Melanie Isabella Andrews

LAW's Developmental/Training program for rookies and characters new to wrestling. Participation is optional. Characters can "train" under or be assigned to trainers and other wrestlers. Young Lionesses can "graduate" from the program when you feel they are ready. No weight limits. Full explanation here
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Melanie Isabella Andrews

Unread post by DSX93 »

Name: Melanie Isabella Andrews

Nicknames: The HBIC (Head Bitch In Charge), M.I.A

Age: 24

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Height: 5'4

Weight: 138

Alignment: Heel

Nationality: North American

Hometown: Miami, Florida

Entrance Music:
Ring Attire
Promotional Shots
If Melanie could be summed up in only one word, it would, without a doubt, be "narcissist". Self-absorbed to the point of denialism in the face of failure and consequences, making "I reject your reality and substitute my own" words that she lives by. And in her reality, she is never at fault when things go wrong, and she is nothing less than perfect.

She's very driven however, determined to reach the top and have every eye on her. She doesn't care if it's love or hate, as long as everyone is looking at and talking about her.
Melanie Isabella Andrews is the daughter of Aiden "Razor" Andrews, a former professional full-contact wrestler, and Milla Leonidovna, an internationally renowned model and actress. Her parents' fame would have a light shining on her throughout her life, and she loved the attention and privilege it afforded her. Unfortunately, this would also instill a feeling of being above others, which her parents, both having enormous egos of their own, would do little to rein in.

Quite the opposite, in fact: They would always view her as their little angel, even in the face of ample evidence that she was far from celestial. Bullying students out of school? Those other kids must've done something to deserve it. Being busted with drugs? She's young, and young people make mistakes. Besides, what's wrong with living it up every once in a while? Everything in moderation...

She would begin training to follow her father and uncles into professional wrestling while she was in high school, deciding from the jump that she would pursue a career in scripted wrestling with the latter. It was a disappointment to her father, but her mother would agree with her reasoning: Melanie, already an influencer, intended to be a model as well, and to do that, she needed to take measures to preserve her body.

Having never intended to step foot into the world of full-contact wrestling, she would never take that portion of it too seriously, and her father didn't push her very hard. And she was blessed with natural athletic talent, which didn't help matters when she trained under her uncle Robert, who had a better head on his shoulders. It was clear that she was expecting the Andrews name (which carried more weight in scripted wrestling) to carry her through, much to his frustration. And thanks to her uncle Eric, who had a high backstage position in UCW, it would.

Ultima Championship Wrestling. The second most prominent scripted wrestling promotion behind the WWE, which it was looking to overtake.

With his influence working for her, Melanie would get to skip past the "paying dues" part of a wrestler's career, enjoying a strong early push. This would make her very unpopular in the locker room, but because of their relation, the other superstars were unable to do much about it.

And she wouldn't care if they liked her. What was important was that the fans did. And indeed, her reception amongst the fans would be the exact opposite. She was being pushed as a babyface, and with her spectacular all-rounder ability in the ring along with her mic skills, they ate her right up.

After a mere six months, Melanie would be booked to win the women's championship, becoming the youngest to hold it at the age of nineteen, hours shy of twenty. And she would hold it for two years before she lost it to Terra Tamatoa, from whom she would win it back one year later after cashing in her Money In The Bank briefcase immediately after a rough defense. An act that would be the start of her heel run.

Life was good for Melanie. She was on the track to becoming one of the pillars holding up the women's division. One of its faces. And her Instagram and OnlyFans accounts were seeing crazy numbers that grew higher and higher every day, pulling in millions of dollars every single month.

She would hold the title for another two years before a series of videos and audio recorded in secret by backstage employees would reveal that her actual personality was all too similar to the character she portrayed as a heel. Full of herself, and using her relation to Eric Andrews to throw her weight around in the company. The final nail in the coffin would be the audio recording of her threatening Beverly Grant, a new face in the company, with a firing during an argument.

"One call to my uncle, and you're fucking gone! Understand?"

Beverly had been released months prior, and when the news came out, she and others would speak out about Melanie's horrid, entitled backstage attitude and how she would often use her relation to Eric to get her way. The explosive controversy that followed would see fans clamoring for Melanie and Eric's firing, with the former receiving absolutely nuclear heat whenever she appeared. In the end, the UCW would indeed release them both.

Melanie was livid. These people had conspired against her and her uncle, and poisoned the well against them. Ruined their careers! And the higher-ups didn't even bother to get the whole story before they went right along with it. She wanted to sue them for wrongful termination, but as her uncle Robert would inform her, it would have been a futile effort.

He did have a solution for her, however: Switching over to full-contact wrestling. A risky move, but there was a company out there that was even bigger than the WWE. Robert played to her ego, telling her that a superstar of her caliber could make it there, no doubt. And her star would shine even brighter than it had before. He had connections and only had to make a few calls to get her a spot in a series of tryout matches.

Having complete and utter confidence in her abilities, Melanie went along with his plan, not knowing that it had been made in the hopes that she would be humbled by the experiences to come.

And indeed, she would find wrestling to be much, much more difficult when in the ring with someone who's actually fighting her. In the UCW, her natural athleticism would carry her through her performances, but LAW would require a lot more than that to make it in. She did better in Hentai wrestling, but even that was a struggle. To her, it was proof that she was facing opponents who'd been taking performance enhancers. She was a beast in the bedroom, and her three million subscribers would agree. No way was she being outdone like that naturally!

In the end, she was only one match away from failing to make it into LAW, which earned her a placement in its Young Lioness program.

After being forced to fight juiced up opponents, she'd been deemed a jobber. A joke of a wrestler.

This grave insult will not stand...
Preferred Matches: Standard, Hentai

Melanie has a decent grasp of the basics and a very fit body that makes her capable of doing some of everything, but doesn't have much else going on for her going into a standard contest on account of never having taken her training seriously. She's better as a sexfighter, but still isn't what one would call great.

One of Melanie's greatest strengths is her adaptability. It's clear that she can operate in any capacity in the ring, but she lacks the skills she needs to consistently pick up a victory. To make up for it, she fights dirty.

Hair pulling, chokes, low blows, milking five counts, pulling pages out of Eddie Guerrero's book...If it gets her the win, she'll do it.
Attitude Towards Hentai Matches: "A good choice. At least this way, you can enjoy having your ass handed to you."
Signature and Finishing Moves
Signature Moves

Commonly leads into the Contortion Crab.
Finishing Moves
Contortion Crab
The TGLY (There Goes Looking at You)
Critical Finishing Moves
None yet.
Rachel McAdams as Regina George






Last edited by DSX93 on Wed Jun 26, 2024 7:08 am, edited 3 times in total.
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