Rai Kamiya - Runt Of The Litter

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Rai Kamiya - Runt Of The Litter

Unread post by The_Soul_of_Kia »

Stage Name: Rai Kamiya

Name: Rai Nimatori
Sex: Male
Age: 18
Eyes: Naturally brown, but wears colored contacts to match his hair.
Hair: Naturally brown, but dyes it
Height: 5’4’’
Weight: 130 lbs
Nationality: Japanese
Alignment: Babyface
Entrance music:

Wrestling Information

Strategy: Lacking much strength or a lot of durability, Rai focuses on speed, trying to wear his opponents out through quick strikes or getting them to chase him around, before trying to ground them with his mat-based wrestling game or hit them with his high flying cross body attack. None of these have led to a win yet…but he keeps trying.

Type: Grappler/Showman
Preferred Matches: Standard, Hentai, Softcore, WAM, Hardcore

Endurance: 3/5 – Rai, naturally for someone his age, has an absolute abundance of youthful energy that keeps him popping up bright and fresh as a daisy when he gets knocked down…at least at first. While this means he won’t get exhausted of his own fault in the ring, his actual physical endurance to blows and submission holds is much less great. His body lacks any natural fat to cushion any attacks, and so blows that hit him hit with 100 percent force, greatly reducing his ability to stay in a match.

Strength: 2/5 – Rai is absolutely not a powerhouse wrestler by any stretch. He IS capable of hitting some power moves, simple ones like german suplexes, even on opponents much bigger than him, but can only do so many, and they will only be so effective. If he’s facing anyone bigger than him, he won’t be able to overpower them at all and his power moves won’t finish any of them.
Speed: 5/5 – Rai is small, and FAST, able to clear the ring within just a couple of seconds and on the rare occasions when he’s actually on the offensive side, can nail opponents with multiple strikes or attacks from multiple angles within seconds. One of the few advantages he has on his side.

Defense: 2/5 – Rai is extremely quick on his feet, and knows several counters to wrestling moves and holds, and so it can be difficult at first to pin him down, especially with his energy reserves. Unfortunately, his small size and body can only take so much damage once he is inevitably caught and hit, and once he is, it doesn’t take all THAT much to be able to put the teenager down for the count.

Technique: 4/5: While Rai’s failures and losses in the ring are certainly due to things like his small size and lack of weight, they aren’t due to a lack of skill. 4 years straight on the wrestling team in high school, combined with years of being a fan of pro wrestling, has allowed him to learn plenty of moves and techniques to use in the ring, and he’s quite good at many of them, even if his size issues means he can’t always pull them off on his opponents.

Wrestling Stats

-Strikes: 2/5 – Rai is not the best striker. He has some good kicks and knee strikes that he can spam, and has the usual smoll person method of hurling his own body at the enemy, but his upper arms attacks are not very powerful by a long shot, unless he has plenty of steam and momentum behind him

-Submissions: 3/5 – Not really his forte, but he knows how to take simple, but effective holds, use them somewhat effectively…not enough to get anyone to tap out yet, but it’ll hurt!

-Power Moves: 1/5 – He can german suplex someone if he’s not too beat up and tired beforehand. The rare Sunset Flip powerbomb or superplex if the situation is right. Other than that though…nah, not his thing.

-Aerial Moves: 3/5 –Rai relies a lot on these, a lot of crossbodies, springboard knees and clotheslines, hurricanrana’s and the like, all to use momentum and gravity to compensate for a lack of physical power or weight.

-Counters: 3/5 – Rai can be pretty hard to catch and keep a hold of at times, taking full advantage of his smaller size to squirm, escape, or counter a fair number of holds, requiring a tight grip to keep him in place for slams and submissions.

-Hentai: 3/5 – Rai, ever the bookworm and ever curious, has read books about sex, and is fluent in the…knowledge… of the acts…but much less experienced and proficient in the act itself. Nevertheless, he tries his best to make it good for his opponent.

Favored moves: Greco-Roman wrestling skills, DDT, dropkick, missile dropkick, flying clothesline, german suplex, hurricanrana, suicide dive, plancha, Slingblade, top rope splash, russian leg sweep.

Signature Moves:

Flying Peach: Rai gets a running start, bouncing off the ropes and leaping towards the opponent, turning in mid flight and smacking them in the face with his butt!

Eat Defeat – Rai kicks his opponent in the gut to bend them over, twists their arm for leverage, kicks his foot up and places it just under their chin, then falls to his back, pulling down on their arm so that gravity will push them to bend down, and the impact of his back hitting the mat and causes their jaw to bounce off his foot, disorienting his opponents!

Speedo-Sault: With his opponent on the mat on their back, Rai leaps to the nearby ropes, landing on the middle rope and using it to spring backwards and flip his body back, landing chest first on the opponent with a Lionsault!

Finishing moves:

Wild Rai'd - Rai grabs his opponent in a side headlock, then runs to the corner, stepping up the the turnbuckle and ropes for extra momentum and maximum height, before turning in the air and bringing his opponent face down onto the mat with a bulldog. Can also be done by leaping to and springing off the top rope.

Wild Rai'd - Rai grabs his opponents arm, twists it to get at their side, leans them back, then jumps forward to drive them face and chest down to the mat with a Reverse Russian Leg Sweep!

High Rai Flow- a Pun based off the famous “High Fly Flow” finisher, Rai climbs to the top rope (or sometimes uses the top of the metal turnbuckle pole for extra height) and leaps of with a picture perfect Diving Cross Body, crashing into his opponents body and taking them down to the mat with all the force and momentum he can muster.


Rai lacks the social or personality hang ups that most of his half-siblings have, and is a friendly, kind spirited, well-adjusted and entirely pleasant young man. He’s eager, bright, excitable, and very down to earth regarding his overall skill level and abilities, unlike his more conceited siblings.

Rai’s biggest personality flaws however, are his loneliness and his naivety, as well as his lack of self confidence, mostly due to being bullied and pushed around most of his youth and growing up without siblings or much parental attention. This can cause Rai to get attached to people showing interest in him too quickly, and lead to trouble if that person has bad intentions for the rookie fighter.

When he does make friends, he tends to be VERY loyal to them and stick with them, even if it causes him issues.

Ultimately, while Rai can get tricked, mislead, manipulated, and disheartened/depressed by his small size and issues dealing with others, he tries to maintain a smile and a positive attitude whenever possible, only revealing the issues he’s struggling with when alone or with someone he deeply trusts.

Past/History: (note: Hate writing backstories nobody will care about, so I do “Highlights” instead)

**Like all the Kamiya's, Rai's father is Tai Kamiya Sr, a pro wrestling jobber who traveled around the world losing matches and getting his butt kicked. What Tai Sr. lacked in skill however, he made up for in charm and good looks, and he charmed many a female wrestling fan, seducing them for one night stands and then moving on to the next territory for his next match, rinse and repeat. As a result, he left many pregnant women behind, had many children, all of whom he chose to abandon to continue his playboy lifestyle.

*It took 20 years, but Tai Sr. eventually realized he had been kind of an asshole and deadbeat father, and so, through his exes, he sent all his children letters, explaining why he was never in their lives, why they were better off for it, and leaving a contact number to friends he had made in high places in the wrestling world, who, if any of his children were interested, would get them trained and hired as pro wrestlers, if any wanted it as a career choice. Out of all his kids...only 6 replied.

* Growing up in Tokyo, Japan, Rai was accidentally born months premature, which caused several illnesses early in his life, and while he eventually grew into a normal, average boy with no notable health defects, he was always undersized, never growing tall or being able to develop much muscle.

*Never knew his father, was an only child, and his mother worked 2 jobs over night and slept during the day, so once he started getting older and needing less attention, he would often go days without interacting much with her. They developed a dynamic based around post it notes, with his mother making him breakfast and a school lunch with notes of advice, love, homework corrections and such and a chore list. In exchange, Rai would make dinner for himself and his mother most nights, leaving her the bigger share along with similar notes expressing his appreciation for her, details of the food, homework, and his overall day, allowing them to stay close, even when not seeing each other as much as they’d like.

*This still led to a lonely existence for the boy, as he learned from an early age to be self-sufficient and care for his own needs, but gave him few people in his life to connect with, and didn’t prepare him well for the social structures found in society and school. This led to him being rather quiet and unassuming when on his own in public, and that meekness and quiet nature led to him being often bullied and mistreated by other young people, as well as made him more susceptible to being misled, tricked, and betrayed by people over time, though usually this just amounted to bullies beating him up and making them do their homework for them.

*Outside of social interaction, Rai’s school days were filled with sports and studies. He was decent at athletics, always giving his all and trying his best…but often finding his small size working as a major deterrent against him. He joined the wrestling team, and had legitimate skill on the mat…but was the smallest one on the team, and as a result, ended his first year on the team without a single win. Even in his sr. year, he only won two actual matches, thanks to his slipperiness and facing two other smaller wrestlers. But against anyone with size and strength on him, he was pinned and defeated without too much trouble.

*Other attempts at sports included baseball, soccer, swimming, and track, with swimming being the only sport where he managed to excel in anyway, despite showing talent at all of them, and even then he still lost several swim meets and races against opponents with simply longer limbs.

*Despite being a bright student, Rai’s grades suffered and slipped due to him deterring bullies by doing their homework, helping them pass classes while his own grades slipped. They never slipped to the level of failing grades, but it was enough to make high level universities and colleges less of a feasible option. Combine this with Rai never joining any of the important social groups and clubs in school, and it seemed his fate was to a Salaryman, an entry-level worker for whatever corporation would take him, where he’d be doomed to work long hours for years with little advancement or high pay.

*He was saved from this, the day he received his letter from Tai Sr., telling him all about the world of pro wrestling and how he could join. This not only saved him from an unhappy life in an unfulfilling job, but what especially excited Rai was the prospect of meeting any of his half siblings that also joined, eagerly joining Law in the hopes that, with the positive influences and help of his siblings, he could overcome his size and confidence issues, make new friends, and show the world that he couldn’t be kept down, no matter what was thrown at him!

Fun Facts:
*During Rai’s time in high school, he got picked on even by girls, culminating in a cheerleader bullying him and challenging him to a fight, despite his lack of interest in doing so. She won, pinning him down and trapping him in a headscissors, squeezing him until he tapped out for her. Unfortunately, to his embarrassment, he found the situation extremely hot, leading to him having a fetish for being dominated by beautiful women, something he finds extremely embarrassing and wishes to overcome.

*Rai’s years of making dinners for himself and his mother has led to ever-growing cooking skills. While certainly not as advanced as a proper chef with training, Rai finds he enjoys cooking immensely and often adds his own unique addition to meals he makes. If you become Rai’s friend and you come over, you’re getting a home cooked meal. His mother would be very displeased with him if he didn’t do such.

*Rai getting hired by LAW came with a decent, though not impressive, salary, and combined with the money Tai Sr. left for him, and staying at the free LAW dorms, Rai has been able to forward a considerable amount of cash per month to his mother, allowing her to finally cut back on work and just have one job to focus on, allowing her much more time to rest and relax at home. He tries to visit often.

*As part of a hazing ritual, Jin and Tai have told Rai he can’t wrestle in anything but a small speedo until he has some wins under his belt. Rai knows full well this is just to poke fun at him, but goes along with it good naturedly, and actually rather likes the way he looks in said speedos.

*Out of his half-siblings, Rai finds he gets along best with Jin and Kaitlyn. Jin, despite being self absorbed and vain, seems to have a soft spot for his younger sibling and teams up with him in tag matches, while Kaitlyn is just chill and shares her weed with him so they can relax and play video games or watch anime together.

*Tai, and Bishara on the other hand, tend to push Rai around a lot, something he puts up with as their relationship is still new, and he hopes to earn their approval over time, while Anjali, having sibling issues of her own, is rather casual to him.

*Rai actually became a fan of surfing after meeting Jin, and has taken the sport up himself.

*Rai wrestles in a speedo to match Jin, as they are one of the main tag pairings of the group. To match Jin's multi-colored hair, Rai comes up with multiple color combos for his own hair, and names them all.

*Rai grew up listening to the music his mother loved, fostering a love for music from the 70's, especially "yacht rock" and progressive rock. His favorite bands/artists are The Moody Blues, Rush, and Christopher Cross.

*Spending so much time alone encouraged Rai to do a lot of reading, and now he has a LARGE book collection. Sci fi, fantasy, biographies, manga, comics, graphic novels, history books, cooking books…there is very little Rai will not read and absorb.

*Rai actually loves the attention he gets from the league, even if the crowd is hostile towards him, having gone from being ignored by anyone not picking on him to being seen and noticed by thousands every week. To that end, he has little issue with hentai matches, WAM matches, wrestling in a speedo, even being naked in the ring…now that he’s finally GETTING attention, he finds he rather likes it, and the more erotic aspects honestly give him a thrill...even if he's losing.

*Dislikes his father greatly for abandoning his mother the way he did. While he appreciates what the man has done for him in letting him become a wrestler, he will never forgive Tai Sr. for that.

LAW Information



Allies: The other members of the Kamiya faction
Enemies: His father

Wrestling Attire:

Standard 2:

Last edited by The_Soul_of_Kia on Tue Sep 10, 2024 5:26 am, edited 5 times in total.

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