”I tell it like it is.”
Name: Gabrielle StarrNickname: Super Starr, Gabi
Age: 33
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Height: 5”2’
Weight: 112 lbs
Birthplace: Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Personal Information
Gabi is a bit of a know-it-all, though that’s not to say she doesn’t have the expertise to back up at least some of her opinions. She had a great mind for wrestling, having grown up in the business and studied it intricately, making her one of the most respected wrestling journalists. She likes to speak her mind and people tend to take her seriously, and while she is knowledgeable, she will stretch that fact to its breaking point. She’s gotten accustomed to people taking her opinion seriously, so she has no hesitation voicing it and doesn’t put much effort into curating it.Personality
Before The Gift of Gab and the Starr Ratings, there was Gabrielle Starr, an up-and-coming talent in a Florida promotion, Gator Roll Wrestling. She’d grown up idolizing the industry's legends, watching their matches to the point where she could memorize the moves and call them back by heart, becoming a true student of the game in almost every aspect. She’d fantasized about it for years, and when she finally broke in and had her first match, she looked ahead to a bright future…History
There was only one problem: Being a fan of something in no way means that you’re any good at it. As big and eager a fan as she was, Gabi could never translate that enthusiasm into actual victories, and she wound up losing time and time again, often in spectacular fashion and rarely with even a hint of victory. While she tried to stay optimistic about it, there’s only so many times you can wind up looking at the lights before it sours you on things.
Eventually, she was let go from the company, and while she could’ve sought employment with a rival promotion, she was ultimately too discouraged and, to be honest, bitter to try again. Instead, she fell back on her second love: journalism. She went to college and pursued a degree in that field, doing well for several years. The longer she went on, though, the more the wrestling itch got to her, and she decided to scratch it in a way that wouldn’t get her ass kicked: a podcast.
The Gift of Gab started small, just a weekly show where she shared her opinions about the wrestling world and used her background to shed some light on the inner workings, but as time grew, Gabi became quite popular, getting real attention with the IWC. More viewers tuned in and started touting her opinions. She began giving matches ‘Starr Ratings’, where she’d judge the combatants abilities and how well they did, and these ratings would be touted by the promotions themselves in their material. Her name spread, her show expanded, and before she knew it, she was doing podcasts three times a week with a full setup, guest interviewers, and a bi-weekly column.
These days, Gabi is a primary mover and shaker in the wrestling community, getting approached for collaborations with major companies all the time. Just recently, she signed a deal with LAW to do some work with them - interviewers, articles, a web series, among other things. She suspects it will be a fruitful relationship.
Striking a pose…

Her old wrestling outfit. Too much?

A rare shot of her without the hat.

+Gabi’s third love is fighting videogames. No prizes for guessing what her favorite series is.
+While Gabi keeps in good shape and won’t rule out a return to in-ring action, it would take something serious for her to make the jump over the ropes.
+Occasionally likes to sneak into message boards where they’re talking crap about her ratings and stir the pot.