Age: 19
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond
Weight: 156ibs
Nationality: From the Stone age
Twitter handle: @LAWCavewoman
Entrance Music:Primal Roar
Wrestling Information
Strategy: use her combination of strength and agility to overpower her opponents
Style: ?
Preferred Attacks: Basic kicks and punches as she works on improving her arsenal of moves as she learns the ropes.
Preferred Matches:normal , hentai , outdoor ,messy and strip
Endurance: 1'5/5
Strength: 3/5
Speed: 5/5
Finishing Moves
Stonefall (one armed boston crab variant)

What she wears when not in character

Taking an shower

Eating some Ramen

Taking an shower

Eating some Ramen

Wrestling attire





Chantel is an stubborn , headstrong and straight as an arrow kind of girl. Now she is also the type of woman who thinks an day relaxing means spending it working out to improve herself. She is also quick to anger as the boys find out growing up found out the painful way.
Chantel is obviously not from the stone age , but she figured with her attire it would make for a fun introduction every time she came to the ring. As the blond woman is actually from Germany , and enjoyed being active during her childhood.
As she loved taking long walks into the woods , and as she got into her teens working out at the local gym. Which is likely the reason for why she is so strong compared to most of the other women who tried out in for the recruitment trails LAW conducted in Germany. Still it was her freak atletics that caught them by surprise as the girl could move in ways that most people who focus over strength could not. As she quickly moved out of the way as if she were a cruiserweight.
It was for this combination of talent that LAW decided to sign her , and place her in the young lion program as they would team her up with an new manager that the promotion had recently hired. An young woman who went by the ringname Jezebel Lucifer since they figured the combination could work after hearing what she wanted for her gimmick.
Since a devil working with a cave woman could work as Jezebel could just say she pulled the blond out of hell or something. It not like most gimmicks needed to be placed in the realm of logic , and hopefully the fans would get an laugh out of this strange act.
Fun Fact:
Chantal means Stone
In the Young Lion program
Manager:Jezebel Lucifer
LAW Information
Number of matches:
Wins: 0
Loses: 0
Draws: 0
Match History