Carolina Healtway (Model, Manager, Trainer...)

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Carolina Healtway (Model, Manager, Trainer...)

Unread post by xalex »

Name: Carolina Healtway (Former Anderson)
Was known under the Ring Name: The flying darkness
Sex: Female
Age: 47
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Black
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 150lbs
Nationality: American
Alignment: Face
Entrance music: ---

Wrestling Information
fighting style:
Thanks to her carrier ending Injury, Carolina doesn´t really fight inside the ring anymore. She does fight outside the ring in bed or really softcore matches, using her size and strength to get a advantage there. She tries to squeeze her opponent as well as humping them crazy.
Preferred Matches:
Bed matches, Beach matches, softcore matches and anything where she can avoid to take hard bumps.
Endurance: 3/5 (Back in my days I could go for days… but now..)
Strength: 4/5 (I never skip training… you might be surprised)
Speed: 3/5
Defense: 2,5/5
Technique: 4/5

Favored moves:
Bearhugs, leg scissors, headlocks, some body/belly punches
Signature Move:
Squeezing time
Finishing moves:
Visual Appearance:
A outfit for a photoshooting…

At first Caro seems very strict, when it comes to the most things. That comes mostly that she takes most things she does very seriously, trying to always do her very best to do it. She never wants to disappoint anyone, especially not the people close to her or depending on her. She just loves to help people out.
But when you get to know her a bit more and spend more time with her you find out that she is a fun loving person. She always tries to speared a good mood and make everyone happy around her. Otherwise she can be described as a woman loving fun and action. Although her health condition doesn´t allow anything she just keeps doing whatever is possible. She also loves to love other people and had a few adventures during her time.

Caro did had a very successful carrier as a pro wrestler when she was younger. Her fighting style was risky and fast trying her best hit big moves onto her opponent to end the match with a big bang in the end. She was fighting a lot of matches and her carrier high was winning the heavyweight title in her company. She was so proud of herself at this time. Everything was going well for her. She was holding the gold was producing one high class match after the other, her payment was great and she was also seeing someone. He was a top class fighter just like her. This meeting would soon turn into something more serious when the two would get together becoming a well known couple.
But the heavyweight belt wouldn´t stay on the waste from Caro forever, she would lose the belt in a match and had to give it away. Carloina wasn´t too sad about it though, she would get great knew not too much later. Something that would have her forced to retire the belt anyway. She was pregnant with a child. The woman was taking a longer break to bring her child Samuela to the world and raise her. Not too long after the birth though Carolina was starting to train again. Her daughter was coming first in her life, but for a few hours a day she was letting her husband or her own parents watch the kid so she could hit the gym again. She was starting to train for wrestling comeback, which was hypped by the fans.

her daughter was backstage during her first match after this long break. This was hard for her. Coming back into the business was no easy task. The match felt like it went on forever but in the very end she was successful and put her opponent down for the three counts. She was giving this victory to her daughter who saw her as a hero from this day on. Having her biggest fan always at ringside cheering for her was firing her up even more making her give her all. She wasn´t winning all, she was far from winning all but she was doing good.
One day management was even offering her a high profile fight against the current heavyweight champion of the time. A woman way younger than her… someone called "Amazon" Alaina Sanders… Carolina didn´t knew who this woman was but she accepted the match. Later she found out that this woman was the only fighter her daughter was admiring more than her. This was firing Caro even up more. Not that she wanted to beat this woman, no she wanted to give her daughter the dream match she was wanting to see soo badly. In this match Caro would go to her very limits.
The two would meet on a public stage for the contract signing, many people wanted to see this match… the two had a lot of respect for each other, having no hard feelings… but the match wasn´t any easier for one of them. The two did throw anything they could at the other trying to win. But in the end Alaina was showing that she was the better woman by winning the match fair and clean, putting Caro down after a big three count. The two women would meet on different occasions again but the outcome would stay the same. Caroline was never able to keep her opponent down for the three count no matter what she did. How much she did threw at her opponent it wouldn´t keep her down, alaina would always kick out somehow. This was starting to get to Caro… why couldn´t she beat this woman. Carolina´s new goal was it to beat the other fighter… and so she would train even harder and taking on a even more riskier fighting style, developing a new finisher for herself… the black death.
This move would win her a couple of matches in a row. It was one of the most dominating and most feared moves in the business. Until the day Carolina was slipping during performing it and landed on her neck with so much momentum that it broke. The woman did pass out and only woke back up in the hospital a few hours later. After a few operations it was clear… she could never wrestler again. The woman was down and destroyed.. it was all taken away from her. Her third biggest love was taken away from her in just a couple of moments.
Only slowly she was coming out of her hole again, but one day when she was in the gym with her father in law who was training her daughter in the ring, she saw how much fun Samus had… and she was reminded of herself. She would start to help Samus train more and more until she was training her completely or mainly. She was having fun again helping her daughter coming into the business.
She would also help her husband by playing her manager out on the stage. She was giving his carrier a little boost using her popularity and her mic skills.
She would also give samus some help to get into the company, but that was it. Samus wasn´t taking any more help from her mother, because she wanted to prove herself not wanting to stay in the shadow of her mum for too long.
Samus had anything but a good start… she was thrown around by the other fighters and got destroyed over and over again losing all her matches, being threaded like a ragedoll. But samus was never giving in. She was keep fighting going to any open match she could, jumping from company to company until she was getting better and started to win a few fights. In the background her mum was taking care of all the paper work, working as her manager to this very day.

Meanwhile she was going more and more onto tour with her husband, getting to know another side of wrestling as well.
One day she was in the ring with a fellow wife with another wrestler, having a promo duel where the other woman was getting very personal. They did meet backstage again where they keep arguing. Caro did say if she was allowed she would just throw down right there… the other woman was all the sudden inviting her and her husband to the hotel room of the other couple.
The two wouldn´t be scared and went there, the other woman was then challenging caro to a sex fight in front of the men… caro wouldn´t back down looking forward to shove the words down the other woman´s throat… and they went at. Caro was soon finding herself outclassed by the other woman who was a bit more experience with sex fighting, so in the end caro was the one cuming and losing…
But she did love the fight and so she would battle other managers even going on couple matches with her husband…
One day she was getting a invite to a big match of her daughter at a ppv called law of the jungle seeing her daughter going up against a smaller woman. But none the less it was a outright war between the two. This match was one of the best she ever saw… what she also saw on this ppv was a familiar face… Alaina Sanders.
After a bit talk to a few backstage officials Carolina was employed as trainer and manager and a few other things.
Fun Facts:

LAW Information



Last edited by xalex on Sat Sep 29, 2018 6:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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