”Lead, follow, or get out of the way.”
Name: Calaso Magan AsaaNickname: Cersei, the Chessmistress
Age: 31
Eyes: Gray
Hair: Blonde
Height: 5”4’
Weight: 122 lbs
Birthplace: Mogadishu, Somalia (Billed as Egypt)
Entrance Music:
Long Live The Chief by Jidenna
There was a time when Cersei - as she likes to be called - was something of a sweet child. She spent most of her days isolated, waiting around while others took care of her, and she learned to depend on the kindness of her family. She found the best way for her to get by in the cruel, unforgiving world she found herself in was to be beneath notice, to rely on the pity of others.Personality
As time’s grown on, she’s grown into a decidedly less innocent person, though you might not guess that at first blush. She is exceptionally skilled at hiding her worst traits behind a veneer of professionalism, coming off as a calming presence, using smiles and courtesies to get what she wants. A skill negotiator, she has a gift for making it seem like people are getting an equal shake from her, when in reality things are going far more in her favor.
Beneath it all is an incredibly manipulative person, one who’s got to where she is in life by playing others like pawns. Calaso knows that she doesn’t have the physical gifts to succeed in this world, and has strove through life to improve her mind in compensation. An observant woman, she studies those around her and finds the best angle to come at them when she needs something, using them to get what she wants. She craves power, loves dominating others, viewing it all as a game for her amusement.
The reason she can be so confident in all of this is because of her sister. As long as Samira is around, Cersei knows that she’ll have an iron wall to protect her, and she exploits that to its fullest. While she does love her sister dearly and wants the best for her, her idea of what ‘the best is’ invariably involves them both benefitting, with her receiving the lion’s share. She treats her like a tool - a tool that she cares for to a great degree, but a tool all the same, and she’s fully aware that her sister doesn’t yet see it that way.
Calaso was born with multiple sclerosis, a condition that greatly affected her spinal development. While it wasn’t enough to render her completely immoble, it made life difficult in her early development and meant that she spent a good portion of her life at the mercy of others, depending on them for more basic needs than most children do, and in her homeland of Somalia, she made what would’ve been a tough life by itself twice as hard. History
She would come to depend on her sister most of all, as Samira would grow tough and strong in order to provide for her. She watched as her sister came home battered and bruised, as she brought them clearly stolen food, as she sacrificed time and time again, and while she was appreciative of it all, there was always a part of her that came to resent it, that didn’t want to be some helpless case for her entire life. More than anything, she wanted to get as far away from Somalia as humanly possible, and that was the impetus that led to her plotting a drastic change in their lives.
Seeing her sister’s unnatural strength as a key to get out, she got into contact with the Pit, an Egyptian wrestling company, and stoked their interest in Samira. It took no small amount of convincing to even get them to come into Somalia to watch her fight, but she made it happen, and it was worth the effort. They were impressed, and signed Samira up, with Calaso coming along as her manager.
At first, the plan was to raise enough money for them to live comfortably, then leave the fighting behind and plot more productive lives. But as time went on and they found success, she convinced her older sister to stick with fighting, despite her growing distaste for it. She was good at it, they were making money, so why stop? Why change course when the one they were on was so productive?
If anything they needed to step things up, and it was that mentality that led them to signing up for LAW as soon as the Pit folded, with Calaso seeing a ton of potential for her sister in Japan, knowing that they’ll both stand out amongst the field, and seeing it as the foundation for something greater...
Bast and Cersei

+Turned into a bookworm when she came to Egypt. She’s a fan of fantasy novels, with A Song of Ice and Fire being her favorite, so much so that she took the name of her favorite character from the story as her in-ring name. Do not ask her about the TV show unless you want her to rant.
+It was Calaso’s idea to have Samira’s ring name be Bast and bill them both as coming from Egypt. There is some truth to it, they have some Egyptian heritage on their mother’s side, but it’s more about her not wanting to associate with their homeland and instead wanting to be recognized as coming from somewhere more familiar to audiences.
+Despite her nickname of Chessmistress, she’s only so-so at the game, though she does enjoy playing it from time to time.
+Though she’s learned to cope with her disabilities and is more or less as physically capable as any normal person these days, she’s quite wary of the potential for being attacked in wrestling. She carries mace in her purse at all times, and she’s ready to use it if need be.