This say the least. The tension in the air tonight felt suffocating as the atmosphere was filled with this dense, heavy pressure. This was the third time she and her new love, Sheena, would come face-to-face in a brutal contest of passion and fury. Every time the two came into contact within the squared circle, they would tear each other apart. Every subsequent match had already been more agonizing and impactful than the last. Now it all came to a head here at Apex. However, Sheena or Akari weren't thinking about that. Their minds were collectively set on the main prize tonight...claiming dominance once-and-for-all over the other. This match would shape the future of their relationship. It would draw out EVERYTHING within them in the ultimate clash between Ito and Akan. Two fiery upstarts of a new generation set on climbing to the top of LAW, trapped within a cold, metallic hell with only one goal in crush the other woman and prove who was the one on top. Akari was shaking in her boots...but when she heard the sound of her kick-ass theme playing, the Sea Turtle could feel the rhythm empowering her right in her soul...There was no time to waste and certainly no room for hesitation. She grabbed her coat and slipped her headphones on...
Akari steps into the arena, dazzling the crowd with her new attire. The pro-wrestling DJ arrived on the scene with a gallant display of pyrotechnics and smoke machines. While she walked down to the ring, she greeted and entertained fans with her radiant and energetic personality. She carried this larger-than-life aura and smiled with this unyielding pride and confidence. She looked up to the steel cage that lingered over the ring, and she looked toward Sheena, unwavering in her resolve as she continued to step forward to face the one she loves one last time to finally settle the score with a match that would decide the future of their 'relationship'...Akari slips her coat and headphones off, giving them to a stagehand outside the ring. She has a mighty stare down with Sheena before approaching her with heavy footsteps. Her natural charisma and passion were on display here as she came face-to-face and chest-to-chest with the lavender-haired woman. Without a second thought, she takes Sheena's cheek in her palm and kisses her on the spot. It wasn't meant to distract her or overwhelm her...Quite the contrary...This was a kiss for good luck. And also because Akari missed the sweet taste of those lips as well.
"Best of luck to you, my beloved Wisteria. May the better woman win, no matter hard feelings. Regardless of who wins here tonight, I want you to know...that I am so happy to have fallen in love with you." She whispered, backing away, then showboating to the crowd one last time before the mechanisms and wiring above began to shift and change.
Moments later, the audience began to die down as both Sheena and Akari were given a last-second gear check. Afterward, the two would do their final preparations and stretches before things moved forward. Shortly after, the time had drawn near...and with a slow and menacing "creaking" sound, the cage begins to lower slowly until both wrestlers are surrounded within the ring, contained within a prison of steel wiring and chainlink, the only thing awaiting was a brutal fight ahead that would drag every last ounce of their spirit and passion out of them. And now, the only thing left was for the bell to ring...And once it did, it would not signal for the match to start...
It would signal for the gates of HELL to OPEN.