Chisato Matsui

LAW's Developmental/Training program for rookies and characters new to wrestling. Participation is optional. Characters can "train" under or be assigned to trainers and other wrestlers. Young Lionesses can "graduate" from the program when you feel they are ready. No weight limits. Full explanation here
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Chisato Matsui

Unread post by Caborn »

~Chisato Matsui~

"The Lil Angel"

Name: Chisato Matsuri
Nicknames: Little Angel - Super Cutie
Age: 24
Eyes: Gray
Hair: Grayish Black
Height: 5’1”
Weight: 120 pounds
Nationality: Japanese
Overall Personality:
- Adorable is simply not a strong enough word


Endurance: ★★
Strength: ★
Speed: ★★★★★
Defense: ★★
Technique: ★★

Strikes: ★★
Submissions: ★★
Powerhouse: ★
Aerial: ★★★★
Counters: ★★

Favored moves: Drop Kick, cross body, hip attacks, and roll up pin


Running Moonsault

Suicide Dive

Shining Wizard



Chisato is the smallest, cutest, little sweetie you've ever seen. The young woman has dark hair with bangs covering her forehead. Her chest is small and cute as well. Her friends refer to her booty as a plump peach. She has light skin and grayish eyes. Her body isn't overly muscular, but is an odd mix of pudgy yet athletic.


Chisato can come across as shy yet incredibly friendly and sweet. She enjoys making friends and helping others. In the ring she can be timid but still determined to do her best. Like her friends she hates bullies, partially because out of all of them she is the most targeted due to her size. However she's willing to put in hard work to change herself for the better!


Chisato was born in a small town along with her big sister Asuka. The duo were always together. Asuka protecting her sister, with Chisato always in her shadow. Growing up the sisters were fans of wrestling. Asuka loved physical activities like wrestling, martial arts, and weightlifting. While Chisato grew to like some of them while hanging out with her big sis. Before high school, the girls would move to the big city for their parents jobs. There they would meet Himeko, who was a huge wrestling fan in more ways than one! The duo joined her wrestling club, with Chisato being attracted to Himeko's friendly personality and charisma. Soon she had two shadows to hide in as life went on. However, eventually their group would break up duo to Asuka butting heads with another teammate. Saddened Chisato would move on with her life until years later Himeko came back and tried to get her old friends to join her in a wrestling promotion. She said she could get Chisato in as Young Lioness since she had the least experience of her friends.

Fun Facts

Loves eating sweets and making them for others

Always cooks for the group

Is afraid of flying bugs but not spiders and Centipedes

Is mistaken for a child almost every week

Easily swoons over people who come to save her

Makes costumes and props for the group

Dresses up in business attire when teaching / paying bills to look and feel smart



Himeko Akan - Chisato's Biggest Bestest Friend

Shuri Kimura - One sided friendship since Shuri acts cold and abrasive. But she's always defended her so Chisato likes the woman.

Makoto Sane - Fellow teammate of HWA. She always has Chisato read her erotic novels.


Asuka Matsui - Chisato's big sister







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