Nightmare on LAW Street

A collection of events currently happening and events planned for the future. Threads from Event Request and Event Ideas are moved here when approved by a mod or admin. Mods and Admins may also post here for events they are coordinating now or in the future.
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Nightmare on LAW Street

Unread post by Malkavia »


In a short while, top wrestlers the world over will converge on one of the preeminent American stadiums for what appears to be an ordinary athletic event. Drawn by fame, fortune, and in some cases a more personal hunger, these elite competitors will perform for a teeming crowd of thousands the dog-eat-dog sport of professional wrestling.

Yet what awaits our band of muscle-bound hard-hitters and slender aerial artists is more than just ropes that square a circle. Consider the location: The city of ravens and revolutionaries. Final resting place of that most celebrated of macabre bards, Edgar Allen Poe. Baltimore. The history of this city is as rich in horror and malice, shadow and hellfire as any den of human iniquity the world over. Consider the time: The depths of October, All Hallow’s Season, when terrors and spectres are at their most…active.

As the humble host of tonight’s festivities at the M&T Bank Stadium, I would invite our guests to make themselves comfortable. Should a dense and inky fog pour over the arena walls, don’t let the change in decor disturb you. Should something scaly, cold, and wet slither across your lap, pay no mind—it’s probably one of my staff members keeping our space clean. And should you witness a blood-soaked goblin or rotting ghoul stalk from the shadows and preen in the flickering lights of our ring, remember. Wrestling has never been a stranger to monsters.

The date is set, the venue packed–so join us, won’t you, for Nightmare on LAW Street?

What: Nightmare on LAW Street is a Supercard Event designed to serve as a focal point for big matches in the LAW universe while encouraging a Fall and Halloween spirit.

Have a wrestler with a supernatural theme? Been nursing an idea for a hardcore casket match? How about a costume-themed strip match? This is the event for you to go to town exploring the spooky, the gory, and the downright frightening. We encourage creative match stipulations and thematic stories—and in fact, if you have ideas for a spooky match you don’t plan to use, share it with @Malkavia! She will be compiling a list of user-generated ideas to inspire others.

In keeping with that emphasis on theme, there will be a horror-themed LAW magazine article published sometime before January highlighting the thrilling spots and Halloween-inspired exploits that take place in these threads–plus, possible other surprises and accolades for those who truly get into the dreadful spirit!

There is, however, no requirement for matches to follow the Halloween theme. In fact, if you ask management, they will deny there anything even slightly supernatural about this event, which has been booked pure and simple as a wrestling event. They promise.

Where: On-site events will take place at the M&T Bank Stadium in Baltimore, Maryland. Off-site matches will be recorded and televised live.

When: Signups are due by 11:59pm EST on Thursday October 26. Threads will (hopefully) open sometime on Friday October 27.

Qualifications: We are requiring 3 completed matches per user (not per character) for this event. As always, we are happy to consider exceptions on a case by case basis, so reach out to @Malkavia or @Taskmaster12 if you would like to discuss a match for which your wrestlers don’t quite qualify.

How do I sign up: If you are interested in having your match on the card, OR if you have a non-match thread you would like to take place as part of the Supercard, first make sure to discuss the thread with ALL participants involved. We will be checking the characters and stipulations for proposed matches with everyone involved, so make sure everyone is on board before you sign up.

Once all participants have agreed on a match, characters, and stipulations, have ONE match participant submit a form using this link: We will then use responses to this form to create the Nightmare on LAW Street card.

The current card is shown below:
Match Ups
Bernadette "The Bomb" Nobel vs Viola "The Pinfall Princess" Celestial - Pumpkin Bash Match
Candice "Thunderbolt" Edison vs "Thunder Ryuko" Ryuko Yoshida - No DQ Shock Collar Match
Carolina Reine Youngren vs Kafka - "Five Screams of Pain & Terror Match
Cecilia Northman vs Angelina Tarrant - Halloween Cabin Match
Finella "Hellraiser" Edelstein vs Sparkling Idol Barbara - Trick or Treat No DQ Match
Halloween Sonohara vs Death Bunny - Hardcore Halloween Havoc: No Disqualification, No Count Out, Casket Match
Kanon Fujiwara vs Yuri Yoshika - Standard Match
Keiko Azuma vs Bianca Garcia - Hentai KO POW Match
Kinky K vs Dee "Dusk" Harper - Hentai Submission Match
Lexi Morgan vs Liliel North - Hardcore Hentai, Win via Knockout.
Lyra Heartfield vs Astrid Ostberg - Falls Count Anywhere Match
Morgan Romero vs The Impossible - Arsenal Match
Roulette of the Seven Nightmares - featuring Gabriel Vinlee
Sophie Daugherty vs Celeste Lucis - Abandoned Mineshaft Last Woman Standing Match
Tiki Lowell vs Alice Rose - Verbal Submission/I Quit, No DQ
The Assailant vs The Onryo - Quarry Match
W Y V E R N vs Marid - Sanguine Sacrifice Deathmatch
Yuriko Hasegawa "The pumpkin girl" vs Hilda Martin - Trick or Treat Ladder Match
Honie B. Bea vs "Amazon" Alaina Sanders (c) - Falls Count Anywhere match for the LAW Heavyweight Championship
Natalie McCathy vs Rylie Marshall (c) - Last Woman Standing Match in a Roller Derby Rink - For The Lawless Championship (Unsanctioned)
GASTER vs Astrid Arvidsson (c) - Halloween Queen of Pumpkins and Coffins for LAW Openweight Title
Last edited by Malkavia on Mon Oct 30, 2023 7:31 pm, edited 17 times in total.
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I'll keep them occupied
'Cause I love you, I love you so
Left me hanging at the station
But you'll be back for me soon
Madilyn Mei


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Re: Nightmare on LAW Street

Unread post by Monsy »

There’s not a wooden board nailed down completely. They arch their rigid backs, reveal their rotten stomachs, and stay there, serenely. Brown oxford shoes push them flat. It creaks and gets a rouse from the mice colony living beneath the floorboards. The man’s cane strikes the ground as he walks, past a three piece furniture set surrounding a white brick fireplace, with gold weaving curves, the shapes of a faint three-sided clover in its back cushions that flow into rolling arms, with white patterns, gold branches and green vines across its dilapidated fabric, ripped and split open near the bottom. Spiders loved cotton.

“Come on now.” Mr. Halloween said. “Time you all got your fill. Everyone knows blood runs cold on Halloween.” He spoke openly with no one there, then parted the withered red drapes and opened the window. A single knock on the window frame sent shivers through the condemned home. Dust and wooden bits from upper floors fall like droppings. The loudest thing were the squeaks, which became intense as red eyes glowed. Bats, hanging from above on the boards and frame, suddenly descend in this solid vortex of hissing wing flaps and screaming children, into a sky tuned to the old radio of 1910. Once gone, he closed it, then clicked his cane across the ground, walked yonder to a white desk, pulled back the seat and sat down.

The desk surface had dust at a femur-bone thickness, clung on its sides and undercarriage. Water-damaged and leather-cracked books stacked at the top two corners, three, white as snow. He pounded the desk with his black leather glove. Dust floated from its century old grave, and Mr Halloween crossed his arms. then swiped them wide, cast a cloud that rolled, turned to storms and grew as it travelled across the room. It picked up entire dust colonies in its sweep, and exited out the door in one consuming mass. Colour restored on the desk, a reddish plum with slick finish. The boards slowly became fluid and re-weaved into its natural place. The cracks on the walls formed together, with its fainted fern green patterned wallpaper growing over the placement, and the trim and finishes became unchiseled, applied a new coat of paint, and the fireplace had its white stone re-created, polished, with the painting above restored to its mighty glory. A portrait of an old family in fine wear, their faces still smudged into vestiges of torn skin, empty eyes, nose and mouth, with removed hearts and hands.

Mr Halloween placed his hands on the edges of the now clean desk, with a small book having materialized amidst the dust storm. He grabbed a match from his reddish trench coat pocket, struck it with his nail and lit a wax candle. His face told us he was early forties, with stitches around the hair-line and around his neck. Hair slicked back with pomade, eyes pure white, glassy and fogged except for a singular faint dot. A top hat on his head, beaver-pelt, black, with a golden ribbon around its base before the brim. He placed it on one side of the desk, then looked forward towards the camera, now fixed in a seat and level with the man’s eyes.

“Welcome, to my living abode. I'm Mister Halloween. I’m glad you could all survive this long, to this very, very, unique day. I know it must’ve been dangerous, looking over your shoulder every fourth step. Dare I say, perilous.”

He smiled, nodded his head, eyes closed and placed his hand over the book. “But I assure you, it was all worth it. For tonight, you, dear boy, those in attendance and those at home, I offer you a story. A book, to unfold before your very eyes in real time. The Nightmare on LAW Street.”

The house shook from its very foundation and groaned. Mr Halloween stomped his cane, twice, looking at the floor. “Settle down! We have guests!” Then, once the shifting and grumbling quieted, he released a sigh, placed two hands on his cane and returned his gaze to the camera. The man behind it breathed heavily, and crept into the audio.

“Sorry. It’s past feeding time. The house doesn’t enjoy making itself presentable for very long. It’s… painful. But, we catch more flies with honey, not vinegar. Like yourself.” Again, he placed his hand on the book. “But rest assured, I will protect you until our story is finished. See, Nightmare on LAW Street is a tale of violence, debauchery and the unexplained. Gold, sanity, sancity and pride are on the line. Weapons, suplexes and madness of all kinds. It’s a book populated with vampires, victims, monsters of the human kind and not-so-human kind…. A Great-Great Mystery, with dead girls, feral raccoons, killer bees, hell raisers, scarmakers, paladins and heroes, villains and tyrants. Everything you see tonight, is foretold in this book.”

He opened the hard cover and slipped his index under the first page to a body of text. Something made him pause. He remembered, “Pardon me.” He knocked his own temple and his eye popped out onto the table like pool balls. Both came out, and he rubbed them with his sleeve before shoving them back in. They swirled around, then reset, with black pupils consuming eighty percent of his socket. “I needed to clean them to read. Now.” He opened the first page. “Shall we begin the Nightmare on LAW Street?”
Monsy's Jobbers

Code: Select all

— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: Nightmare on LAW Street

Unread post by Malkavia »

Hello everyone! I wanted to send out a reminder that applications for Nightmare on LAW Street are due by 11:59pm EDT on Thursday 10/26 – less than a week away! Make sure to submit your matches through this link before that time:

Additionally, the enigmatic Mr. Halloween, portrayed in the post above, will serve as the host of this event. A HUGE thanks to @Rymiscuius for developing Mr. Halloween and writing this post!

If you are interested in incorporating this host into your match, you have three options

– You may request for the Event Team to write an introduction post for your thread, which will be written from the perspective of Mr. Halloween. **If you are interested in an introductory post like this one**, thank this post (or react to its twin on the Discord) **before 11:59pm on Tuesday 10/24**.
– You may instead opt to write your own introduction utilizing Mr. Halloween! Feel free to use him however is useful to you, as long as he remains where the introduction post puts him – in his lair in front of a camera streaming to the event.
–You may also opt to ignore Mr. Halloween.

As ever, if you have any questions, please shoot me a DM on Discord or a private message on the site!
Last edited by Malkavia on Sat Oct 21, 2023 12:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
Run for it
I'll keep them occupied
'Cause I love you, I love you so
Left me hanging at the station
But you'll be back for me soon
Madilyn Mei


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