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Clara GASTER vs Yuzuha Takamiya - Deathmatch

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 8:05 pm
by winner3
Deathmatch: Victory to be awarded via pinfall, submission, or knockout. No disqualifications/brutality encouraged.
Special Stipulation: If Clara wins, Yuzuha can never wrestle Alice GASTER in official competition at LAW ever again


Re: Clara GASTER vs Yuzuha Takamiya - Deathmatch

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 3:31 am
by LowDefinition
Ever since Maritime LAW started sailing out to the ocean. Yuzuha was locked in her room throughout the cruise. This was due to the fact that the management was aware about the risks of having some violent brawlers that hated each other causing a scene in the cruise which would result in quite a disaster for everyone, not only fans but other wrestlers and staff members as well. The management did contact her stable, Platinum Sky to cooperate in keeping Yuzuha securely locked away until the time of her match. Which promptly had everyone in her stable to be invited to the cruise even though they don't have any matches on the cruise or the arena week.

Of course, Yuzuha didn't take too kindly that her chance of enjoying a cruise was ruined. Despite that, she complied begrudgingly as she just spend her time locked away with training and pestering her stablemates on bringing whatever she wants. This 'house arrest' also fueled her intent on making Clara Gaster regrets ever stepping in between her feud with Alice. If hanging Alice was the extreme that she went to fulfill her intention on being the strongest out of the two... One wonders what horrible act she would do to Clara for getting in the way.

When the time of her match comes, Kanata Yamamoto walked over to Yuzuha's room and unlocked the door. Yuzuha was more than ready to go out as she was already prepped for the match. Black leather boots, black leather pants... Camouflage patterned sports bra, her hands covered in wrappings. Kanata opened the door and stood there blocking Yuzuha from leaving.

"Sensei... Move." Yuzuha let out coldly as she tried to slip by but Kanata easily stopped her and looked down in worry.

"Yuzuha, I've got no more to say but just one thing... Remember who you're feuding with. Don't go too far on her, she's not your enemy." Kanata said as she let go of Yuzuha and walked away from the doorway.

"Shut up." Yuzuha looked away and started to walk out of her room as two of her stablemate... Aira and Rena awaits her to escort her to the backstage area. On their way, Aira glanced over to Yuzuha, slightly worried about what's to come only for Rena to tap her shoulder and remind her not to say any word.
Entrance Theme
Her music was played through the arena as the crowd murmured whether or not Yuzuha was actually in the cruise. Which was fair considering she didn't even show her face anywhere during the cruise. The ring itself have been prepared in such ways that fits a deathmatch. Trash bin filled with kendo sticks, bats, 2x4 planks... Tables, both plain and covered in barbed wire, stacks of steel chairs, light tubes scattered around everywhere, even wooden skewers are also in play as well. Truly a stage set for bloodbath...
Note: Change her top to sports bra-like and her hands are in wraps instead of gloves
Yuzuha walked out with a roar, the crowd popped out loud as they saw the Japanese biker. Confirming that indeed, Yuzuha is in the cruise. She glanced around the crowd as the mixed cheers and boos sets in. Walking down the ramp as she cracks her knuckles and focused to the match. But then out of nowhere, a spit was launched to her cheek. Stopping her tracks, she wiped off the spit with the back of her hand and glanced to the front row crowd that spat at her. Luckily enough, despite the fact that she's not allowed to pull unwarranted violence. Hecklers like one of them don't count... And so, what comes next to that heckler was a fist straight to their face! Knocking them out in one blow while their nose broke and bleeding.

Yuzuha grinned as she walks back to the ring, glancing to her wraps that are now slightly stained red. Entering the ring, Yuzuha noticed that there were no iron chains in sight. Perhaps she could find one under the apron she thought. As the announcer about to announce her, Yuzuha snatched the microphone from her.

"I don't need any introduction!" She stated on the mic as she then took her attention to the entrance stage. "CLARA! GET THE FUCK OVER HERE ALREADY!" She shouted out, calling out Clara as she is very eager and impatient to get the match going. "You're not going to make me wait any further are you? Was it not enough that I have to spend this whole cruise before our match locked out in my own room!? Hurry up!" She concluded her rant as she then threw the mic over to the announcer before going to her corner and stood there impatiently.

Re: Clara GASTER vs Yuzuha Takamiya - Deathmatch

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 6:25 am
by Vc0m
Well, she made it to the dance. It's going out of it that was likely going to be the problem.

Clara actually was not aware of any rules in regard to certain people on the ship being locked to their rooms. In fact, she only partially discovered the rule when she asked the management about her sister today. For the entire week of the cruise she was allowed to roam the ship freely, but for the PPV, she was explicitly requested to stay in her room, and watch the PPV on TV if she so wished.

Clara though? Even tonight, she was free to roam the ship. She couldn't help but feel like a prisoner granted one last day of reprieve before their execution the entire day. She wanted to win and keep Yuzuha apart from Alice for good...but the truth of the matter was, the chances of that happening were very unlikely. Furthermore, she had only one deathmatch in her entire life...and expected it to be the last one she ever did after scarring Alice's eye. In a way, this match also felt for her as karmic justice for doing that.

In contrast for Yuzuha, she was alone. She got a signal to exit her room to go to gorilla position a while ago...but she needed just a bit more time to collect her nerves.

Suddenly she got a message on her phone. From Alice:

"This is not a match. This woman wants to destroy you, potentially so that you never wrestle again."

"I don't care if you listen to me or not, but if you didn't jump ship - do not wrestle. Fight."

Clara took a deep breath, and put her phone down.

"Fine...I will fight. But on my terms."

The PPV was streamed to the tvs on the entire ship, And Yuzuha had already entered, swiping the mic from the announcer, and demanding Clara get into the ring.

Within a minute, her request would be answered, as Time of Victory played across the entire ship.
Clara appeared in her regular attire, contrary to the tradition of wearing pants for a Hardcore match, deciding to, at least somehow, showcase that she is not rattled by stipulation on the outside, ignoring the weapons surrounding the ring. She walked down the ramp with a determined expression on her face, hopping over the ropes, she stared Yuzuha down as her theme song quiet down.

For the moment, even the crowd was quiet, creating a perfect moment of a calm before the storm of two women who were ready to tear each other apart...

"I am here...and I am here to win...", she would say, more to herself than to Yuzuha...

Re: Clara GASTER vs Yuzuha Takamiya - Deathmatch

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2022 6:40 pm
by LowDefinition
Yuzuha doesn't need to wait much until Clara makes her entrance. She stood at her corner cracking her knuckles as she glared Clara down as she walked down the ramp. To think that she dared to come out with her regular attire and not something more like a street wear for this sort of match. Oh she's going to make sure to show that Clara don't belong in this sort of match.

As the music dies down. Yuzuha keeps herself on the corner as she glared at Clara. "So, signed your death warrant already?" Yuzuha taunted, though she didn't make her move just yet. Wanting to wait until the referee signals for the bell. A rarity for her in this sort of match. "If ya wanna wrestle then ya shoulda changed the match to a normal match... Man, why are you such an idiot coming here with that..."

And then, when the bell rings. Yuzuha wastes no time and quickly darts off the corner and dashed towards Clara. As she closed in, Yuzuha leapt forward with one foot raised up. "ORRRYAAAA!!!" Yuzuha roared out as she thrust her foot towards Clara's face. Intending to start off the match with a quick and strong boot!

Re: Clara GASTER vs Yuzuha Takamiya - Deathmatch

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2023 3:34 am
by Vc0m
"No...I am not dying to the likes of you...", Clara would tell Yuzuha, trying to ignore her taunts. It's not like she didn't try to make the match a standard one, or at least nerf it to hardcore stipulation...but no. The match HAD to be a deathmatch, for the bookers wanted blood...and a lot of it.

The ref asked her whether she was ready or not. Even though she wasn't, the Brit nodded. And with Yuzuha also ready...


The moment she heard the first ring, Clara leapt out of the corner, with Yuzuha having the same idea. As the biker raised her leg and shouted a battle cry, Clara prepared her hand. Even though she knew she would collide with Yuzuha's boot, she committed to her attack, trying to reach Yuzuha's jaw with her fist for an uppercut!

Re: Clara GASTER vs Yuzuha Takamiya - Deathmatch

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2023 9:47 am
by LowDefinition
With the bell ringing, the two wrestlers shared the same idea as they immediately darted off their respective corner to collide head-on! Yuzuha with a leaping boot. Clara with an uppercut!

Yuzuha had no regards of herself being hurt. And thus she went all in and thrust her foot onto Clara's face. Completely disregarding the fist that is coming her way... And thus, the result seemed obvious with how the two strikes first.

Yuzuha could feel her foot connecting onto Clara's face while her head rocked back with the fist hitting her jaw. As a result, she lost a bit of her balance as she landed on her feet, stumbling to the side and goes down onto one knee as she groaned and hissed while holding her jaw. She had to admit, Clara had a strong punch... Comparable to Alice's.

Pushing herself up to her feet, Yuzuha then locked her eyes towards Clara's. Grinning as if she found quite the interesting opponent. "Heh, you hit quite hard." She remarked as she then spread her arms forward.

"Now... Bring me all you got!" She taunted, intending to initiate a grappling match with Clara. To a surprise to everyone, Yuzuha who primarily brawls, chose to actually wrestle. Against Clara who were known to be very technical. It would seem foolish for her to pull this act but... She wants to crush Clara. And she saw that... If she could overthrow Clara's technical wrestling with her more hardcore ways to fight. It would feel even better for her when she finally crush Clara.

Re: Clara GASTER vs Yuzuha Takamiya - Deathmatch

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2023 12:37 am
by Vc0m
The two women collided, Clara taking the kick head on as she fell down to the floor, feeling her skull rattling in response to the kick, but still trying to quickly shake the daze off.

Clara rolled back up to her feet to meet Yuzuha's grin and happy eyes. She was excited about this match...even though the feeling wasn't mutual.

Surprisingly, Yuzuha wanted to grapple, likely to challenge herself against the Brit...

"Well...your...funeral!", Clara would say, carefully approaching Yuzuha, as instead of grappling, she grabbed her rival's arm, and twisted it at the side with a wristlock...a lot more vicious one than usual, as she aimed to quickly get the Biker's arm behind her back for a Hammerlock!

Re: Clara GASTER vs Yuzuha Takamiya - Deathmatch

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2023 4:15 pm
by LowDefinition
Yuzuha felt completely at her element with the match stipulation. She felt as if she could play wrestle before she unleash her brand of violence on Clara.

Of course, this prove to be a mistake on her end as Clara doesn't go for a grappling battle. Her arm immediately seized and twisted around. Causing her to grunt out and involuntarily twists her upperbody slightly following the direction Clara twisting her arm.

"Ghhhkkhh... Fuck!" She cursed out as Clara trapped her arm into a hammerlock. Her foot shuffled around as her upperbody jerks around trying to fight out the firm restraint Clara put on. Her free arm flailed slightly and her hand landed onto Clara's cheek.

"Naaaah, this ain't it." She let out as she then wind up her free arm. Swinging it back to send wild elbows towards Clara. Bruteforcing her way out of the hold.

Re: Clara GASTER vs Yuzuha Takamiya - Deathmatch

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2023 12:39 am
by Vc0m
Yuzuha tried to resist the hold, making it difficult for Clara to put her into a Hammerlocke...but the Brit would manage to trap the biker with her skill, much to her chagrin. Yuzuha tried to flail her free arm into Clara's face, but just moving her head to the side was fine when her attacks were barely controlled...

...that was until she started unleashing elbows into her jaw!


The elbow struck her straight on her jaw, dazing the Brit slightly, weakening the hold...though she kept a hold of her arm, before trying to Irish Whip Yuzuha into the ropes behind her.

Expecting her to rebound, Clara would prepare her arms, planning to grab Yuzuha at her shoulder and between her legs to Powerslam her spine into the canvas!

Re: Clara GASTER vs Yuzuha Takamiya - Deathmatch

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2023 5:57 pm
by LowDefinition
Yuzuha's resistance was proved to be a success as Clara weakens her grip on her wrist. Though Yuzuha weren't able to get herself free quickly as the Brit turned her around and whips her to the ropes.

It was only the start of the match, Yuzuha still have majority control of her movement that she quickly took control of the abrupt change of pace when Clara whipped her to the ropes. She turned her back against the ropes and pushed her back onto it before rebounding.

Running back towards Clara, she guessed that the Brit would catch her in some way if she just ran in. And so, she chose to strike back with a variation of her aggression. She leapt forward as immediate after she rebound. Leaning her body back as her legs shot up to level with Clara's head. And as her body flies towards Clara. When she gets in range, she immediately thrusts her feet forward! Utilizing the momentum to strike her opponent's head with a running dropkick!!