Reny Selene
The Marksman
ProfileReal Name: Reny Selene
Nicknames: Reny
Age: 19
Eyes: red
Hair: red
Height: 5'1
Weight: 107ibs
Nationality: japanese
Alignment: tweener
Entrance Music:
details, precise and observant are the word that could describe Reny Selene. She is the type of person who likes to both stand out from the crowd and also like to be in the background to watch everything unfold to see how everyone react to a certain situation. She is also a perfectionist at one of the weirdest things, for example, she needed to make sure everything is perfectly in order when following a recipe as messing up an ingredient by even 1 gram would be set her off into a long rant on how bad it is to fail at getting the ingredients wrong. While Reny is often cheerful and friendly, as a Selene, she sometimes has that moment where she grows silent all of the sudden as her eye would have become cold but only for a moment before she returns to her happy self
Wrestling Information
Strategy: Reny strategy is quite simple, she will analyse and predict what her opponent will do and create a counter plan to counter against that specific strategy. Her analysing skill is insanely fast but that about it. While she is can analyse someone fighting style and strategy extremely quickly, she is quite slow in terms of thinking a counter-strategy and she sometimes gets so lost in thought when thinking that she doesn't actually pay attention to what actually in front of her
Style: She has zero hand to hand combat experience that doesn't count play fighting or defence training from her big sister, this would have meant that she has not had much experience in this field. but she often watches her sister and cousin fighting so she does know how fighting look like so she sometimes copies what she sees others do with a varying degree of success, due to her lack of experience
Preferred Attacks: none
Preferred Matches: "Is there a type of match? I thought fight is just a fight?"
Attitude To Hentai: "I never had sex before so not sure how I feel about it"
Physical Statistics
General Statistics
Endurance ★★★★
Strength ★★
Speed ★★★★
Defence ★★★★
Technique ★★
Wrestling Statistics
Strikes ★★★★
Submissions ★★★
Powerhouse ★★
Aerials ★★
Counters ★★★★
Match Ending Moves
Signature Moves
learning under progress
Name Of The Move: WIP
Finishing Moves
learning under progress
Name Of The Move: WIP
Procasination in progress
a unbeatable champion in a junior cup in rapid bullseye, and bullseye competition
Name: -
Name: -
Name: -
Name: -
Name: -
main attire

casual 1

casual 2


top 10 facts about Reny
1. Reny is born on the Sixth of July, making her one day older than Rie which she brags about every time they meet
2. Reny has extremely good eyesight, to the point it is unnatural. To be precise her vision is 20/10
3. Reny always wake up extremely early in the morning due to the fact that when she was a child, she often gets scolded by her family since she needed 1 hour to get her hair and dress done
4. Reny favourite food is soba and her least favourite food is udon
5. Reny has a locker full of nerf guns due to the fact that she once throw a tantrum since she can't own a gun so her father decided to spoil her by buying her many nerf guns
6. Despite her high intelligence she get held back once during high school this is because she forget to submit her final exam and bring it home with her making get a zero on all of her final exams
7. Reny is a horrible enabler, she will allow many things to happen just because she thought it would be fun to watch about them
8. Reny can speak many different languages, she can speak Japanese, English, German, France, and Spanish
9. Reny has a deep hatred of most FPS games since she thought it is stupid and did not even act like the real thing
10. Reny is a pro at the crane game...not sure how it will be important but she is a pro at it, she has a 45% success rate and yes she keeps counting.
Win/lose/tie record : 0/0/0
Match history