Theresia Niedermeyer vs Jess McCleary - Apex Qualifier Match

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Re: Theresia Niedermeyer vs Jess McCleary - Apex Qualifier Match

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*As her gentle, raspy panting devolved into a silent suspiration from the overstimulating contact Jess was eventually relinquished from her tantalizing prison, her mammoth body plummeting to the ground with a violent* "THUNK!" *That left the captivated crowd momentarily shocked from what they had witnessed- The pair had swung the pendulum of momentum from one end of the spectrum to the other, and as the dust appeared to finally be settling, Theresia had emerged as the clear cut victor.*

"Nnhhh....mmmhh..." *As tiny bullets of sweat continued to dribble down her alabaster frame, cheeks tinted a vibrant, intense crimson Jess was indefinitely caught between the planes of lust and anguish, depleted of any expendable vivacity as the flickering lights above her provided the fatigued juggernaut with an annoying reminder of her undesirable spot.*

*Her body trembling before finally going fully silent, the ravenous eyes on her waited for the cowgirl to scramble to her feet, showing even a scant form of life, but that would never come to fruition- Jess was content to lie against the arena floor, embracing her inevitable defeat at the hands of the relentless colossus who had felled her!*

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Re: Theresia Niedermeyer vs Jess McCleary - Apex Qualifier Match

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The ref, seeing the limp motion of the other woman, calls for the bell to be rung. The crowd is stunned seeing the strong dominant cowgirl be beaten in such a way that they can't help but get to their feet and cheer them on for the show they put on for them.

Nobody expected Thereisa of all people to use a move that she would consider lewd or close to it to knock out the stubborn cowgirl in such a way, and yet with the woman limp on her back with Thereisa standing over her is the sight they want to capture forever in their minds.

Falling to her knees as the ref raises her hand up in victory... she would pump her fist knowing that she put on a hell of a show with her opponent as she would roll out of the ring before stopping since she figured she would do one good deed... and give Jess something to remember her by when she wakes up again. Grabbing the other woman's legs and pulls her next to her underneath the ropes... Thereisa would place Jess over her shoulder with her hand on the woman's backside and give it a hard squeeze and a pat.

'Not bad... I gladly do a rematch with you in the future cowgirl...'She would say to her passed out opponent. Giving one last pat on Jess' backside and flexes for photos, as she makes her way backstage soaking in the praise for a hard-fought victory between the two of them. After getting backstage Thereisa would chuckle wanting to see if Jess is awake, 'you good cowgirl?'
Last edited by The Riders on Sat May 07, 2022 6:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Theresia Niedermeyer vs Jess McCleary - Apex Qualifier Match

Unread post by SubtleRoar »

*The trek backstage was akin to a walk of shame for the defeated rancher, with the added humiliation of being paraded around like an oversized trophy being peppered in for good measure. With the occasional, forlorn grunt pushing past her drooping lips Jess had been rendered fully unconscious from the brutal encounter she had experienced. Echos of the audience drifted in and out of her thoughts, a blurry collective of her failure keeping her quiet as Theresia continued to march down the long, cement hallway.*

*More disappointed in herself than anything else, Jess needed a moment to fully recuperate from the pummeling she received. Fortuitously, Theresia wasn't the type to hold grudges, rather, she offered a tremendous amount of aid to The Crimson Cowgirl. After what felt like hours, Jess eventually came to, her body haphazardly shuddering before finally awakening, slightly disoriented as her vision refocused itself.*

"Nnhh...huh?" *She extended and retracted her hands to stave off passing out again, clearly struggling to regain full control over her facutiles.* "Y..yeah, it ain't as bad as it seems, I swear~" *She reassured her concerned compatriot, stretching out her hand to offer a shaky yet sincere fistbump.* "W..watah undah the bridge, yeah?" *Trying to establish a tentative bond between herself and her superior, Jess sprinkled a sliver of her southern charm on the sentence by fluttering her eyelashes.*

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Re: Theresia Niedermeyer vs Jess McCleary - Apex Qualifier Match

Unread post by The Riders »

Walking while carrying her opponent like a piece of meat backstage. Thereisa would chuckle seeing that her former opponent was starting to awaken after being knocked out from her choke hold, as she would place the red hair woman on the couch near the locker rooms and shakes her head since she is wondering why she would even do something nice to the other woman.

Leaving the cowgirl hand alone and turning to walk away... not before wanting to do one of her favorite poses from a video game she used to play when she was in Japan.

Raising her right arm up and doing the V hand pose, doing a famous pose that a blond fighter with a red cap would do when getting victory. 'Yea it is... I see ya around Cowgirl and next time if you wanted to get an up close and personal look at me... buy me a drink first before using that tongue of yours on me.' Thereisa would say and walk off to her locker rooms... Wanting to soak after a hard match and hit the bar after wards knowing that this match brings her one step closer to her goals.

Winner By Knock out Thereisa Niedermeyer

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