"Circus Cat" Tracy Canon vs Camie Young - Apex Qualifier Match

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Re: "Circus Cat" Tracy Canon vs Camie Young - Apex Qualifier Match

Unread post by winner3 »

It didn't matter to her how she made it happen. All Camie Young cared about was the fact that she defied everyone's expectations! That she had made a name for herself by besting LAW's fan favorite Circus Cat in the middle of the ring! In a high-profile PPV match! In an Apex Qualifier! In a match where everyone in the building and everyone watching at home was practically foaming at the mouth to see the Skintight Submissionist get what was coming to her for her relentless stalking and bullying of the tag team champion, by hook or by crook, Camie shocked the world and left Tracy Canon laying at her feet!

Nothing could silence or stifle the endless, loud boos that boomed throughout the stadium! Nothing could hide how angry the staff, the commentators, and the people were with Camie. But one look at the conniving blonde wrestling veteran was all it took to see that the high Camie was riding off this win filled her with all the vindication and fulfillment in the world! Right now, Camie couldn't hear anyone. The smug smile on her face after she heard the bell ring told the whole story! Camie wanted more! And with the ref down and her luchadora rival passed out and splayed out, no one could stop her from further making and example out of The Circus Cat!

The wicked blonde middleweight pushed herself up to her feet. She loomed over a hapless Tracy, who was still in her back, her chest heaving with each breath. The referee girl hobbled over to Tracy on all fours. No one knew what state the masked redhead was in. Whether or not Tracy would need medical attention or whether or not she would be able to leave the ring under her own power - these things were still very much up in the air. And as the official check on Tracy for signs of life, Camie Young's predator instincts, and her hatred for Tracy made itself known again!

"Ah!" The referee cried out briefly as Young grabbed a handful of her hair! It didn't take three seconds for Camie to throw the striped shirt woman over the ropes and send her on a nasty spill to the ringside area!

All at once, Tracy fell from the slightly upright position from when the ref was holding her! The passed-out feline luchadora fell back to the canvas on her back like a ragdoll! There were bad intentions in Camie's tone of voice! It was plain to see that Young wasn't done here! She wasn't satisfied! The conniving blonde dug her fingers into the laces that held Tracy's mask in place on her face! Fans and commentators gasped and jeered loudly as Camie looked to commit one of the cardinal sins in wrestling! With a swift and deliberate motion, she began to wrestle away The Circus Cat's prized mask from her head!

Tracy pawed at Camie's hand weakly. It was clear that the match as well as multiple applications of Camie's Wine of Dionysus finishing hold have taken their toll!

"AHHHHH!" Canon let out a shriek like she had just lost a limb! Her hands raced to cover her face and hide whatever she could from people's view! Her red hair, hands, and fortunate camera angles were the only things preserving some of her dignity as a luchadora!

Even for Camie, this was low. Even for Camie, this was crossing so many lines! The commentators at the desk gave all the tongue lashings they could. But no amount of boos or insults or middle fingers from the crowd could reverse the fact that Camie had unmasked a SWAT Cats on pay-per-view! The crowd seemed ready to riot! But no one could stop Camie from taking this affront to Tracy and everything she represented even further!

"Ngh!" A downed and compromised Tracy was unable to defend herself from the evil, deadly, femme fatale before her!

Camie roughly shoved Tracy back down onto her back! Her hated rival straddled her before taking a seat on her face! Camie was smirking! She was elated with satisfaction and anticipation here! The girl took out her mouthguard and bit Tracy's mask, holding it in her teeth firmly as she posed victoriously!

Camie had asserted more dominance over the tag team champion, over The Circus Cat, than perhaps any other wrestler in LAW's history! She defeated Tracy Canon via knockout! She unmasked the main event talent in front of the entire world! She sat on Tracy's face in the middle of the ring like a queen would sit in her throne! She held her trophy, Tracy's mask in her teeth while posing and reveling in the cacophony of boos! All while Tracy lay there limp and smothered beneath Camie's pert bum!

It was a point of contention before the match that Camie needed this win far more than Tracy! In order to make her mark, in order to establish herself at LAW as a real threat, and drive that point home, Young made an example out of her rival! She milked this morning for all it was worth! After today, everyone would know the name Camie Young! But at what cost!? What was stopping her from taking this travesty even further? Who could stop Camie now that she had secured what had to be the biggest and most dominant win of her career!?

Entrance Music
The other members of The SWAT Cats, Kat Hart and Aurora Estrella practically came barrelling down the entrance ramp as their team's theme music began to play!

Fans all over the arena erupted with cheers as the beloved luchadora trio, the tag team champions raced down the ramp to make the save! No doubt Camie, as wise a wrestler as she was, would make herself scarce! With balled fists of fury and concern on their faces for their sisters-in-arms and best friend, Kat and Aurora would slide into the ring! Kat would run to whichever side of the ring Camie would look to leave from! And if Camie made a swift exit, Kat would peer over the ropes and stare at Camie before joining Aurora, who had kneeled down to take Tracy in her arms to tend to her. Kat would join her in making sure Tracy could leave the ring without giving the cameras a good look at her unmasked face. And whenever Tracy came to, she would swear to the fans and to wrestling enthusiasts everywhere that this wasn't over. That Camie Young would pay!
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

If you just need plain old winner, please reach out via If you're interested in scoping out my characters and/or pitching RP ideas, here's my roster
:raised_hands: Peace, Love, and Sexy Wrestling Roleplay Stories :raised_hands:

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Re: "Circus Cat" Tracy Canon vs Camie Young - Apex Qualifier Match

Unread post by SweetHeart »

Camie continued to revel in her dominance, sitting triumphantly atop Tracy’s face, her posture oozing smug satisfaction as if she was a queen seated on her throne. She basked in the cacophony of boos that shook the arena, her grin widening with every insult hurled her way. With Tracy’s mask clenched firmly between her teeth, Camie reached down and mockingly patted her limp rival on the chest, her hand lingering as she gave it a condescending little pat-pat-pat.

“Aw, what’s the matter, Circus Cat? Too tired to put up a fight?” she cooed, her voice dripping with faux sympathy, her words like salt rubbed into an open wound. Her grin widened as she leaned forward slightly, pressing more of her weight onto Tracy’s face. “Where’s all that fire you had before, huh?” As the crowd’s outrage reached a fever pitch, Camie decided to twist the knife further. She gave her hips a teasing wiggle, shimmying back and forth as her pert rear ground against Tracy’s face.

With exaggerated flair, Camie bounced on her seat once, then twice, laughing as Tracy’s limp arms twitched slightly in response. “Come on, Tracy! I thought you were supposed to be a main eventer! This is just sad!” she sneered, placing her hands on her hips as she adjusted her position again, her movements deliberate and humiliating.“Aww, poor Circus Cat! Are you crying back there? Tracy’s bawling her eyes out on my ass!” Camie exclaimed, her voice brimming with mockery as she gave another deliberate wiggle. “Don’t worry, sweetie, I know it’s overwhelming. Being in the presence of greatness can really get to you.”

Camie’s head snapped toward the ramp, her grin faltering for only a moment as Kat Hart and Aurora Estrella stormed down the aisle like avenging angels, fury etched across their faces. The sight of Tracy’s teammates charging at full speed sent a clear signal—Camie’s time to gloat was up. But that didn’t mean she couldn’t leave on her terms.

“Oh, look who decided to show up!” Camie sneered, quickly springing to her feet. She stepped off Tracy’s face with deliberate carelessness, letting her rival’s head thud softly against the mat as she casually strolled toward the edge of the ring. Camie didn’t waste a second as Kat Hart and Aurora Estrella came charging down the ramp like a pair of furious tigresses ready to pounce. She knew better than to stick around and face their wrath. With the smug satisfaction of a villain who had just pulled off the heist of the century, Camie slid out of the ring on the far side, avoiding Kat’s grasp by mere inches. She casually skipped backward, her arms raised as if she were soaking in the relentless chorus of jeers that filled the arena.

“Too slow, ladies!” Kat leaned over the ropes, shouting obscenities and pointing furiously at the retreating blonde, but Camie simply smirked, turning to make her way up the ramp. Aurora knelt beside Tracy, trying to shield her face from the cameras as she checked on her fallen partner, but the sight of the SWAT Cats’ concern only seemed to embolden Camie further.

She spun around halfway up the ramp, strutting backward as she mockingly waved goodbye to the crowd and her furious rivals. “Aww, don’t be mad! You’ll get her back... eventually!” she called out, her voice dripping with condescension.

Stopping at the top of the ramp, Camie struck one final pose. She held Tracy’s mask in her teeth, leaning backwards with her arms outstretched. “Better luck next time, stupid Cats!” she shouted, pointing at Kat and Aurora in the ring before turning her back on them with a dismissive wave. With a bounce in her step, she disappeared behind the curtain, leaving the SWAT Cats and the crowd seething in her wake.


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