Do or Die

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Re: Do or Die

Unread post by winner3 »

I have added the requested matches to the card. If I've overlooked anything or if I've forgotten anyone, please do let me know! I hope everyone's still looking forward to the event ^_^
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

If you just need plain old winner, please reach out via If you're interested in scoping out my characters and/or pitching RP ideas, here's my roster
:raised_hands: Peace, Love, and Sexy Wrestling Roleplay Stories :raised_hands:

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Re: Do or Die

Unread post by winner3 »

Update: This event will likely go live this evening. I'm going to take the time to set it up over the course of the next few hours. With the help of @Malkavia, and through her continued generosity and gracious efforts, we'll have promotional posters for each scheduled matchup. Please bear with us as we try to get this up and running today, and please extend your thanks to Mal for her support!
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

If you just need plain old winner, please reach out via If you're interested in scoping out my characters and/or pitching RP ideas, here's my roster
:raised_hands: Peace, Love, and Sexy Wrestling Roleplay Stories :raised_hands:

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Location: League of Anime Wrestling
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Re: Do or Die

Unread post by winner3 »

The Do or Die event is now live and accessible at this link: viewforum.php?f=176

If there are any edits required (misspellings, stipulation changes, etc), please reach out to me and let me know and I'll correct them posthaste! I hope everyone enjoys the event and I hope this helps those that are interested feel like they can have an impact on and grow the mixed wrestling scene at LAW!
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

If you just need plain old winner, please reach out via If you're interested in scoping out my characters and/or pitching RP ideas, here's my roster
:raised_hands: Peace, Love, and Sexy Wrestling Roleplay Stories :raised_hands:

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