Full Name: Lucie Lunar Light
Age: 18
Height: 5"1'
Weight: 130 lbs.
Alignment: Face-Leaning Tweener/True Neutral (Young Lioness)
Preferred Matches: Standard and Smother
Residence: A Two Bedroom Apartment
Nationality: Japanese
Twitter: @FullMoon
Music ThemesUmmm... D-Do you guys think my skirt is too short...?
Casual Theme
Entrance Theme
So eventually, Lucie resigned from her new job as an astronomer and went back to LAW. Secretly, Lucie had always dreamed of becoming a great wrestler, but she severely lacked the talent for it. But there was a spark of hope, in the form of LAW's Young Lioness program for wrestlers in training! It was here that Lucia met her first trainer, Melony P. Peaches: Booty Bullet. Melony had recently volunteered to be a Young Lioness Trainer, given she already had experience training other wrestlers before. But given how weak and pathetic Lucie was at the time, Melony knew she had a long road ahead of her. But the bonafide empress saw that despite her very clear shortcomings, Lucie did have the potential to excel in booty/smother-based offense. So the peachy monarch would start from there!
Melony took it easy on her trainee. She met Lucie where she was and was very patient with her. During training, Lucie received regular breaks and constant, loving encouragement. Melony made sure that Lucie was as comfortable as she could be, while still training her as effectively as possible! While stricter trainers may have thought Melony was too soft on her trainee, her special brand of gradual, steady, and love-filled training was precisely what Lucie needed to get much stronger! Lucie had always been nervous to the world of wrestling, but Melony helped her to find herself and grow at her own pace. When her booty/smother-based offense training was over, the previously skinny girl had put significant meat and impressive curves on her, becoming much thiccer! On top of that, she now knew how to effectively use her now large, plump booty as a lethal weapon!
That being said, Lucie still had a lot of work to do. She has grown in other areas all around. But because she started out so pitiful, she's now mostly just average in other essential areas. And she had a ton of learning to do, regarding building confidence and a stronger resolve. Nonetheless, she could now actually provide a degree of competition! Lucie would express her gratitude to Melony and finally go back to having matches, determined to show that despite still being a Young Lioness in training, she was far from the helpless jobber she once was! Lucie decided she wanted to change her wrestling theme to reflect her growth, starting from the much needed break that she took from LAW. Taking inspiring from her love of space, she settled on a starry night-sky theme. And given the fact that she had thick, plump, pale rump, theming herself after the moon worked especially well! And so, the Smother Moon was born!
Personality: Lucie is an adorably soft-spoken, calm, meek, quiet, sensitive and shy young lady. Due to Melony's training, she has gained a tad more self-confidence. But she is nonetheless still a pretty timid wrestler, being easily embarrassed and very self-conscious. In matches, she's very hesitant to take risks and is easily intimidated by opponents. She's also still relatively quick to beg for mercy, meaning she prefers not to fight in submission matches. While she may come across as cowardly, Lucie does have a drive deep inside her to succeed. So in order to become the best wrestler she can be, Lucie is constantly fighting against her nervous disposition.
Despite her incredibly non-threatening demeanor, Lucie is actually underconfident. Thanks to her training with Melony, she's a much better fighter than she was previously, even if she still has plenty to learn. When she can, Lucie enjoys making people pay for underestimating her. In dominant situations, she can be surprisingly callous and vengeful towards those who have tried to scare and bully her. This stems from insecurities stemming from the humiliation she endured, during her previous existence as a jobber.
On her own, Lucie is generally a decent person. But if it benefits her, she can be tempted into committing dishonorable acts, namely by her twin sister Lucia. While her sister serves as a negative influence on her, her trainer Melony serves as a positive influence on her. Lucie's at her best when she's in Melony's company, as the empress's contagious benevolence rubs off on her. All in all, Lucie is simply out to overcome her nervousness and smother opponents silly, even if she's self-conscious about the big butt she uses to do so!
Wrestling Style: Before joining the Young Lioness Program, Lucie was decent at booty/smother-based offense, but pretty much trash at everything else. After a significant amount of training in the program, she is now great a booty/smother-based offense. And she's...mostly mid at everything else. Her smothers and hip attacks are on point, but most of her other strikes, throws, aerial moves, and submissions are pretty average. While her pale, moon-themed booty is strong enough and smothery enough to take down weaker foes alone, Lucia is on a quest to find out what other wrestling strategies best compliment her smother game. But for now, aside from her butt-based specialities, she can be considered a bit of an all-rounder!
Special Moves:
Moon Spanking - Lucie repeatedly spanks her opponent's backside. But instead of using her hands to do so, she smacks her own moon into her opponent's rear over and over again!


Power: 7/10 - While her upper body strength for her size is pretty average, she does have a pretty strong lower body, thanks to Melony!
Speed: 6/10 - Lucie is fairly fast, at least enough to make her running hip attacks pretty effective!
Stamina: 3/10 - Lucie's stamina isn't too good, so there's a limit to how long she can last when taking punishment.
Technique 6/10 - While there is still a lot more for her to learn, Lucie can actually be a decently technical wrestler.
Intelligence: 5/10 - Average intellect. Enough for commonsense and decent planning, but nothing too impressive.
Defense: 3/10 - Lucie isn't very durable in this regard, so she often struggles to block or shake off attacks.
Singles Record
Wins: 0
Has Defeated:
Has Been Defeated By:
Has Tied With:
Love Interests: N/A
Twin Sister/Ally: Lucia S. Light
Friends: Melony P. Peaches (YL Trainer), Honie B. Bea
Rivals: Jasmine C. Cake
Enemies: TBH
- Lucie L. Light is based on the moon as well as the starry night sky in general.
- Lucie's first name means light, and her middle name (Lunar) means "in relation to the moon". So her full name basically means: Light, Moonlight.
- Fittingly, Lucie often moons her opponents by lifting her short skirt up, and sometimes even yanking her bottoms up into a wedgie. She then proceeds to smother them silly with her borderline bare moon-cheeks.
- Lucie's connection with Melony has lead to her meeting the other Booty Empresses as well. She's formed a friendship with Honie, since the heroic bee often encourages her and protects her from bullies. Jasmine also likes Lucie. However, due to Jasmine's loud, overzealous, and teasing disposition, the quiet and easily fluttered Lucie hasn't quite warmed up to her yet. But it will likely happen in time. Lucie does however consider her a rival.
- While she's eternally grateful for Melony's training, Lucie's very open to see what other mentors can teach her as well.
- Lucie enjoys quiet places and practices meditation, often beneath the peaceful, starry sky.
Other Artworks
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