Time to Fly - Maggie Canyon

LAW's Developmental/Training program for rookies and characters new to wrestling. Participation is optional. Characters can "train" under or be assigned to trainers and other wrestlers. Young Lionesses can "graduate" from the program when you feel they are ready. No weight limits. Full explanation here
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Time to Fly - Maggie Canyon

Unread post by anime_hentaifighter »

Name: Maggie Canyon
Age: 18
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blue
Weight: 106ibs
Nationality: An Trailer park in Missouri
[url=viewtopic.php?f=82&t=13542]Twitter Handle: @AirCanyon
Entrance Music:Carolesdaughter - Trailer Trash

Wrestling Information

Strategy: Throw cation to the wind
Style: Hardcore wrestling
Preferred Attacks: Suicde Dives , Running Senton , Headscissors takedown, Tornado DDT , Top corner Moonsault with theatrics, Baseball slide , Double legdrop to her opponents's sex 
Preferred Matches:Open to everything


Endurance: 5/5
Strength: 2/5
Speed: 5/5

Finishing Moves

Passing Faiths (Twist of Faith)

Face off



Get some
wrestling attire

Normal attire

Normal attire 2
Personality: Maggie is an daredevil who jumps first , and thinks later. As she has no fear as she willing to wreck her body to entertain the fans as she wants to make her mark no matter the cost.

Still she does not enjoy being reminded of her roots as she ashamed of where she came from , and is quick to anger.


Maggie grew up in an poor family as they moved from trailer park to trailer park across the USA as they went where the work was. This made it difficult to make friends , and lead to an terrible social life for the brief periods she would attend the local schools.

Still the bluenette was an huge wrestling fan , and enjoyed the more hardcore scene. As the spirit of ECW and the attitude era were alive and well within her. Which lead to some interesting stories when she got into her teens as she and other teens who she got along with for the brief time she was with them would compete in backyard wrestling. Which basically meant she was an trashbag wrestler who had no clue what she was doing.

Which lead to plenty of injuries as she was lucky she never broke anything , but at least the videos of her matches if you could call them that were posted on youtube. Which lead to the attention of LAW who tried to contact her with an job offer. As they would allow her to train in their young lion program , and in return she would sign for 7 years with the promotion.

The chance to actually be trained in the sport she enjoyed was something Maggie always wished for , and she quickly signed. After telling her parents of the offer she got they just paid for a plane ticket for Japan , and wished her the best.Since they both knew this was something their little girl wanted to do , and would be supportive.

Watch out LAW as it time to get extreme with the latest arrival to the roster.Well after she learns what the hell she is supposed to be doing.

Fun Fact:

An Huge team extreme fan to the surprise of no one


LAW Information
Number of matches:
Wins: 0
Loses: 0
Draws: 0

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