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How can I improve on the Conference?

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2021 10:32 pm
by Taskmaster12
Today I finally finished a long term project of a press conference for LAW PPV’s. Something I intend to do again and again whenever a Major event comes up. I hit a few snags on the way but got it up eventually but because I want to keep doing it I also want to make sure people are enjoying it.

So feel free to look at it if you haven’t yet and tell me what you think I can do to make it better the next time around.


Re: How can I improve on the Conference?

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2021 2:44 am
by Ichi
The posts tended to be long, contiguous blocks of text. That made them difficult to read.

Breaking the text up into paragraphs would help alleviate this. For instance, the convention in fiction writing is that each speaker gets their own paragraph. Following that convention would help break up the text.

On a positive note, the conference posts were entertaining and informative.