Lucy Alvarado

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Lucy Alvarado

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

”How did I get talked into this, again?”
Name: Lucy Alvarado
Nickname: Willy calls her ‘Lulu’ when he wants to tick her off.
Age: 20
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Mixed
Height: 5”2’
Weight: 112 lbs
Birthplace: Flagstaff, Arizona
Personal Information
Lucy is a generally grounded, serious person, despite her rather unorthodox appearance. As a result of her upbringing, she’s learned to multitask and take care of herself, without getting too caught up on whatever craziness is going on in her vicinity, and that focus really helps with BlazeWave, providing the balance that the group so often needs. An intelligent creative individual, she loves expressing herself, through music, art, poetry and whatever comes to mind.

This openness can be a detriment, however. If there’s something on her mind, she’ll spit it out. If something is bugging her, she’ll let everyone know about it. She’s honest to the point where she can often forget about tact, which can come off as rude. She can also be too passionate when she gets her head stuck on accomplishing things, forgetting to see the nuance or consider how things might turn out in the long term.
Born in Flagstaff, Lucy was the young child of four in the Alvarez family. When their father passed away in car accident, their mother was forced to pick up a lot of the slack to keep the household afloat, and as a result, Lucy was forced to practically raise herself along with her siblings. This had mixed results - her older sisters managed to do well in school and thrive, while her brother turned into a delinquent. Lucy fell somewhere in between things. While she was talented and took to the arts well, she was off-putting and blunt, which earned her few friends growing up.

This changed in high school, when she came across Willy and Theo, two guys looked to start up a small band. She’d picked up the drums as part of the school band, and decided to join them. The three of them hit it off surprisingly well, with Lucy being a good balance to their silliness and them giving her the chance to really flex her artistic muscles. She grew quite attached to the boys and their music, so when things started to go belly up, she helped Theo send out some feelers to LAW, getting the league to give them a try as a combination tag team and musical act, something unique for the promotion.

It didn’t hurt that she was a fan of LAW, too, especially some of their saucier matches, and she was fairly fluent in Japanese through her studies. Needless to say, she was more than willing to follow them over.
Hanging out
Lucy and her old girlfriend.
=Fun Facts=

+ The little device on her head is a cochlear implant. She modified the design to give it a little flair.
+ Has a nasty smoking habit that she’s tried to kick several times.
+While she’s not a wrestler like Willy and Theo, she’s not defenseless. Her uncle was a boxer, and while she never competed, he taught her enough to defend herself if need be.
+As you might’ve guessed, she’s something of a tattoo lover. She gets them to mark special occasions and events in her life, and will talk about them at length if asked.


Friends: Theo, Willy
Allies: Theo, Willy

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