Alicja Piestrzeniewicz
Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2022 3:33 pm
Real Name: Alicja Piestrzeniewicz
Nicknames: Non yet
Age: 22
Eyes: Gray
Hair: White (dyed originally blond)
Height: 174 cm
Weight: 70kg
Nationality: Polish
Alignment: Twener (leaning face)
Entrance Music:
Alicja tends to be a confident and outgoing person sometimes to the point of being annoying. This in fact is a way of dealing with her anxiety by putting on a facade that she is willing to drop only around people she trusts.
When meeting new people she tries to be friendly but has little patience if someone is being rude or demining towards her and will reflect that right back.
Even though her own confidence is largely an act, she is drawn to people who are themselves confident.
In the ring, Alicja is very focused on putting on a good show and will take any opportunity to make herself look good. She is not above some underhanded tactics if faced with a heel but will not pull that on anyone else unless she really dislikes them.
Wrestling Information
Strategy: Alicja relays heavily on strikes as she feels they are least affected by her lack of skill and experience. She loves to show off her strength with throws and alike but uses them only when she is confident she can pull them off.
Style: Striker(?)
Preferred Attacks: punches and throws
Preferred Matches: Any except hardcore.
Attitude To Hentai: ”Ehm… is this in my contract” (it is and she actually likes the idea)
Physical Statistics
General Statistics
Endurance ★★★★✮ – Gets up even when it seems she sholdnt.
Strength ★★★★★ – Can keep up with larger girls, easily her biggest advantage.
Speed ★★☆☆☆ – Not gonna win any races.
Defence ★★☆☆☆ – Only knows the basics.
Technique ★✮☆☆☆ – No fighting experience but a quick learner.
Wrestling Statistics
Strikes ★★✮☆☆ – Learned some basics.
Submissions ★★☆☆☆ – Her arsenal or skill are lacking but if she looks something in it’s hard to get out of.
Powerhouse ★★✮☆☆ – Has a lot of strength… still learning how to use it.
Aerials ★☆☆☆☆– Would love to but no.
Counters ★☆☆☆☆ – Defending is hard enough.
Match Ending Moves
Signature Moves
None yet
Finishing Moves
None yet
Alicja doesn't like talking about her past. The truth is there isn’t much good to say about it. Her parents were struggling with money and were far from being exemplary people. She was neglected and her rare interactions with her parents consisted of them being disappointed and trying to force her down the path they wanted as well as ridiculing her interests which led to her having trouble with her own identity as she felt that everything she was doing was somehow wrong.
School life wasn’t much better as her subdued demeanor made her a prime target for bullies. But that’s when one of her few friends made a difference by getting her interested in weightlifting and later on bodybuilding which helped her to gather some confidence. Of course, as it often happens that was also something people made fun of but after some time as she started to stand up for herself it stopped or at least was done so she couldn't hear.
By the time she was nearing the end of high school, she had a crisis, she had no idea what to do as her parents expected her to go to college and get a respectable and well-paying job but she had no interest in any of their ideas. Eventually, after a lot of thinking and consulting with her friends, she decided to try her hand at professional bodybuilding and modelling and leave her family's home after graduation.
Since then she has been trying to find her own way and rediscovering her old interests. That led to her stumbling upon wrestling and falling absolutely in love. Then despite having to be dragged to the tryouts by her friends, she managed to get in.
Alicja has no idea how she scored a spot at LAW but she is determined not to waste it. She is spending almost all her free time training and will jump at any opportunity to learn.
Friends: Counting to get some.
Allies: Hopefuly.
Rivals: Not yet.
Crushes: Maybe in the future.
Enemies: None.
Gallery (without the tail of course
Wrestling Attire (no shades)
- Is in therapy to battle her anxiety. Also started lessons on stage performance after getting signed at LAW.
- She is polyamorous but still in the closet about it.
- Can easily develop a crush if someone is nice to her.
- Collects porcelain figurines but keeps them a secret.
- Is known for being the face of luxury women's gymwear.