Amano Jaku vs Eirina Makishima - Hentai Endurance Match

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Re: Amano Jaku vs Eirina Makishima - Hentai Endurance Match

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Holding Amano upside down in preparation for the tombstone piledriver, Eirina feasted on her pussy, licking and slurping on the honey pot, though it seemed that Amano was trying to lick her sex in turn. Eirina couldn't help but shudder a little, though that ultimately didn't matter because Eirina could simply execute the tombstone piledriver, bringing the little demon head first into the mat.

And execute the tombstone piledriver she did, dropping herself on her knees as she brought Amano's head onto the canvas. Still, she wouldn't let go of Amano's body as she would adjust her grip a little before resuming on licking her pussy, looking to enjoy the naughty demon's taste, hoping to drive her to another orgasm after piledriving her into the mat.

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Re: Amano Jaku vs Eirina Makishima - Hentai Endurance Match

Unread post by dlamp »

"Auga- H-Hnnm..." Amano gritted her teeth between the moans, desperately trying to keep her focus on licking Eirina's sex between her forced moans and shuddering, shivering body. It was far from the deep and loving tongue of her senior, but she could feel the woman get just a bit aroused by. The licks of Eirina changed rhythm from it, and the small bits of vibration she got from her shudder was a sign of a hope. And Amano kept licking, madly moving her tongue as best she could through her own lust and moaning. "Naaug..." Just... a little mo-

The white sea of clouds her head was bobbing in quickly slammed into a wall of black.

The sound was heard before anything else. For a moment the Demon's mind was still focused on trying to eat Eirina out. She barely felt the air move around her as she dropped, barely made a sound aside from her body's crash down into the mats. The pain was barely even felt. No, it was all the pleasure that Amano had been fighting back that she felt first. The spike into the mat woke her body up and shut her mind down just enough to force out a final, slow spurting orgasm that came without noise or moans. Her tongue rolled out of her mouth, just barely trailing along the line of Eirina's pussy.

And the Demon was out, her own fluids and essence trailing along her exposed body as a final decoration to end the match as the bell started to ring.

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Re: Amano Jaku vs Eirina Makishima - Hentai Endurance Match

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

With that tombstone piledriver, Eirina seemed to have taken Amano out. Seeing the little demon come for one last time did amuse her a little, and she then let her go, letting Amano's body drop onto the mat. Seeing how obvious it was that Amano could no longer continue the fight, the bell was rung, and Eirina rose back up onto her feet and stood tall, being declared the winner of this bout as the referee raised her arm.

Eirina did some celebration after winning the match, though she would put her focus back on Amano. She felt a little bad for making her go through all these, though she needed to do them in order to win. So, while Amano was still unconscious on the mat, the Frau Doktor would lean down to give her a kiss on her forehead before making her leave, exiting the ring as her music was played from the speakers.

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