Haruka Tatsumi vs Karla Ray Reinhardt - Apex Qualifier Match
Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2022 7:47 pm
by winner3
Standard Match: Victory to be awarded via pinfall, submission, knockout, count out, or disqualification. All standard pro wrestling rules apply. At the end of this match, the presiding judges will decide if it is a worthy Apex Qualifier Match
Re: Haruka Tatsumi vs Karla Ray Reinhardt - Apex Qualifier Match
Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2022 5:17 am
by Monsy
There comes an opportunity in the lives of worthy, to cement themselves as a higher being amongst the general public. You may have seen our past generations achieve this, and we’ve enjoyed decades in its reward. But, we’ve grown stagnant. We are, in the light of people’s abhorrent disrespect, slipping into mediocre wealthy folk. Now, it is time for me to save my pride from being anything related to mediocrity. Tonight, there are no stops. There are no lengths left uncrossed and there is no expense to be spared. You two have shown your incredible value in such a short time. Now, all I need you is to be ready.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, this is an Apex Qualifier Match resulting in one fall. All standard rules apply. Introducing first in her first-ever Pay-Per-View, from Hamburg, Germany, weighing in at one-hundred-and-thirty-eight pounds… Miss Main Event… Karla! Ray! Reeeeeinhardt! K!! R!! R!!!” Spoiler
Her music struck an opening drum, and Karla’s theme began to thunder. The instrumental quake and the sounds of a thousand voices angel-carried the rising tune to its crescendo then dove into electric guitar and steadied its roaring rhythm. A limousine roars into LAW’s venue parking lot and spins its wheels until a chimney of white rose from the tires. It stops with a screech, the masked chauffeur emerges from the vehicle, adjusting his cufflinks before opening the door at the end. The latex-gloved hand of Karla reached the door’s lip, her black thigh-high boot swung out, and her motley of KRR yellow-reddish emblems shone underneath the parking lot lights.
The door slammed shut, and Karla strode towards the first set of metal doors. Her hips sashay was hugged by a red frock overcoat, the tails reaching her shins. It was open at the front, to expose and let free the front-view of Reinhardt’s black-latex leotard, its famous high cut, with swaths of chiselled skin present in the window, held together by strands that appeared akin to metal wire. Two servants waited on the other side, opened it, and dipped their heads. She paid advance with deliberate and firm steps; eyes always forward; never left or right. At the second set were Johanna and Adelaide, standing, each before a door. She stopped, looked up, looking dull underneath her wide-brimmed velvet fedora as they looked down, with Adelaide’s yellow-ringed stare, coupled with a cool smile making her nape shiver more than the hulking monster right beside her. They each opened a door and proceeded further, with the halls now plotted with masked suited servants every two feet, parallel, and they dipped their heads as the Reinhardts passed them. Just behind the curtains were Karolina and Maria, the latter who bounced on her feet, shaking out her fists, as though injected by the world reserve of caffeine, her breathing loud like a vacuum. Karolina was peeking through the curtain to the army of spectators, then over-shoulder to see Karla approach. “Did you come to mock my entrance or to wish me luck, Mother?” Karla asked, and Karolina turned and laughed with a toothy closed-eyed grin, “Ha. Ha. Ha. I don’t wish people luck, I just believe in their ability. If you can’t, well, you might as well call yourself Karla Ray Meyer.”
Karla clicked her tongue, then passed by onto the stage. The lights turned to night on Karla’s entrance as a loud hissing noise rose from the stage. No one could see what it was, not even Karla. Then spotlights clicked on Karla’s figure. Not one, but a plethora, each from different angles, illuminating more of the stage until it became clear. Even before that, the fluttering rain’s descent already alerting a few. To the far-out, the cueing lights now made it clear. Money was falling around her in a down-pour. American dollars. Euros. Yen. All large denominations as they started to ruffle beneath Karla’s sliding boot. And as Karla walked down the ramp, she lifted her left arm, and cash plumed into the air, then her right, and another. Every step now summoned more currency, always behind her until she reached ringside, and scaled the steps. The referee seated the ropes without delay, and Karla threw her leg between the ropes, then her body, but stopped to cup their chin and nod. She straightened on the other side, looked to the judge’s panel, and nodded to them, then the scattered security personnel who stood before the barricades, and at last, the ring announcer in the ring’s centre.
“Hundchens…” Karla said, now stepping inside and spreading her arms out shoulder-height. The referee padded her arms, reached in front and grabbed the coat-flaps, pulling it off. She took her hat’s brim and threw it into the audience. Now her attire was exposed. The hardened form of HoH’s leader, those shoulders, arms and legs defining crevices, the abdominals through her front window, the high-cut to brandish her hips and the tight latex that covered most of her buttocks. She walked forward, pulling on her gloves and extended her hand to the announcer, who handed her the microphone, nodded, then back up, exiting the ring. The referee folded her jacket nice and neat, got on her knees, and laid it in the ring’s centre, brushing her hand across it for zero wrinkles. That was to be Karla’s cross-legged seat as the boos now showered like Niagara Falls. Now ever-more prelevant with her theme dying away, the referee still kneeled beside her.
“I don’t need to say much now, but allow me to say this… Ahem…”
She licked her lips, grinning ear-to-ear as she leaned forward, taking a pause. “And her opponent… hailing from Nagoya, Aichi, Japan… She weighs in at one-hundred… and forty-five pounds. She’s one half of Double. Dangerous. Tatsumi’s, Haruuuuuukaaaa. Taaaaaatsumiiiii!”
Re: Haruka Tatsumi vs Karla Ray Reinhardt - Apex Qualifier Match
Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2022 8:08 am
by LowDefinition
Haruka stood at the waiting room as Karla made her entrance. She wasn't alone there, it was her first big match that is in the main card of the yearly LAW PPV. She had her teacher, Haruna, her friends, Aira and Kaoru stood there with her. Kaoru was making sure her outfit for the match looked the best for her. Haruna and Aira stood side by side watching Haruka making her first main card match.
"Too bad Annette-chan isn't around for you, she probably already out of here having some date with her opponent. Lucky girl"
"Haruka-chan, you got this, if I can show the world how good I am on the undercard, and I started way later than you. Then you can totally do this."
"She's right pup--- I shouldn't say that, Haruka. You and your sister are my first students, time to show the world what you made of... Not for me, but for you."
"Sensei, Aira... Thanks for the confidence. Kaoru, I don't know if I could do this without you too, you really helped me shine."
"That said I have a bad feeling about this Haruka... You sure you don't want me or anyone to provide backup for you?" Haruna asked in concern as she had a hunch that Haruka's opponent would be up in no good.
"No, as you said sensei, this is my fight... I want to fight on my own." Haruka replied before walking away when the crew noticed the team that it's about time for Haruka to make her entrance. She left the team and head on to the entrance curtain, with a prop sword in hand as part of her entrance. Theme
Shortly after Karla announced for Haruka... A theme played, it wasn't Haruka's usual pop theme that played out. The arena stage darkens as Haruka walked through the curtain and onto the center stage. As the harmonious start fades away and the guitar riff kicks in the spotlight shone at the center stage as Haruka stood there wielding the sword with her two hands and swings it around to the wave of crowd cheers. Her attire was a fancier spin of her usual attire. Her top looked the same aside that it doesn't follow through her bottom. Her sleeves had some armor paddings as part of her entrance and frilly cloth that stretches out of her elbow. Her bottom is now shorts that is accompanied by a large blue cloth tassel that fluttered as the wind blows onto her. Her high boots had some ornate armor paddings as well. She concluded her entrance act as she points the sword towards Karla who was sitting in the ring.
"A blaze... Of carnage... The Dragon's might is gone."
Haruka stared straight to the ring as she planted the sword aside.
"And it's eyes... And it's maw... and it's memories are gone."
Haruka started to walk off the stage and goes through the long entrance ramp of the Tokyo Dome. The big leagues, she wanted to show what she's made of and prove her doubters wrong... And beating the one who retired one of her tormentor in her early times would show that she meant business. Sparing no time for the fans despite the loud fanfare when she walks in. Walking on the trails of paper money that Karla had left behind earlier
"Knocking on the door of truth... The red scaled wyrm and girl in blue...
She wasn't aware of what lies before her, what Karla had planned to be her downfall in the biggest stage of them all. She only wanted to show that she'll overcome her opponent and make her regret to ever crossing her. As she made herself clear in the promo leading to this.
"Chiaroscuro chaos a...wakens meeeee!"
Haruka walked midway through, standing focused to her opponent, taking off her tassel and tosses it away as it fluttered down to the ramp. Continuing her walk after that.
Re: Haruka Tatsumi vs Karla Ray Reinhardt - Apex Qualifier Match
Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2022 5:18 am
by Monsy
The woman’s theme put the devil in her face. She looked onward without a movement. One hand vestige on each knee, the mic laid before her. Her chin dipped slightly, and one side crept to her ear, then the other lifted. How the laughter could bleed from her throat, but it was clotted. Not now. This little puppy just needed to wander a little further, so full of life and wonder. Hope and dreams, seeded in that one segment Karla would avenge. She reached for the microphone as Haruka threw away her tassel, licking her lips and raising a hand. In just the pressing of her thumb and index finger, hoisted high for all to see, she would take command over every aspiration they ever hand. In one single snap. Everything turned dark. The lights. Theme. There was only ghost-white crowd noise and the loose camera flash. Then… Karla spoke. “That’s far enough.”
The voice bounced as though it came from multiple directions and echoed like a canyon. When those lights came on, A tall woman would face Haruka, who had two red bangs on her face’s sides, a ponytail, lavished in a formal blazer, tie, and trench coat. She had yellow rings for eyes and looked down to smile. “Greetings from our family.”
Adelaide said, her posture slouched with both hands in her pockets. And from behind, Maria already hoisted a black steel foldable chair overhead and brought it down to crack against Haruka's skull.
Re: Haruka Tatsumi vs Karla Ray Reinhardt - Apex Qualifier Match
Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2022 5:43 pm
by LowDefinition
Haruka watches as Karla raise her hand up with the motion about to snap a finger. And then with the finger snapped, suddenly everything stopped. The lights, her theme... Everything. Haruka was surprised to see this, and then to hear Karla's voice echoing throughout many directions, had Haruka stopped in her tracks to look around in the darkness. Careful to watch if Karla were to make a movement onto her in this darkness. But nothing happened... Until the light came on again. Haruka turned towards the ring to see a tall woman standing in her way. With Karla standing behind still in the ring.
"Out of my way!" Haruka let out loudly as she reeled her right fist back and tried to punch Adelaide off and make her way to the ring again. But before she could land the punch, a steel chair bonked straight to her head! "Gah!" Haruka let out as she immediately collapsed to all fours. Looking down the ramp as her brown hair started to turn dark red as she was busted open on her head and started bleeding out. Gasping and breathing out, Haruka slowly turned her head up to look at Adelaide. "So this is how you play..." She let out, blood started to paint her face red as she looked up, showing her hatred. Looking back to see Maria holding the chair that made her bleed slightly before turning her attention back towards the ring.
Haruka weakly clawed onto Adelaide's thighs and pushes her while she used her to get up. "No... You ain't going to break me with just this...!" She let out defiantly. Not wanting to go down that easy against the ambush, she only needed to get back up and fight them off and escape to the ring. That way they wouldn't mess her up further as the match would officially start and further interference would give Karla a disqualification. That was her plan... Sounds easy enough to her. But she doesn't know what else the Reinhardts will throw at her to prevent her from getting into the ring.
Re: Haruka Tatsumi vs Karla Ray Reinhardt - Apex Qualifier Match
Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 6:06 pm
by Monsy
The two Reinhardts looked at each other, self-satisfied, and slowly peered up as the woman landed on all fours. A dent cratered into Maria's steel chair. She dropped it at her side as they basked in the overhead light's warmth. Their hatred went unacknowledged for a little longer until they started scraping on her pant leg. Adelaide looked down, lifted her knee, pursing her lip, and nodded affirmatively. "More or less, yes." A hand gripped Haruka's hair, and Adelaide sighed, "Back to it." Then she started to swing, bruising her knuckles to see what kind of mush she could make Haruka's forehead. She didn't let go. Instead, she kept swinging.
Karla was lapping this up. If she were a cat, then this would be her catnip. She picked up the microphone, propped an elbow on the knee, and chuckled, "This is what happens when you reach too close to the sun, Hundchen. You want to share this ring with me, one on one, fair and square at LAW's grandest stage?! Well, that's just too bad. They're going to feed you to me, and I'm going to feast on whatever consciousness is still left on you. My only concern is whether your mommy and daddy are out there to see their little girl spill her blood, and try, try, and try, yet fail again. Again. And again. And again. In fact..." Karla turned to the nearest camera, flashing a million-dollar toothy closed-eyed smile. "Hi Haruka Tatsumi's disgusting-class parents, I'll have your daughter home by nine. If not," She winked, "Check the E.R."
Maria was next to join, grabbing their shoulder to turn them around, stand them up and cup their cheeks, mushing them as her lethargic apathy peered into their soul. "You're such an idiot." An arm grabbed Haruka's, throwing it over her nape as she arched forward, slid her foot in front, then whipped back, planting them face-first on the steel ramp with Maria's patent finisher - Scarliner!
Re: Haruka Tatsumi vs Karla Ray Reinhardt - Apex Qualifier Match
Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2022 2:13 pm
by LowDefinition
Haruka gripped onto Adelaide's leg tightly as that leg lifted up. Gritting her teeth as she then let go of that leg when the Reinhardt gripped her hair. Her arm instinctively reaches up onto Adelaide's wrist, her pained expression looking up to Adelaide as she tried to push that hand away. And then... "Guhh..." Haruka let out as her head swing backwards from the harsh punch only to be stopped by Adelaide's grip on her hair. She swung her head onto Adelaide only to receive more of that fist on her forehead.
Blood, sweat, spittle splattered onto the ramp with each punches. Haruka can only endure through this torture as she then listened through the scathing words coming from her real opponent in the ring. She hated that Karla stated that she won't succeed no matter how hard she tries. And those words berating her parents... It makes her blood boil as bruises started to form on her forehead. "Hhh... You..." Haruka let out as she lowered her arms down. Her hair was let go from the grip, which promptly made her fall down...
Only for Maria to pull her up and turned her around to face her. Haruka's mouth forming a squished O as her pained, yet hateful gaze met Maria's apathetic gaze. And then... The world of hurt tour continues as she were helplessly put into position for the Flatliner. Her body swinging back and then her face met the steel ramp in a harsh manner! A print of her blood formed on the ramp as she swing back after the impact and laid down weakly. Her limb weakly moving as she refuses to be broken down.
Re: Haruka Tatsumi vs Karla Ray Reinhardt - Apex Qualifier Match
Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2022 8:33 pm
by Monsy
“Poor, poor Hundchen. You’re losing and it’s not even to your opponent. Can you even stand anymore? Ha…ha, I hope you can. We’ll just keep knocking you down, spilling your blood and making your two out of ten face resemble a bunch of grapes! Then when that’s done, we’ll just post it all online so those images are there forever, and ever…. And ever…” Karla spouted into the mic and had this sinister smile, looking to her family’s handiwork. Adelaide’s knuckles turned red and centred around a purplish mass. Blood was sprinkled over each, “You’re doing well, Haruka.” Adelaide said aloud, “Keep defying as long as you can.”
Maria laid beside her after the Flatliner. She turned on her side, propped an elbow underneath her head and yawned into their face. “Nah, she doesn’t have anything left. You really worked her, Adelaide. This, right now, is just having fun. You should really give up, Har-whatever your name is. Give up. Take the fall as you’re meant to and the pain will stop. It’s one match for your life-long health and safety. Not that we care…”
After inspecting her knuckles, Adelaide dispatched of her tailcoat to the rampway, leaving herself in a white dress shirt tucked at the waist, a tie draped between her breaths, soon taken off as well and discarded. Then she walked over, reached and sought to grab their throat, stepping back and pulling them, simultaneously curling her arm to influence them to her feet. “We don’t. And I never promised anything.” Once again, Adelaide pulled back her first, then chucked it at their face, square on the nose. She didn’t let go, instead pulled them back, tucked their head underneath her arm, and grabbed their other arm to throw it around her nape. A hand was placed on their stomach, and Adelaide tried to take them high into a suplex-lift. They’d delay, and delay, turning around towards the ring, with Adelaide’s dead eyes looking gazing on Karla. Then she threw them forward, down, and in conjunction, snapped her knee to deliver right to their face. The 94 - The move that won her so many accolades in her career, ended rivalries and snubbed rookies alike.
Re: Haruka Tatsumi vs Karla Ray Reinhardt - Apex Qualifier Match
Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2022 4:30 pm
by LowDefinition
Haruka laid down on the ramp, slowly pushing herself up on all fours. Her bruised, bloodied face held onto the pain as blood trickled along her face and dropped down from her jaw slowly. Hearing all the insults, she couldn't really fight back now. Her head glances around to her surrounding. Maria goading her to give up... Adelaide taking off her coat and seemingly prepared to bring more hurt to Haruka. Great, she have to endure more of this...
Before she could fully stand up however. Adelaide grabbed Haruka's throat and choked her. Prompting her to grunt as she put her hand onto Adelaide's wrists. Trying to pull that hand off her throat as her eyes glared towards Adelaide. Seeing that fist pulled back though, she knew that this'll hurt... "Ghukhhh..." Haruka grunted as the fist landed right on her nose! Reactively closing her eyes on the impact! Gasping out as her nose bleeds down. Her vision spinning around as she then pulled and tucked underneath Adelaide's arm. Breathing out heavily as she tried to recover while her arm were pulled and draped around Adelaide's nape.
And then she was lifted upside down into a suplex lift. The blood running over her head as she were lifted and turned around to face Karla in the ring. Her head turning read as she gasps out and huffed her nose out strongly as her nose clogged up with the blood. And then... She was tossed forward, instinctively she moved following the motion and tried to flip herself back to her two feet. But a knee drove straight to her face!!! "Gweh!!!" Haruka's head rocked back with the impact! Blood spurted out from her nose as she staggered backwards. The slightly tilted ramp makes it hard for her to keep herself on her two feet. Her body wobbling for a bit before she stopped, finally getting her balance back. Though her stance was shaky at best, Haruka glared onto Adelaide and...
"GAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!" Haruka widened her eyes and screamed out as she then desperately moved forward, Putting her arm up as she makes a dash onto Adelaide and attempts to land a lariat! It probably wasn't enough to bring her down but she had to fight back the assailant if she wants to make it to the ring!
Re: Haruka Tatsumi vs Karla Ray Reinhardt - Apex Qualifier Match
Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2022 4:46 am
by Monsy
Adelaide is no stranger to dismantlement. Her calm, collectedness in parallel harmony to Maria’s increasingly jauntily attitude as the torture raged on. Having opened up their nose and kneeing them in the face, Adelaide peered down at herself, pinching the fabric, then looking at the hem of her dress shirt. “Ah, there’s blood. Isn’t that just… wonderful.” Her voice was ragged and totally distracted as Maria watched them on one knee, laughing, almost ready to add her finishing touch. But knowing it was Adelaide, Maria saw ill-need to press so swiftly. This was Adela. The one she trained with to enter this sport. Surely, with her, things could never fall out of control. Until that was a lie.
Maria’s eyes were first to bulge when Haruka raced by, with Adelaide only having time to glance. Without brace or grace, she was knocked off her feet. Adelaide’s shoulder-blades spanked the ramp and she grit her teeth, the wind knocked from her lungs as her expression tightened up, “OOF.” Maria looked wide-eyed, breathless, glancing between the impossible and reality. Karla was second to feel that tightness of the throat, standing up and grabbing the top rope, leaning against it as she pointed out to Maria, “Don’t just stand there, pummel that Hundchen! Show her she has no place in MY ring!” Her voice was a snarl, brows furrowed and a twitching sneer as though her plan had found a critical kink. Her rows of teeth grinding against the other.
Maria then charged from behind, “NOT SO FAAAAST!” And with enough speed to close the distance, Maria lobbed her leg up for a roundhouse aimed sharply to take a bite of their head!