Delphine Abyssia

LAW's Developmental/Training program for rookies and characters new to wrestling. Participation is optional. Characters can "train" under or be assigned to trainers and other wrestlers. Young Lionesses can "graduate" from the program when you feel they are ready. No weight limits. Full explanation here
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Delphine Abyssia

Unread post by ThurmanMermanPlx »

Delphine Abyssia
"I won't have to pull you under; you'll come willingly! So... care for a swim?"

Real Name: Coral Nyarai
Nicknames: The Pastel Siren
Age: 24
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Pastel Pink (Black)
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 130 lbs (middleweight)
Nationality: American
Alignment: Tweener

Speech: 8080FF
Inner Thoughts: BF80FF

Entrance Music: None yet!

Coral - Outside the ring, Coral tries her best to be low-key, as though she wishes to blend into her surroundings. She's got long black hair and bright blue eyes. She'll often wear black or generally muted colors. Her favored outfits are ones where she's fully covered up, as it helps her feel safer and more comfortable. It's not uncommon to find her in a sweater or jacket.

Delphine - When in the ring, Delphine's true colors come out. She dyes her hair to a pastel pink, a cute and girly color that she thinks is fun, and wears a pearl necklace. All of her attire was designed specifically for her to be able to ensnare her opponent's limbs within the various straps she wears. The pink bands on her arms and legs are made of a stretchy elastic, which is what allows for her to utilize her specific brand of offense. The main coverings of her bikini (top and bottom) are an iridescent coloring, and both have similar stretchy bands to allow more intimate maneuvers. Her star-shaped bikini top is meant to imitate a mermaid's seashell bra. She also often dons sandals and a golden tiara with blue jewels, although she doesn't typically wear them while fighting.

Coral - Most often, Coral is an extremely shy, quiet, and socially awkward girl. Making friends has never been easy for her, and as such has never really had any who've lasted. She would be an extremely loyal one though, if given the opportunity. Given her nature, she's also rather naïve at times. She can sometimes stutter in her speech or pause in the middle of a sentence while she thinks of how to put her thoughts into words.

Delphine - In her mermaid persona, Coral feels free. She's far more confident, outgoing, and even sly, able to explore sides of her that she would otherwise fear; this includes her kinks. She's extremely touch-starved. As such, her favorite moves are ones that entangle her body with her opponent's, and maintain that contact. She also enjoys utilizing her attire in her moves, such as snaring an opponent's limbs in her leg straps or shoving their head underneath her bikini top to smother them. In general, moves that either restrict her foe's movements or keep her in prolonged physical contact with her opponents are her favorites, and had her gear specifically designed with this in mind.

Wrestling Information:

Delphine likes moves designed to trap or stretch her opponent into submission, like tentacles on a squid or tangled seaweed, thus forcing them to play by her rules. As such, she's a very ground-based technical submissionist. If possible, she likes to utilize her arm and leg bands to keep opponent's limbs in place, freeing her own up for additional punishment. This can sometimes be difficult against larger opponents, however; if she's unable to secure someone with her gear, she'll still attempt more standard submissions.

She is, of course, still in-training, and sometimes can focus a little too hard on trying to position her opponent just right, which can often lead to them having enough time to escape.

Preferred Matches:
-Submission: It's how she likes to win
-Hentai: Coral never felt comfortable enough in her own body to explore her sexuality. In the ring, while she's taken on her alter ego, she feels free to do so... and found out she quite enjoys it!
-She's also open to just about anything else that's not bone-breaking.

Specialty Match: "Lost at Sea"

A best-of match (number determined by participants, standard is best of three) generally suited for the beach, but can work in a shallow pool or anywhere with varying water levels. Falls can be earned via pins, submissions, knockouts, orgasms, etc (determined by participants). Competitors start either on land or in ankle-deep water. With each fall (by either side), they must move to deeper waters (ankle-height to knee-height, 1-foot deep to 2-feet, etc; exact distance to be determined by the competitors). Only falls occurring in deeper water than the previous will score. Falls occurring in shallower water than the previous will not be counted.

Optional: If one fighter goes down multiple falls, scoring a fall in water deeper than the current phase requires will count for double.

Optional: If one fighter manages to score all their falls in succession to win the match (ex. all 3 in a row in a best of 5) without their opponent scoring a fall, the loser becomes the winner's PoW for 24 hours (or whatever length of time is agreed upon prior to the match).

Attitude To Hentai:
"Uh, g-gladly!"

Physical Statistics (on a scale of 1-5):

General Statistics:
Endurance ★★★ - She's a good swimmer, and fighting the waves takes some energy.
Strength ★★ - No musclehead, but she can lift and toss people should the need arise.
Speed ★★★ - Decent maneuverability, but she's not winning any races (on land).
Defense ★★★★ - "The best defense is a good offense, and my opponent can't fight back when they're trapped!"
Technique ★★★★ - Flexible and rather skilled at contorting her body into unique positions.

Wrestling Statistics:
Strikes ★ - Not her style nor her strength.
Submissions ★★★★ - "Are you flexible? Better submit now, or you'll see just how far I can stretch!"
Powerhouse ★★★ - Relatively average.
Aerials ★ - "Even flying fish don't belong in the sky!"
Counters ★★★ - Reasonably adept.

Preferred Moves:

Signature Moves:
-Mariana's Trench (grounded octopus hold)
-Siren's Song (abdominal stretch)
-Undersmother (reverse grapevine hold)
-Un-named (reverse Indian death lock?)

Finishing Moves:
-Siren's Snare (octopus hold)

LAW record:

Match History:
-Vs Alice Rose (debut, ongoing)

Nothing currently.


Currently none

Currently none

Currently none

Currently none

Currently none

Outfit Gallery:


Match Gallery:
None yet
Last edited by ThurmanMermanPlx on Sun May 26, 2024 5:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
My RP profile/preferences
New Thread Requests are CLOSED, however I am more than happy to plan something with you for the future! I am simply not starting new matches currently as I have a backlog of requests and not enough time to reliably respond to them all.

Audrey Trovita (LW) || Audrey (mixed)
Keira Robinson (MW) || Keira (mixed)
Delphine Abyssia (MW, young lioness)
discord thurmanmermanplx
(same as username)

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