Thereisa Neidmeyer vs Arachne W. Spyder - Falls Count Anywhere

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Stinkface King
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Re: Thereisa Neidmeyer vs Arachne W. Spyder - Falls Count Anywhere

Unread post by dddybee »

Background Music
In an impressive display of strength, Thereisa had kicked Arachne right out of the ring. But now that she was outside of said ring, the spider figured it was a good time to really take advantage of this match's 'Falls Count Anywhere" rules! She taunted Thereisa to leave the ring and she backed up as she did so. This caused the heavyweight to pursue the annoying bug, but that's exactly what the scheming villainess was counting on! Pretty soon, both wresters were a way's away from the ring. So much so, that the fans had to follow them from a safe distance, if they still wanted to see the action!
Cruise Ship Hallway Reference
Arachne would try and bait Thereisa into her first trap. The two wrestlers would now be in one of the ship's hallways, and there was a thin, hard to notice line of string from one side to the another. But Arachne knew exactly where it was, as she had set it up there! Arachne stepped over the string in a causal matter, as to not invoke suspicion. After walking a bit more, she'd turn around and put her hands on her curvy hips. The lightweight would then lean forward and taunt Thereisa!

"Bet you won't come any closer, you big, cowardly chicken! Buck! Buck! Cluck! BA-COCK!" Arachne dared, flapping her elbows like chicken wings, hoping Ms. Neidmeyer would now rush in and trigger the string. If so, the trap would activate, and a flurry of water balloons would release from a hatch on the ceiling! So many in fact, that they'd not only soak Thereisa, they'd make the floor around the woman extra slippery! Likely putting the older woman in an even more compromising position.

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The Riders
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Re: Thereisa Neidmeyer vs Arachne W. Spyder - Falls Count Anywhere

Unread post by The Riders »

Thereisa was annoyed... this wasn't a wrestling match it was more of a comedy show between herself and her opponent. She hasn't been a part of this match since her younger years when she wrestled a man in a snow-covered wrestling ring in Japan.

As she would rush forward and not see the string near her feet, she would run right over it, triggering water balloons to slam into her body, leaving her soaking wet. But also making the deck floor slippery to the point she slides and falls onto her backside due to the wetness of the floor.

'I'm getting real tired of your shit you little brat... I swear I am going to kill you and crush you like a bug.'

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Stinkface King
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Re: Thereisa Neidmeyer vs Arachne W. Spyder - Falls Count Anywhere

Unread post by dddybee »

Arachne's first trap worked like a charm! Not only did Theresia accidentally trigger the wire and release the water balloons onto her frame, but the water from said bursting bloons actually made her slip onto the floor!

"Hahahahahahahaaaaa!" Arachne pointed and laughed at her foe's predicament. Tears of laughter formed in the corners of her eyes from sheer amusement. "But how are you gonna kill this spider, when you've fallen onto your bum like a bum?!"

Suddenly, Arachne would rush towards Thereisa. Aiming to take advantage of her fallen position, Arachne would jump to attempt to ram Ms. Neidmeyer right in the face, with two of her eight feet. Arachne was going for a strong dropkick on her heavyweight adversary!

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