Interest Check

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Interest Check

Unread post by Pegasus »

Hey guys, it’s been a bit, but I just wanted to update everyone that I’m doing alright and that I’m doing something pretty special for the holiday coming up. So, I just spoke with Winner about me writing out a match on LAW that will be just for fun. He has agreed to let me work in a private thread for now until I’m ready to come back to LAW fully and has green lit this match to happen provided I go get interest for this match and it doesn’t affect any LAW records so chances are this goes into the non-continuity section if anything or just goes in outside areas where non-record matches usually happen. Or maybe it’s unsanctioned, idk. I’ll figure it out. Just like with the sleepover thread Cap asked interest for, I’m sending out an open invitation to anyone that is willing to let me write for their character in this match. If you are interested, you’ll need to put up a character or two at the most and a costume they will wear during proceedings. It’s a LAW Halloween Costume Hentai Elimination Battle Royal where the rules are that these ladies wrestle and fight until someone orgasms. Eliminations are only counted by orgasm and last one standing wins the match. Just plain sexy fun! Like I said before, let me know either here or DMs if you are interested. I’m looking for a range of 10-20 participants at most, but it could be less than or more than that depending on interest. I know you guys love the sexy stuff and I want to help contribute more to LAW since we haven’t had any Halloween content this year for it. I thought I throw this idea out for a fun match to write.
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Re: Interest Check

Unread post by Galahad »

Well, you've got yourself a PM from me, but I also wanted to make this post to publicly show that I like this idea, in case someone else wants to jump in. Hope there are lots of us soon!
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