Skullomania II

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Skullomania II

Unread post by BlackAkuma »


Secret Identity: Kenji Takamura
Nickname Skullomania II
Age: 20
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
Height: 5”4’
Weight: 115 lbs
Nationality: Japan
Entrance Music:
Sure Promise
Wrestling Information

Strategy: Kenji is - or aspires to be - a top-tier high-flyer. That being said, he’s still working on a lot of the fundamental with such a style, so for now it’s just window dressing while he relies on more basic, useable moves.
Style: Pro Wrestling
Type: High Flying Striker

Preferred Attacks: Kicks, Chops, Moonsaults, et cetera. Oh, and headbutts. Headbutts for days.

Preferred Matches: Standard, though he’ll try anything. He’s also more into lewd matches than he would like to admit out loud. The suit makes it a little weird, though.

Attitude To Hentai: “Skulloman shall never refuse a challenge. Such lewd tactics will not avail you.”

Wrestling Statistics

Endurance: ★★ -Is just starting to get used to taking real pain..
Strength: ★★ - He’s not in bad shape, but isn’t up to wrestling standards yet.
Speed: ★★★ - Is pretty fast.
Defense: ★ - Needs some serious work. Tends to panic when opponents take the offense.
Technique: ★★ - Is still trying to find his rhythm as a wrestler and get a solid move set under his belt.

Wrestling Statistics

Strikes: ★★ - Has a passable one-two, decent kicks to work with.
Submissions: ★ - Uses barebones submissions, not too impressive on the ground.
Powerhouse: ★★ -Is just strong enough to lift some Ken around his own size..
Aerial: ★★★ - The focus of his style..
Counters: ★ - Hasn’t gotten the timing down yet..

Signature Moves:
Falling Skull
With a prone opponent on the ground, Skullomania II gets a running start, bounces off the ropes, runs to them, then turns to the side at the last second and falls over so that his head crashes into their body.
With an opponent outside of the ring, Skullomania II hits the ropes, runs towards them, then ducks down and slides along the canvas with his feet out, hitting them with a baseball slide version of the drop kick. This is his go-to move for attacking opponents out of the ring until he perfect his high-flying techniques.
Dynamic Entry
A Skullomania staple - Skullomania II runs at his opponent, leaps up, and hits them with a flying kick. He’s working on a variation that uses the ropes.

Finishing Moves
Flying Skull]Image
Skullomania II leaps off the turnbuckle and comes on his opponent’s chest with his skull, slamming into them with the hardest part of his body.

Out of the mask, Kenji is the definition of mild-mannered. Quiet, unassuming, he doesn’t often speak unless spoken to and has a hard time engaging in conversations, getting nervous around others easily. He has a way of blending into the background and going unnoticed, a trait that’s served him well as a referee, funnily enough. While he does have opinions and registers what’s going on around him, he often fears that he’ll screw something up, forcing himself to stay low-key.

Everything changes when he dons the mask, however. Skullomania II is everything Kenji isn’t. Loud and boisterous, he makes bold proclamations in the ring, approaches any opponent with confidence, never backs down from a fight, and is a tireless champion of the innocent and defenseless. The Skulloman II identity is his chance to cut loose and be wild, and he embraces it wholeheartedly.

He can be a bit of a goofball, but it isn’t all fun and games. Part of the reason he took the role was to serve as a protector, particularly for referees who are often the targets of heinous attacks by villainous wrestlers. Kenji sees it as his mission to confront those who would harm people that can’t fight back, and he uses that as motivation in his training.

Kenji was a massive wrestling fan growing up, collecting all the memorabilia, attending the shows, and getting himself immersed in the culture to a nearly obsessive degree. Over the years, he acquired a massive collection of wrestling paraphernalia, some of it quite expensive, had an encyclopedic knowledge of the sport, and even did some play matches with his friends. His favorite wrestler of all was the legendary Skullomania, a masked wrestler of great renown for decades. No one knew his true name, and he’d retired in grand fashion a few years earlier.

It was no surprise, then, that he would attempt to become a pro wrestler. What was surprising was how poorly he would do.

His first few weeks of wrestling school went poorly to say the least. It wasn’t that he didn’t try, but nothing seemed to click for him. He couldn't get the fundamentals, couldn't get any advanced techniques, and it seemed like he was always two steps behind the rest of the class.

He dropped out after two months, but he was insistent on being in the business. Taking pity on him, his instructors had him train to become a referee instead, a move that much better suited him. In half a year, he was up to the task of refereeing big matches, and he was picked up by LAW.

Things went well for him as a LAW referee, but the more he did it, the more he noticed some less-than-savory aspects of the business. He took issue with the way referees were treated - insulted and attacked, with management doing little to keep them safe. Wrestlers could get away with attacking referees, but not vice versa.

It was this that inspired Kenji to try something…different. Taking inspiration from his childhood hero, he donned the guise of Skullomania II and, with some backstage help from colleagues who were inspired by his goal, entered the Young Lions program, looking to resume his training in secret, with the hopes of becoming a force for good in LAW.

Kenji in full garb.
Kenji’s sketches for the outfit.
The original Skullomania
Fun Facts:

-As boring as he finds the job sometimes, Kenji takes his role as a referee seriously. He has the rulebook memorized and attends regular classes to improve his skills in that area, wanting to be the best official he can be as well as a top-notch wrestler.
-While he loves tokusatsu in general, he’s actually a bigger fan of the American offshoots. Power Rangers RPM is his favorite series, and he even traveled to America for Morphicon.
-Kenji made the outfit all by himself, using some online classes to figure it out. He’s quite proud of it.



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