Apex Match: Arachne W. Spyder vs Amano Jaku - Into the Chaos Realm

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Apex Match: Arachne W. Spyder vs Amano Jaku - Into the Chaos Realm

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LAW Apex No DQ Match: Victory obtained via pinfall, submission, or knockout. There will be no disqualifications for any reason. Winner will join those considered for LAW's first Openweight Champion.

Continued from here.

At LAW Apex, all of the Battle Bugs had been matched up against opponents that were meaningful to them in one way or the other. Antonia had been registered against Cassandra, a butterfly-themed beauty who had tangled with both of the other Battle Bugs prior. Honie had been registered against Anastasia, a devious, dastardly idol who had helped to kick-start the bee's intense feud with the Cyber Legacy. But neither Antonia nor Honie had been as excited for their LAW Apex opponent as Arachne was. The Villainess of the Spider Web had the distinct pleasure of going up against the Rascal Demon, Amano Jaku.

Arachne had first met Amano face-to-face, while the demon was in her out-of-ring Reiko persona. Said demon had invited her to have a spar at the gym, but Reiko ending up forgetting about it. This left Arachne to cause trouble as usual, this time by assaulting and robbing random gym-goers for kicks and giggles. Once Reiko finally remembered and confronted Arachne about her mischief, the spider decided she give everybody's stuff back, on the condition that Reiko bested her in this spar. The two had intensity engaged in what was more so a straight up fight, during which Reiko became Amano, fully embracing her demon persona. Once the competitive struggle had concluded, the Rascal Demon had indeed come out on top.

Arachne opted to honor her word and toss everyone back their stuff. But what the naughty bug had been more caught up in was the excitement of their brawl. While Arachne had intentionally instigated all the trouble, Amano had a way of really pushing the people she fought. They were both battle-lovers, and seemed to develop mutual respect and even bit of a friendship by the end of things. But in what was undoubtedly the biggest match of Arachne's career and one of the biggest matches of Amano's, it was time for their rivalry to REALLY heat up!
Arachne's Entrance Music
"And now! Crawling into an Apex Match! Weighting in at 117 pounds! She is the Villainess of the Spider Web: ARACHNE WIDOW SPYDER!" The announcer screamed, prompting Arachne to make her appearance, to the beat of her entrance theme. The spider made childish faces at the fans, as she ambled to the ring. Once there, she slipped into it and crawled onto the top ropes, where she impressively balanced and laid on her side. She then retrieved a microphone from her Thorax Backpack, before speaking this into it:

"Powered by darkness, I chant this spell!"
"Bring forth my next victim! I scream! I yell!"


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Re: Apex Match: Arachne W. Spyder vs Amano Jaku - Into the Chaos Realm

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No sooner did Arachne finish her chant, a haze of black mist coated the stage and the soft patter of the piano to Amano's theme started humming out. The crowd soon grew silent as the female vocals slowly came to life, and a line of yellow spotlights started flashing along the ramp of the stage just as the vocals started to reach their pitch before growing silent.

The music ceased, and the crowd was silent as their eyes went to the stage.

Then, as if Arachne's rhyme was indeed a spell, the flash of Amano's bright yellow eyes peered out of the dark fog. Without even an announcement the Demon jumped right onto the stage, a wide grin and snicker toward the crowd's direction, a mix of gasps, cheers, and jeers sounding throughout the stadium as Amano-Jaku made her way down the ramp, flashing the audience as she flipped her kimono top and showed off her panties to those she passed, hopping right into the ring with a surprisingly amount of athleticism she didn't use before a match. She couldn't help it, the excitement of the match she'd have had her spirits high.

While her own opinions of Apex were rather neutral compared to some of her fellow wrestlers, the Demon couldn't deny that this was indeed the perfect stage for a match she had been wanting to have for a few months now. The spar and battle she had with Arachne still played in her mind, still got her body itching to truly trade blows with the spider woman, to see just how far her friend and rival would go in a match with everything on the line. And something like Apex seemed like the perfect chance for that.


"You shouldn't summon a demon without sacrifice, Kumo-chan! Especially me!" She shouted, marching right up to the woman and snatching the mic in her hands. "Buuut..." Her eyes locked onto Arachne, flashing with a gleeful edge.

"I might be generous and accept your fists as an offering for a battle-hungry demon like me." She said, giving a wide and wicked grin. "If you give me everything you've got and fight for your life in this ring, I think I'll be satisfied."

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Re: Apex Match: Arachne W. Spyder vs Amano Jaku - Into the Chaos Realm

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Background Music
Much to Arachne's glee, her chant seemed to work, prompting the impressive entrance of the demon herself. Amamo suddenly appeared out of a dark, demonic fog, as if she had been summoned from the darkest depths the underworld itself. Pretty soon, the athletic rascal sprung into the ring, before approaching her fellow lightweight.

"Well, well, we-"

Arachne had started her signature, villainous catchphrase, before Amano had interrupted it, by snacking the mike from the spider's grasp! Amano declared demons like her especially should be summoned with a proper sacrifice, but thankfully she was willing to take Arachne's efforts in this match as an offering!

"Ahh, yes. The oh-so dark arrival of my devilish, demonic rival." Arachne rhymed. "While Arachne's never been big on rules, including the stipulations for demon-summoning, Arachne will indeed throw these hands as an offering! HehHeh."

The last time the Villainess of the Spider Web and the Rascal Demon threw down, Arachne had received a bit of poetic karma. Her Thorax Backpack contained mischievous items Arachne at times used to trip up her foes, both inside and outside the ring. However, during their pervious brawl, her trickster items had been blocked by the stolen items that she had stuffed in her bag. Amano bested her, during this comedic realization. But this time, Arachne had it in her mind to ensure things wouldn't play out the same way.

Now Widow did prioritize showing off her wrestling skills over her tricks, especially in the ring. And with the judges for Apex watching this very important match, she had all the more reason to do so. But this was a no DQ match, which was as good as saying no trivial rules in Arachne's mind. Things were bound to get pretty hectic, if Arachne had anything so say about it!

"And it'll be the finest offering indeed! This time Arachne will bestow upon you EVERYTHING I've got! Arachne's most excruciatingly torturous submission holds, Arachne's most suffocating smothers, and every trick in the book...or bag. Hehehehe!" Arachne flashed Amano a wicked grin, her eyes glisten without uncontrolled excitement. "Sometimes...I JUST CAN'T HELP MYSELF!" Suddenly, before the bell even rang, Arachne would aim to tackle Amano to the mat! While Ms. Spyder found it fun to intentionally bend the rules, this time, it was simply the chaotic bug's raw, excited impulse that had taken over! "HAVE AT ME! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!"

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Re: Apex Match: Arachne W. Spyder vs Amano Jaku - Into the Chaos Realm

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Amano's grin was plastered on her face, widening further and further the more Arachne spoke. Her body practically shivering with each rise in her opponent's voice, hands clenching and relaxing with each moment passed. Each word only made the Demon's muscle tense further and further. Her mind buzzed with all the ways she wanted to start the match. A standard lock up maybe? Or a fast and cheeky sucker punch so surprise her? Or a sneaky low takedown? The possibilities were endless. There last bout had a spontaneous start, so their official match that Amano was completely prepared for needed some kind of big way to start things off.

Then, Arachne decided for her, by completely forgoing the bell and just outright lunging at her.

Already tensed and ready, Amano met Arachne's charge, grounding her already primed legs and gripping her hands around Arachne's shoulders to keep her from fully knocking the Demon over. She looked Arachne in the eyes with a grin that matched the villain's own, her black and yellow eyes practically glowing with wild excitement. the force from Arachne's attempted tackle forced Amano's body to bend back some, but she remained on her feet, grinning wide. "BRING IT!"

And in a smooth motion, she twisted her body to the side, attempting to kick at Arachne's ankle to make her lose balance and guide her to the ground in a hard slam.

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Re: Apex Match: Arachne W. Spyder vs Amano Jaku - Into the Chaos Realm

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Background Music
Arachne's chaotic and impulsive tendencies had led to her attempting to tackle Amano, before the bell even sounded! Not that she cared about the prospect of waiting for a stupid bell to ring anyhow. The referee grumbled and ordered for the bell to sound, though with the no DQ rules in play, he didn't have power to do much else. Any attempts the ref made to reprimand Arachne would go completely ignored, as Arachne sought to take control over her demonic adversary!

But Amano was a tough girl, and she had been prepared. Ms. Jaku braced her body and gripped Arachne's shoulders, preventing the villainess from knocking her over. Since Amano resisted being tacked, things turned into more of a traditional push-off between the two, each lightweight seeking to overpower the other. But Amano had a little trick up her sleeve. With a twist of her body and a kick at the spider's ankle, Arachne was thrown off balance! "Hey!" She protested, before grunting as she was slammed onto the canvas.

Amano had landed the first successful move. But Arachne was also brimming with energy and far from done! She'd attempt to shake off this slam in time to press her palms against the mat and spring off of them. Arachne would then arch her body, to bounce up and try to nail her rival in the mug, using a skillful double kick!

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Re: Apex Match: Arachne W. Spyder vs Amano Jaku - Into the Chaos Realm

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Amano had a wide grin on her face as Arachne fell, the Demon following to the ground with her with a bit more prep. The tactics and products of her aikido and martial training. Fighting force with force was a losing battle for the small Demon, so tricks, gambits, and manipulating her opponent's momentum were her best weapons. And unlike in their last encounter, Amano was determined to make sure her Spider friend learned that lesson well.

She rolled herself up to her feet, snickering at her own accomplishment. How do you like that Kumo-ch-


The Demon's thoughts were immediately shattered at boots collided with her cheek, spinning her about to the ropes and hearing a surprised gasp from the crowd. Colors flashed for a moment, and black eyes blinked in rapid succession as Amano regained her bearings. "Gh..." She gritted her teeth, bring a hand to her chin to assess the damage before shooting Arachne a piercing stare. "Not bad..." She huffed out, pushing herself off the ropes and back toward her rival. "Got another one in you?"

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Re: Apex Match: Arachne W. Spyder vs Amano Jaku - Into the Chaos Realm

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Background Music
Amano had braced herself for Arachne's surprise tackle, before kicking one of the spider's eight legs to send her to the mat. But Arachne wouldn't take that laying down! Literally! She sprung off the canvas to nail the demon with a strong double kick, one that rattled Amano a fair bit. But of course the tough girl could take it. Things were just getting started, Arachne and Amano had yet to throw everything they had at the other. But surely each girl fully planned on doing so!

"Not bad? This villainess is bad to the bone! HehHeh!" The heel snickered. "And Arachne's got all the best attacks stored up and then some!"

Arachne's kick had knocked the demon against the ropes, ropes she then used to spring back towards the black widow spider, who was also on her feet at this point. As Amano challenged the bug girl to attack again, Arachne would met her head on! She'd attempt to stop Amano's momentum, by aiming to put her fellow lightweight in a quick headlock, before using her weight to try and send Amano crashing to the mat with a DDT slam. If everything went the spider's way of course!

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Re: Apex Match: Arachne W. Spyder vs Amano Jaku - Into the Chaos Realm

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"Ng..." Despite the heavy blow she took it didn't take long for Amano's battle instincts to get her back into the fight. her eyes focused up and narrowed forward, watching the still excited and eager Arachne run right for the Demon, still high off the successful blow she got. "Kehehe~" And the Demon obliged her, also making strides toward the woman and clashing.

"Ah-!" And Arachne went to work fast, quickly getting Amano in a headlock and shifting the two toward the mats below. The Demon tried to struggle, but couldn't the fall was too fast and short to give a proper counter for. In seconds she went down face first in the mat

"Ghn!" The world shook as she was forced to take the impact with little to prep for it, colors splotching the blackness of the mat. "Ug..." The Demon was truly stunned and prone now, only giving small shifts and breaths to show she was still conscious after the crash down.

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Re: Apex Match: Arachne W. Spyder vs Amano Jaku - Into the Chaos Realm

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Background Music
Arachne and Amano had a similar battle-hungry intensity in their pupils, as they locked eyes and prepared for another clash. Arachne's speed got the better of the demon here, as she was right in front of her in no time. And within a second of two, Arachne had slammed her rival lightweight on the canvas with a stunning DDT slam!

"Haha! Don't disappoint Arachne now!" Arachne snickered, noticing Amano was totally dazed at the moment. So she just had to follow up! Arachne would position herself on the mat to preform a reverse headscissors, squeezing Ms. Jaku's neck with the two strongest of her eight limbs! Those spider thighs of hers!

And if the demon was unable to escape in time, Arachne would amp up the offense! While still preforming the scissorhold, she'd aim to use her legs to push Amano's face between the plump, smothery cheeks of her thick rear. The villainess was attempting a reverse headscissors/butt smother combo move!

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