Claudia Augustina v. Satsuki Hayano II - Floating Mat Hentai Submission Match

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Claudia Augustina v. Satsuki Hayano II - Floating Mat Hentai Submission Match

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Floating Mat Hentai Submission Match: The match takes place on a floating mat in a pool.
Victory to be awarded via submission by forcing the opponent to climax.
The winner earns the right to plow the loser after the match

Last edited by winner3 on Sun Sep 04, 2022 1:33 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Claudia Augustina v. Satsuki Hayano II - Floating Mat Hentai Submission Match

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It felt like the audience had been waiting forever for this one. Then again, a second was an eternity when the hottest match on the card was yet to come. A relative unknown who'd since climbed her way from obscurity to LAW's main card, Satsuki Hayano was set to take on her next challenge: Facing the Symbol of Love in a Hentai Submission match with the highest of stakes.

Behind the scenes, Satsuki smirked. Claudia Augustina was a formidable competitor, in matches like these most of all. She would know. The Italian had dealt Satsuki her first loss in an impromptu hentai match. It was there, though, in the pools of cum and sweat both of them had left behind that Satsuki had come to an epiphany:

LAW was exactly what she hoped it was. And that loss had proven it.

Victory wouldn't come easy in LAW. She could beat up on as many spoiled wives and timid nurses as she wanted, but the bigger game laid well within her reach now. Satsuki wouldn't let it out of her sight, and the first prize she'd take would be Claudia Augustina's ultimate wager.
Satsuki Hayano, the Queen of Clubs
Finally, Satsuki's PPV theme blared across the deck of the ship, and the announcer began his call. "Introducing first for this Winner Fucks Loser Hentai Submission Bout... standing at 5'4 and 120 lbs, fighting out of Macau, China by way of Osaka, Japan. The Queen of Clubs. The Goddess Daikokunyo. Here gracing the Maritime LAW... SATSUKIII HAYANOOOO!"

By the time the brief interlude of the song had begun, Satsuki strode out onto the entrance ramp. The audience's cheers echoed towards the sea, and their demands for lewd action fell on deaf ears. The Queen of Clubs was single-minded on the circular mat which lay on the end of this bridge. Soon it would become her Coliseum. And only when she'd turned Claudia into her prize would she turn back to the crowds.

Finally, she made it to the floating mat. Her hand immediately moved out for a microphone, which was soon tossed over to her.

"Claudia Augustina!" The moment she said her opponent's name, the crowd screamed their approval for the sexual warfare that laid ahead. But this moment didn't belong to the baying masses. It was hers and Claudia's. Theirs and theirs alone to do womanly combat in once more, and by the end of it, it would become one proud woman's time to humiliate her beaten rival.

"Get out here so I can fuck you silly."

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Re: Claudia Augustina v. Satsuki Hayano II - Floating Mat Hentai Submission Match

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The atmosphere of the cruise ship took on a much different tone, the sensual electricity was surging throughout the deck that had gathered around the large pool, which had been closed down for this special rematch between the two women of the day! Many remembered the match between Satsuki and Claudia, what started off as a normal match had suddenly turned in on itself into a sexual battle that exhausted both women before the Symbol of Love managed to secure the win after numerous of explosive orgasms.

The Symbol of Love was ready to do the same once again, this time with a full match dedicated to seeing which of them would reign supreme in a battle of wills and endurance. She was ready to leave Satsuki again covered in the fruits of their labor with a silly expression on her face!

Applying a layer of sunscreen over her body as the suns rays was going to be as unmitigated as their sexual lust to protect her near flawless body. While applying the sheen, she soon heard the familiar voice over the ship’s PA system. Her lips curled into a smile, cooing at the gauntlet being thrown for additional fuel into the fire, the Symbol of Love couldn’t wait any longer to get out on deck.
She appeared in front of the people, roaring at her beauty as the Symbol of Love kept her eyes locked on the pool, massive in size and plenty in additional entertainment functions with the floating mat waiting for her along with Satsuki. Making her way towards the pool she made it onto the floating bridge of smaller floating mats, she crossed the sea to meet her rival at their destined battleground of Love.

“And her opponent, standing at 5’6 and weighting in at 135lbs, fighting out of Italy, Rome! She is The Symbol of Love….she is… CLAAAAAAAAUDIA AUGUSTIIIIIIINA!”

Satsuki was as striking as ever, even more so in the summer day’s light, a smile unable to hold itself as Claudia drew closer and met her rival in the center of the mat. The bridge parted, the multiple pieces being hauled back to the deck to trap the two beauties surrounded by water as Claudia smiled, grabbing Satsuki’s hand and commandeering her microphone.

“Fuck me silly you say Satsuki? Did my fucking of you make you want me to do it again? I’ll promise you it’ll be much more than the last time I did you.”

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Re: Claudia Augustina v. Satsuki Hayano II - Floating Mat Hentai Submission Match

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Symbol of Love indeed. Claudia Augustina strode across the floating bridge as if it were the Red Sea itself parting for her. She looked every bit the sex symbol she proclaimed herself to be. Hair, skin, even gait perfect. Swimsuit painfully erotic, showing just enough skin to make a girl slobber over herself -- as if it wouldn't soon be torn off anyway.

Then she stepped onto the mat, and the two women were locked against one another by way of the bridge's removal. There was no more turning back. In that moment, it was like the match had already begun. Claudia's erotic aura met Satsuki's, and the Queen of Clubs was suddenly unsure whether the images flashing in her mind were gameplanning or simply lurid daydreaming. Then the Italian grabbed her hand, demanding the spotlight in what would be the first of many instances of skin-on-skin contact between the two today.

Satsuki acknowledged Claudia's taunt by way of a coo. She allowed herself a smile, then closed the one-step gap between them. This close, their bodies were so close to touching, but only Satsuki's hands would make contact. She wrapped them around Claudia's and gently pulled the microphone into the center of their staredown. The Queen of Clubs slid her eyes up to meet the taller Claudia with a hooded, erotic gaze.

"Oh, I've got no doubts about that. Few in LAW understand pleasure more than you." Despite the competitive and high-stakes nature of what they were about to do, Satsuki's legs couldn't help but quiver ever so slightly at the memory of how Claudia made her feel. Still, Satsuki widened hers mile. "But it won't be enough. By the end of our time here, the faces of every person around this pool will be etched in your mind forever. Their clothes. Their faces. Most of all... How they looked at the Symbol of Love as I made her my toy."

Satsuki raised a brow and finally moved her head, jutting her chin out as she looked up at Claudia with a challenging stare. Was there anything more to say? Or would the hottest sexfight the seas had ever seen soon get underway?

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Re: Claudia Augustina v. Satsuki Hayano II - Floating Mat Hentai Submission Match

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The sexual tension between the two of the proud women was on full display with the shared microphone between them as the focus to allow everyone watching at pool side to hear the sexually laced words spoke between them. "Your toy? That's a curious way to put it since the last time we met, I was the one who out fucked you." Claudia fired back, a smirk on her lips and her hands clasping hard on the mircophone. "You made such wonderful faces when you and your juices were being splayed out on the mats. How do you think that's going to be any different this time?" Her gaze never once Satsuki, a good memory being place back in it with after what was being a normal match had become something entirely different which allowed her to plow the Queen of Clubs into Oblivion.

And now here Satsuki was, swearing to do the same back to Claudia, the Symbol of Love couldn't help but be excited at such passion directed at her! "Then let them watch, let them all watch! I'll remind everyone here what happened the last time you thought you could out love the Symbol of Love. Then, we'll give everyone something to remember!" she boldly claimed right back to Satsuki, keeping her words short and sweet with the heated crowd around them were not willing to wait much longer on this summer's day!

She would chuck the microphone to the side, sending it flying all the way back to pool side, without a care where it landed as her eyes refused to part from Satsuki's, taking the next half step forward to close the gap between them and mash their proud breasts together. "I think we're past the point of sizing up, how about we just get to it?" she cooed, her hands reaching up to grab on Satsuki's hips, rubbing them up and down her barely covered figure!

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Re: Claudia Augustina v. Satsuki Hayano II - Floating Mat Hentai Submission Match

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A crueler producer might have played the scene on the Titantron. Absent though it was on screen, it certainly held the memories of all those tuning into today's match. And Claudia's words were no doubt the truth. Last time they had met, it was Claudia who had left Satsuki twitching in a puddle of her own cum. That was what laid the Queen of Clubs on this path, what set her sights on the Symbol of Love. If Satsuki could outsex the Symbol of Love, then what couldn't she do?

And if she couldn't... Her eyes flickered to the strapon laying poolside. By the end of the night, the victorious woman would use it to carve herself into the loser. Tonight it was as valuable a thing to have around the waist as any gold. This battle over love itself made sure of that. When all was said and done, Satsuki would be sure to drape it around her hips -- as she drilled it into Claudia's defeated snatch!

Finally, the bell rang in response to Claudia's words. Immediately, her head dipped, angling down just a few millimeters as her eyes dilated. That last coo from Claudia came out as a wash of hot air, and it affected Satsuki in much the same way. She let out a hum as Claudia ran skilled fingers over her hips, and Satsuki raised a leg up and around Claudia as if she were a dance partner hell-bent on seduction.

"Get to it we shall." Just then, Satsuki hopped, and the second leg wrapped itself around Claudia's waist! The Queen of Clubs had draped herself across her foe's hips, leaving no escape for either woman this early on. With that new position, she leaned in. Slowly. Surely. Then let her breaths ghost across Claudia as she licked her lips, and finally leaned in for a kiss.

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Re: Claudia Augustina v. Satsuki Hayano II - Floating Mat Hentai Submission Match

Unread post by TheManVan »

The second the bell rang, both girls dove into each other like they were a vast body of water with Satsuki’s legs reaching up and wrapping around and Claudia’s hands quickly repositioning to latch onto that cute butt of her opponent to hold up all of her weight. Her lips curled into a lewd smile, her opponent also having no reservations in getting straight into their lewd battle as she lowered her stance.

There was no more use of words as Satsuki’s lips planted against hers, Claudia mashed hers right back. “Mmmmmmmmm…” she moaned out, her fingers digging into the buttcheeks of Satsuki as she pulled her in, grinding their abs together along with their breasts in a sexy lock up, the crowd around the pool cheered as both of them bore into each other.

Claudia was at a disadvantage at this time, Satsuki holding onto her and making her bear both of their weights was going to tire her out much quicker of the two in the make out that was sure going to intensify with each passing second. But for now, Claudia was okay with that, taking the time to indulge on Satsuki!

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