Name: Hitomi Ayase
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Hair: Dark Blue
Eyes: Brown
Nationality: Japanese
Size: 5' 7" 125 lbs.
Alignment: Jobber
Fighting Style: She dont know how to fight (And it won’t be because she didn’t study)
Preferred Matches: Standard, any type in which she cannot be humiliated (will be anyways)
Matches I want here to have: Squashes, Ironman, I quit...
Main Attires
Other Attires
Personality : Hitomi is a very cheerful girl, everything in life has gone well from the beginning and that has created in her a very positive attitude in any aspect. Believes that with effort everything is possible. In addition to that she is very confident in his abilities (even reaching the point of having much ego in certain aspects)however it is a feeling that never externalizes as she tries to keep up appearances as she knows this attitude is not correct.
History : She was very happy in her life as a model but one day she had to put on the outfits of several wrestlers for an article, those clothes fascinated her and in the process she began to consume i consume more Wrestling to the point of becoming obsessed with the sport, that made her without thinking twice, and thanks to self-confidence, threw herself head first to try it (With terrible results in all respects) Despite this and thanks to the invitation by L.A.W she doesn't lose faith that this bad streak will end at any moment and her legend will begin.
Stats :
Strength: 0/5.
Speed 3/5.
Agility: 2/5.
Wrestling Stats :
Strikes: 0/5.
Submissions: 1/5.
Powerhouse: 3/5. Her body is her best quality in ring
Aerials: 2/5.
Signature Moves : None yet.
Finishers : None yet.
Record : 0-0