Sparkling Idol Barbara vs Sasha Mellows - Hentai Toys Match

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Sparkling Idol Barbara vs Sasha Mellows - Hentai Toys Match

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Hentai Toys Match: The ring and ringside area are littered with an abundance of various sex toys.
Victory to be awarded via climax.

Last edited by winner3 on Thu Sep 01, 2022 5:21 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Sparkling Idol Barbara vs Sasha Mellows - Hentai Toys Match

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Sasha could barely keep the smile off of her face as she hopped on one foot to the other. Not only was she on a beautiful cruise ship that she was allowed to vacation on before her match. But she was also slated for a match in LAW’s newest Pay-Per-View! This only told her just how far she had come since joining the company and she couldn’t be more excited!

And despite living on an island for most of her life, Sasha had never been of a ship this luxurious before! Wrestlers such as her were even given their own first class rooms to relax before or after their matches. And when they reach their destination, a very own bungalow on the water for them to live in. It was if this was all a dream come true for the Hawaiian! Already enjoying much of the excitements the ship had to offer.

And yet the biggest show had yet to come. For soon enough the PPV would begin and Sasha was asked to get ready for her match. She tried to ask Lewis who it was she would be facing, or what type of match it even was. But her diminutive manager had kept her very much in the dark on the matter. Only saying that it was a very special match against someone she’s met before. “A good friend” he stated. One who was very excited to meet her.

Well then Sasha was excited to meet her as well! For soon enough her theme music would begin to play out and she stepped into the open air of the flight deck to a chorus of excited screams! The ring was situated in the very center of the deck, right underneath the hot sun. Wind with a taste of sea salt brushed against the Hawaiians face as she made her way to the ring. Her arms lifting into the air to give the crowd a mighty flex!

She was tempted to put on her bikini for this match, but eventually decided against it in favor of her already revealing black sportswear with green highlights. Stepping inside of the ring with a flourish, Sasha would give one final flex before stepping back into her corner and waiting for her mysterious opponent to arrive.
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Re: Sparkling Idol Barbara vs Sasha Mellows - Hentai Toys Match

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After Sasha made her entrance, the lights around the arena dimmed, and a hush came over the buzz of the crowd. They all knew something Sasha didn't, namely the identity of her opponent, and they were eager to see her entrance. For this kind of special occasion no doubt she was going to put on a spectacular show. Big spotlights from high up on the cruise ship suddenly illuminated the entrance ramp, as a very familiar figure made her way onto the ramp. It was Sparkling Idol Barbara! The idol wasn't wearing her usual idol attire, instead opting for something much more summery and suitable for a vacation. She had on a very cute blue one-piece and a frilly frock, a cute little hat perched at an angle on her head, her feet clad in sandals. The idol waved to the crowd, smiling and blowing them a few kisses, before her entrance music began to play.
The idol's upbeat song and dance routine got the crowd cheering and bopping along to the beat. Barbara really got into her performance, giving it her all as she danced along to her music, her enthusiasm buoyed up by the appreciation of the crowd. When her song finished, thunderous applause and cheers filled the cruise ship, as everyone watching eagerly cheered her on. Barbara waved and smiled, then gave everyone a quick bow before disappearing backstage for a moment. She was only gone for a second before emerging in the attire she chose for this match, eliciting another cheer from the crowd when they saw how cute yet naughty the idol looked in her outfit.
As the idol walked down the ramp, a small crowd of her fans began came down with her. They were easily discernable with all the Barbara merchandise they wore. And, oddly enough, all of them were girls. Barbara looked like she was at the head of her posse as she made her way down the ramp! They didn't follow her into the ring though, instead fanning out behind her after she got up to the ring steps, spreading out and surrounding the ring in front of the typical barricade that separated the wrestlers from the crowd.

Barbara took a microphone in hand after climbing into the ring. "Thank you everyone for coming out tonight!" Barbara said, "I especially want to thank all my superfans as well for all your support! Because of your generosity, tonight you all get special seats for this match!" The idol grinned as she turned to Sasha. "And, of course, should either Sasha or myself fall out of the ring, you get to participate in the match as well!"

"That's right everyone! Tonight, we're doing a very special match!" She unzipped the bag she brought with her, allowing all the sex toys she brought to come tumbling out, rolling all over the ring. "We are going to do a Hentai Toys Lumberjill match!" The crowd went wild as Barbara turned to Sasha with a grin.

"Hey Sasha!" she said, "Fancy meeting you here again! Let's have lots of fun tonight, just like that time at the gym!"

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Re: Sparkling Idol Barbara vs Sasha Mellows - Hentai Toys Match

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Sasha hopped on the balls of her feet as she stretched her arms across body. Rolling her neck across her shoulders, Sasha would think about her mysterious opponent. Lewis was a little short on the details, only saying how it was someone she should know immediately but not someone she’s ever had a match with. So that told the powerlifter that her opponent was someone famous, but not one she personally met.

At least, that’s what she thought.

Spotlights would suddenly shine across the air! Spinning around wildly before all landing on the entrance of the ramp. Where upon a figure very familiar to the Hawaiian stepped out. Her small frame and golden blonde hair was all that was needed for Sasha to recognize just who it was coming out of the curtain, microphone in hand. Almost immediately she could feel her body stiffen, eyes widening and a familiar heated hue brushing across her cheeks.

Suddenly music would begin to blare out across the sound system of the ship. And Barbara would bring the mic to her lips and begin to put on a show that quickly put the crowd into a fervor. Almost as if they had bought tickets to a wrestling show and got a concert from a famous idol completely free of charge. The way she danced, it was as if she was simply the pre show for the match and not a wrestler herself.

Then the show finished and Barbara stepped back behind the curtain. But only for a moment, and as she returned Sasha could feel the heat in her cheeks growing ever hotter. The persona of the innocent idol had disappeared and instead out came a beautiful blonde with naughty thoughts on the mind. A bag hanging in off of her shoulder as she made her way down the ramp. Scantily clad hips swaying with each step.

By now Sasha had pressed herself against the corner, arms grabbing the ropes on both sides of her as she looked at the whole entrance happening. Including the confusing sight of a crowd of fans following the blonde idol as she made her way down the ramp. All of them wearing swimsuits and other revealing attire. Like they were here to visit the ships pool and not a wrestling match.

As Barbara entered the ring, the fans would surround the ring. Looking hungrily inside and at both their idol and her fit opponent. They giggled and whispered at one another, eyes scanning up and down Sasha’s body, she couldn’t help but feel their gazes undressing her then and there. Swallowing thickly Sasha would try to ignore it all and look away, only to instead lock gazes with the blonde idol.

Sasha watched as the idol brought another microphone to her lips and proceeded to thank her fans and everyone else for coming out tonight. Sasha could feel her blood turn to ice when Barbara mentioned how if she or Sasha fell out of the ring, they were free for the fans to play with. There was only one type of match that allowed such a rule. And yet, even then Barbara wasn’t finished!

Unzipping the bag she held, Sasha would feel her eyes big out of her head as toys and weapons of lewdness dropped onto the canvas. From remotes to dildos and everything in between. Sasha’s gaze snapping back up to Barbara as she finally announced the match that she and the idol were locked into. Sasha’s mouth moved but no words came out. Too much at shock at what Barbara had just announced to even respond to the blondes greeting. A single thought running through her mind.

How was she going to survive this?!
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Re: Sparkling Idol Barbara vs Sasha Mellows - Hentai Toys Match

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Barbara's grin only widened as she saw the fear in Sasha's eyes. She kept a close eye on her opponent's expressions as she made her speech, watching in delight as she went from apprehensive but aroused to absolutely terrified when all the toys Barbara brought spilled out all over the ring. The idol wanted to laugh, but she figured it wouldn't be good to insult Sasha and rile her up. She knew that her only advantage over Sasha was psychological, if they were in a real fair wrestling match the amazon would snap her in half like a twig. So she had to make sure Sasha was kept off balance, her mind constantly under assault by the idol's deviant wiles, otherwise this match would turn out very poorly for her.

Luckily it was just too easy to tease Sasha. "Hey! Earth to Sasha!" Barbara said, stepping right up to the tanned blonde and waving her hand in front of her face, "Are you alright? Come on, we have a match to fight!" With a big grin on her face, the idol reached down and grabbed Sasha by her hands, pulling her out of her corner towards the center of the ring.

"This is going to be so much fun!" Barbara said, "I brought all these toys just for you Sasha! Of course, you can use them on me too, I don't mind!" She gave Sasha a cheeky smile. "And look at all my fans surrounding this ring! They're all super excited to get to know you!" The idol stopped in the middle of the ring, turning and leaning close to Sasha as if she was telling her a secret.

"And believe me, they really want to get to know you!" the idol said with a little giggle, "Try your best not to fall outside, eh?" She blew Sasha a little kiss as she released her arm, taking a small step back before getting into a grappling stance.

"Alright Sasha, let's go!" Barbara said, inviting the huge amazon to lock up with her.

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Re: Sparkling Idol Barbara vs Sasha Mellows - Hentai Toys Match

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Sasha’s mind was still trying to just make sense of what was happening. Not only was the idol that seduced her, had her way with her, and left her a twitching and moaning mess in the showers was her opponent for this match. Yet while Sasha was kept in the dark about all this, it couldn’t be said that the same was true for Barbara. Who not only knew who she was facing, but had prepared a whole slew of toys and helpers just for her.

Sasha’s mind was so busy trying to make sense of it all that she barely even noticed the tiny idol making her way towards her. ”Wh-wha?” she stuttered, eyes blinking back to reality as Barbara waved her hand over her face. Before Sasha could try and think of a response, Barbara had already taken her hand and was dragging her to the center of the ring. The whole thing looking comical as Barbara easily navigated the various toys and other lewd items while Sasha stumbled over them.

It was only when they made it to the center that the idol and her Hawaiian opponent stopped. Barbara still talking about just how excited she was to be in a match with Sasha. The Hawaiian on the other hand, was having another feeling to the whole thing. Especially when the idol leaned in close and told her just how excited her fans were to have a piece of the powerlifter. Sasha could feel her blush growing ever brighter as she realized the implications of such advice like “try to not fall out of the ring”

And just as suddenly, Barbara had let her go! Stepping back and crouching down into a stance that reminded Sasha that it was a wrestling match she was in at the moment. She was thankful for the distraction as it gave her something to focus on that wasn’t embarrassing. So bending down herself, Sasha would try and start circling the idol. Maybe she could take her out in one blow and get out of this match before anything truly embarrassing happened.

Like tripping over a vibrating dildo that was laying on the canvas. Sasha waving her arms to keep her balance before falling to one knee! Her concentration momentarily broken.
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Re: Sparkling Idol Barbara vs Sasha Mellows - Hentai Toys Match

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Sasha was unsettled by Barbara's sudden appearance, and by the stipulations for the match. That was exactly what the idol wanted, as she knew she needed as big of a psychological advantage as she could get in order to mitigate the massive physical differences between her and her opponent. When she took a step back and got into a wrestling stance though, she saw Sasha suddenly focus, getting into her stance as well. That worried Barbara a bit, as if Sasha was serious she wouldn't last very long. But then the Amazon took a step forward, stepped right on top of a silicone dildo, which slipped out from underneath her feet and sent her reeling backwards!

"Now's my chance!" Barbara thought. She stepped forward, practically throwing her body at Sasha as the Amazon fell. Sasha's guard was completely open, her arms flailing outwards and giving Barbara a completely open target to pounce upon. The idol did not hesitate, leaping up as she threw herself into Sasha to smash her entire weight into the Amazon and send her crashing onto her back!

"Got you!" Barbara said as she jumped at Sasha with her improvised body press. Her goal was to bowl Sasha over with her weight and momentum (slight as it was compared to Sasha) and land on top of her. Once she was on top she could really begin her teasing, pressing her slender idol body onto Sasha's, grinding tit against tit and abs against abs, hopefully sending Sasha into a pleasure-filled haze right from the start of the fight!

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Re: Sparkling Idol Barbara vs Sasha Mellows - Hentai Toys Match

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Sasha tried to quell the thunderous beating in her chest. Her anxiety threatening to practically explode out of her as she tried to calm herself down and focus on the facts. Despite all the toys that surrounded them, the fans at ringside that waited hungrily for one of them to fall out and made such desires known. Sasha was still far stronger and much bigger than the blonde idol. All she needed to do was remember that and she could win.

And then she tripped on a dildo.

Her leg kicked up, her arms flailed, and Barbara saw her chance. As Sasha desperately tried to get her balance back, the idol would dash into her and slam her tiny body into her own! By then saving herself was impossible and the Hawaiian would end up crashing onto the canvas in a heap. Scrambling she would try to shove Barbara off, only for her movements to freeze as she felt a familiar grinding against her.

”M-mm! Ah! Haann!” Sasha coo’d. Her mind getting flashbacks to when she first met the idol back in the gym! The “spar” that they had. The trip to the showers. All the while, Barbara’s body had barely left her own. Doing the exact same thing she was doing now and filling her mind with the ecstasy of their forms rubbing and grinding together. With a force of will, Sasha snapped back to reality! She couldn’t give in just after the bell rang! Putting her hands on the idol’s shoulders. Sasha would try and shove the smaller blonde off of her. And if it worked, she would roll onto her hands and knees and attempt to cool her body down.
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Re: Sparkling Idol Barbara vs Sasha Mellows - Hentai Toys Match

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Seeing the look on Sasha's face up close told the idol all she needed to know about her opponent's psychological state. Sasha practically melted the second Barbara's body made contact. Her hard muscles tensed then relaxed, her face blushing and eyes becoming unfocused. Barbara giggled, seeing her opponent in such a vulnerable state gave her all sorts of devious ideas. She was about to action upon them too, but before she could Sasha suddenly grabbed her shoulders and gave her a rude shove, sending her reeling backwards off of the big Amazon.

"Wha- hey!" Barbara said, her smile dropping as a look of annoyance flashed across her face. "Don't you want to have some fun Sasha?" Barbara pouted as she quickly got up to her knees, looking at Sasha with an upset gaze. "Don't make me have to make things hard on you!"

With that threat hanging in the air, the idol moved forwards on her knees, closing the distance between them and reaching in to grapple with Sasha. At the same time though, the idol pushed her entire body forward, hoping to mash her front back up against Sasha's to hopefully unsettle her and leave her open. If successful, Barbara would quickly change her grip, one hand shooting up to grab behind Sasha's head as she turned around, pulling Sasha's head down and locking her against the idol's boob with w side headlock! Hopefully by keeping her on her knees and bent over she would be able to maintain control over Sasha, Barbara thought.

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Re: Sparkling Idol Barbara vs Sasha Mellows - Hentai Toys Match

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Sasha’s heart pounded in her chest, her arms shook and she could only just get her breathing under control. The match had only just begun yet Sasha was acting as if she had just run a whole marathon. She knew she needed to focus, that this match was different. That she had most of the physical advantages. She just needed to get her head in the game and she could take the idol down before she even had a chance to use those toys scattered around the ring.

And yet. Her mind wouldn’t stop going back to that spar in the gym. Being trapped in the corner against her, the water falling against her skin while the idol cleaned her. And any plan of attack the powerlifter would have would suddenly be filled with doubts. It was as if her body was fighting against her mind on whether she should fight back, or just allow Barbara to ravage her from post to post.

The arguments ran throughout the Hawaiians thoughts. Distracting her long enough for her to be completely open to her opponent wrapping her arms around her head and pressing her against the side of her breast! ”Ahh! Gh-ghmmm!” She gasped as her hands immediately moved to try and pry Barbara’s arms away! Yet as she did so, she could feel the blush on her cheeks grow ever hotter as the feeling of the idols breast against her face made all those thoughts resurface to the forefront.

So soft… Sasha thought breathlessly.
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