We Are LAW 7 Announcement!

A collection of events currently happening and events planned for the future. Threads from Event Request and Event Ideas are moved here when approved by a mod or admin. Mods and Admins may also post here for events they are coordinating now or in the future.
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We Are LAW 7 Announcement!

Unread post by Monsy »

Hello, friends and foes! One and all LAW’ers, Lawyers and ryona-enjoyers. It’s that time again. Time for the biggest wrestling show of the year!

Presenting: We Are LAW 7!
Launching: August 9th! 2024
At: The Tokyo Dome!
BACKGROUND: What are PPVs and Why do we do them?
Pay-Per-Views exist for HYPE. They’re the grand stages that represent significant points in a character’s career to show that they MADE it. This is where stories can begin, develop or end on a big stage. Any cool, fun or sexy idea that you can think of: This is the place. It’s one of the rare moments where LAW’s decentralized continuity can converge into one place and seem connected.

LAW has two integral PPVs every six months: We are LAW and Fight the LAW. Where Fight the LAW represents travel and new experiences from its regular Japanese shores, We are LAW is our Wrestlemania. Our Wrestle Kingdom. Our Double or Nothing.

Between these events, LAW also has an assortment of other events, ranging from themed Supercards, Tournaments and User-run special events. Each one helps to grow the community, tell new stories and helps put a spotlight on what folks are doing.

Your wrestler has been invited to participate in the grandest show on Earth. This is the place of dreams for career athletes. A place on this card is a chance to make their mark in the grand arc of professional wrestling history, the world’s most dominant sport. Whether it be for money, fame, glory or a sense of pride just to make it, when you walk on that stage, everything is BIGGER. It’s an event with a blank cheque and a stadium of fifty-five thousand, with millions watching at home. When your character joins the many greats who walked down that ramp, what story will you tell?


Please, please, remember, before signing up, you have made sure that both participants have agreed to the match. We will be checking and confirming the match-ups and stipulations with ALL parties involved, so please make sure everyone is on board FIRST.

Once you and your partner(s) have agreed to an idea, have ONE participant submit a form using this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIp ... Q/viewform

But before you do that, remember the following rules.
  • Wrestlers have 3 matches completed by the time the sign-up period ends. ( August 2nd! )
  • Users who have an ongoing PPV thread more than 1yr old MAY be asked to complete those first. Here's an archive of previous PPVs: https://acesse.one/rxXff
  • Users are limited to 2 PPV threads.
Submissions cutoff ONE WEEK before the PPVs launch date to make final preparations. This is August 2nd at 11:59pm Eastern Time.

  • Depending on turnout and card volume, one of the coordinators may ask for your preference regarding which submission you’d like to go forward with.
  • This is to help ensure that more people get at least ONE match on the card.
  • There is no undercard for this event.
  • If you have any concerns or questions, please reach out to Taskmaster12, Malkavia or Monsy!
Last edited by Monsy on Sat Jul 13, 2024 1:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
Monsy's Jobbers

Code: Select all

— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: We Are LAW 7 Announcement!

Unread post by Malkavia »

Here is the card, as it currently stands. A few new names may appear here as people confirm they're matches. It's looking to be a packed night!
Match Ups
Louise Bélair vs. Newbie Nuo - Standard Match for the LAW Loserbelt Championship
Louise Bélair vs. Amelie Dubois - Verbal Submission Match
Rai Kamiya vs. Shimmerlace Snuggleblossom - Claim Your Prize Match
The Idol Dragons vs. Golden Time - Cosplay Tag Match
Karla "Ray" Reinhardt vs. Madeleine Citronelle - 2/3 Collar Match
Mary Clairson vs. Spectre - Standard Match
Yamamura Kaori vs Narcisse Benard - Hentai Submission with sex toys allowed
Annabelle “The Love” Valentine vs. Hakuno Kishinami - Kiss My Foot match
Christina Perez vs. Candace "Fang" Lewis - Standard Match
Valley Doll III vs. Kyo Akamatsu - Iron Person Match
Sakura Hagiwara vs. Sarabeth Chummers-Ashworth - Standard Match
Alizeh Midori vs. Lily Menage - Standard Match
Emily Strager vs. Vera Sapphire - Hentai Last Woman Standing Match
Renee “Renegade” Steinhauser vs. Anna Sigrid (Snow) - Ladder Match for the Number One Contender for the LAW Lightweight Championship
Sanae Saitou vs. Kennedy Lee - Standard Match
Tina Kelley vs. Karen Starring - Bearhug Submission Iron Woman Match
Chloe Braden vs. Dana Ashford - Standard Match
Generations vs The Albright Academy - Tornado Elimination Match
Drake Benton vs. Oscar Orelash - Steel Cage Match
Clara Gaster vs. Nerissa Labong - Fight Pit Match
Britanny Ysé vs. Alaina Sanders - Falls Count Anywhere Match for the LAW Heavyweight Championship
Astrid Arvidsson vs. Emaline - No Disqualification Match for the LAW Openweight Title
Kyoko Akan vs. Katarzyna Zawiślak - Last Woman Standing Match for the LAW Middleweight Championship
Annie Clark vs. Alice Gaster - Hardcore Match for the LAW Lightweight Championship
Last edited by Malkavia on Tue Aug 06, 2024 1:24 am, edited 3 times in total.
Run for it
I'll keep them occupied
'Cause I love you, I love you so
Left me hanging at the station
But you'll be back for me soon
Madilyn Mei


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