Eirina Makishima vs Anastasia "Princess" Akira - Hentai Submission Match

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Re: Eirina Makishima vs Anastasia "Princess" Akira - Hentai Submission Match

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Eirina was always confident in her kissing skill, and she could tell that she managed to overwhelm Ana with her kiss. And despite Ana's attempt to roll the two of them over, Eirina still managed to retain her position on top of her while the two of them were making out with each other. Of course, just kissing would be dull, and Eirina wanted to do more than just making out, so after a while, she would break the kiss, creating a bridge of saliva between their lips before she started tracing her lips down Ana's chin, moving down to her neck and then to her chest, looking to focus on the other woman's breasts.

Due to this, Eirina would be moving herself down, and by doing so, she would spread her own legs a bit further, causing Ana to spread her own legs as well in the grapevine. While not outright painful, she would certainly feel uncomfortable with her legs being forcefully spread like that, and once Eirina got her lips on Ana's chest, she would start kissing her breasts, looking to move further down to target one of her nipples.

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Re: Eirina Makishima vs Anastasia "Princess" Akira - Hentai Submission Match

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Ana would moan, feeling her tongue be conquered by the older woman's owner. As the blue hair woman had a daze looking her eyes looking up at Eirina, before letting out another coo of pleasure as the other woman would start to make her way down her body... starting at her chin before making her way down her neck and to the sweet spot that everybody been targeting a lot... Ana busty chest that is sensitive to touch and play with.

Due to her ballet training... having her legs be spread out wide is nothing for her as she would deal with teachers who made her do the splits a lot, but what she didn't expect was her opponent trying to go after her sensitive nipples that forces her body to arch up trying to still roll over so that she would be on top of Eirina.

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Re: Eirina Makishima vs Anastasia "Princess" Akira - Hentai Submission Match

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Having trapped Ana in the grapevine, Eirina went ahead to target her breasts, targeting one of her nipples. This caused Ana to arch her back before she tried to roll over, throwing Eirina off of her before she attempted to get herself right on top of her. The Frau Doktor was caught off-guard by this, though thanks to her quick thinking and reflexes, she managed to roll away before Ana could position herself on top of her.

"Hey now, do you dislike that, Ana-chan?" Eirina asked as she would get herself on all four while looking at her opponent. Brushing a few stray strands of her hair off her forehead, she would then get herself back up onto her feet, preparing herself for her next clash with her opponent in this erotic match.

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Re: Eirina Makishima vs Anastasia "Princess" Akira - Hentai Submission Match

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Judy when Ana completed her roll to get her opponent off of her, somehow Eirina was able to create enough space for her to not get countered much to the young woman's annoyance... As she felt that she had the former champion in her grip before she somehow got away.

"Very sneaky but next time your not going to escape" Ana would say with a cocky tone... As she would smack the canvas with her and pump herself up again, before going forward and waiting for the right moment to lean forward like she is going for a spear when instead she ducks low and her back leg is raised for a Scorpion kick at her opponent's head.

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Re: Eirina Makishima vs Anastasia "Princess" Akira - Hentai Submission Match

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Eirina carefully watched her opponent as she would wait for her next move. Seeing Ana coming towards her, Eirina would prepare herself, planning to counter whatever move that she might have in store for her. But when Ana got closer, she suddenly dipped low and raised her leg from behind, hitting Eirina right at her head with a scorpion kick!

"AUGHH!!" Eirina cried out in pain, reeling from the attack. She staggered back, hoping to recover quickly, but the attack had left her disoriented and open for more attacks from her opponent.

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Re: Eirina Makishima vs Anastasia "Princess" Akira - Hentai Submission Match

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Ana would smile as she was able to land her favorite move since she joined the company, her Scorpion kick that shows off her flexibility and long legs that have a lot of strength behind them .

As she would get back to her feet and rush Eirina now as she got the woman in her back foot, and not wanting to oass up the chance to land a solid mock we on the other woman... As she lounges behind her opponent and wraps her arms around the woman's waist. "Time for a ride Doctor just know I am going to win and show you that I should be champion."

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Re: Eirina Makishima vs Anastasia "Princess" Akira - Hentai Submission Match

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Disoriented by the sudden hit, Eirina was unable to stop Ana from grabbing her from behind. Feeling her opponent's arms around her waist, Eirina gritted her teeth as she tried to act despite her still disoriented.


Eirina would raise her right arm before she attempted to hit Ana behind her with an elbow, hoping to stun her and stop her from doing whatever she had in her mind after this.

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Re: Eirina Makishima vs Anastasia "Princess" Akira - Hentai Submission Match

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Ana had seen her mother figure. Heck, Serilda can do this move in her sleep many times over. Maybe the whole roster can do a German suplex with ease, but not her as she never attempted to do it at all. She only figured that she could do a bear hug from this position as that is what she was going to do, but she didn't trap the other woman's arms in her grip, which came back to bite her.

as Eirina's elbow would slam into her head, causing her to stumble backwards and let go of the hold, her ears ringing as Ana would stumble and fall to one knee, holding the side of her head with her hand.

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Re: Eirina Makishima vs Anastasia "Princess" Akira - Hentai Submission Match

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After throwing her elbow behind, Eirina was freed, and now, she looked at Ana and planned her next move. Eirina would then run towards the ropes, rebounding from them and running past her opponent. Then she would hit the opposite ropes before she rebounded back to where Ana was, coming from behind her.

Making use of her momentum, Eirina would try to deliver a running dropkick aimed at her back, looking to bring Ana down, front first, onto the mat. From there, Eirina could plan out her next moves.

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Re: Eirina Makishima vs Anastasia "Princess" Akira - Hentai Submission Match

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Ana was stunned by the elbow that landed on the side of her head, trying to collect herself as she would start to push herself up to her feet.

But if she was given time she let out a cry "Aaaahhhhhh" as Eirina's feet slam into the back of her back, sending her forward into the canvas and holding her nose cause she had been caught off guard... Not has left herself won't open for whatever her opponent has in store for her.

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