew close to try and spear the shorty into next week, Ember would suddenly roll backwards! She would aim to use Lillian's own momentum against her by grabbing her by the collar, planting her foot on her chest, then throwing her backwards with a monkey flip! Lillian would be sent sailing behind Ember, and since the gal had barely taken two steps out of her corner, Lillian would collide back-first with post as well! If Ember was lucky, Lillian might even end up in the tree of woe position!
If there was any chance that Lillian would have taken a more measured approach to this match, especially a title affair that would determine if the brunette managed to remain champion, it was all gone after Ember had take the opportunity to drop some pre-match trash talk! Lillian was basically seeing red as she stamped in the corner, and once the bell rang, all bets were off as she lowered her shoulders and charged towards Ember as fast as she possibly could, all with the intent to crush her! A spear like this would have nearly broke Ember in half from the sheer force that Lillian planned to put behind it, but of course, a charge this reckless could also have dire consequences if it backfired!
Of course, surely there was no way that this would actually backfire, right? That was certainly not on Lillian's mind as she flung herself at the smaller woman, but sure enough, Ember was suddenly leaning backwards, going all the way back down onto her back and out of the way of the brunette! And what was more, she managed to grab hold of Lillian's collar, and with a sudden boot to her stomach, all of Lillian's momentum was used against her as she was launched overhead with a monkey flip from Ember to deftly avoid her charge!
"What the fuuuuaaaaaaaah!" Lillian cried, profanity turning into a scream as she was suddenly flipped upside down, before she would come against the turnbuckle in a nasty collision!
"AAUGH! Uuugh..." Lillian cried out in pain as she slammed into the buckles, hitting them upside down after being flipped, and dropping suddenly, though she was perhaps saved in a happenstance! Instead of landing on her head, her legs happened to hook over the turnbuckles, and she would instead end up hung upside down from the ropes in the corner, in a classic tree of woe position! Which upon further inspection, might not be so lucky in a few moments!
As a big fan of Lillian, Ember had spent a long time studying the woman's moves and tactics, even before she had decided to become a pro wrestler! She never imagined she'd be using that knowledge in an actual match against Lillian herself! It was fortunate she had it though, cause thanks to that, Ember knew just how she was going to win! She knew Lillian was a hard hitter and could be a tad reckless in her attacks, and it just so happened that purple-haired gal was something was an expert when it came redirecting such attacks! Being the shortest wrestler on the LAW roster meant that Ember had to come up with ways to use her opponent's strength an size against them, which she would demonstrate after Lillian's mad charge!
With precise timing, Ember would roll backwards with Lillian and use her foot to launch her through the air, sending her flying into the corner behind her! The shorty would quickly roll to her feet afterwards and she would see the results of her counter attack! Not only had Lillian collided with the corner post, but the angle at which Ember had flung her would have the champ's legs hooked over the ropes ropes; a classic tree of woe position! In the first seconds of the match, Lillian would be hung up like a piece of laundry in a rather embarrassing display. Though, in Ember's opinion, Lillian could be in any position and she would still look cool!
"Phew, close one!" Ember gasped in relief. There was no doubt in the shorty's mind that if that spear had hit her, it would have taken her out completely! "You almost had me there Lillian! But I told you I came here to win, and I know you wouldn't have it any other way!"
After that declaration, Ember would move to take a few steps back from Lillian and the corner she hung from, putting a bit more distance between them! Once Ember had achieved the distance she needed, she would flash a mischievous grin before charging straight for that corner again! For a moment, it looked like Ember was about to perform the very spear that Lillian had failed to achieve! Until, at the last second, the shorty would suddenly jump through the air and spin herself around! It soon became all too clear that Ember was aiming a hip attack on the stuck champion, aiming to crash her heavy booty directly into Lillian's upturned face!