LAW Apex Match: Mindy Midnight vs Alizeh Midori

Qualified wrestlers face off in a tour around the world for a chance to become Inaugural Openweight Champion
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Re: LAW Apex Match: Mindy Midnight vs Alizeh Midori

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Catching Mindy's leg and pulling the woman in Alizeh managed to not only uppercut Mindy but tuck her head under her arm before pulling back, lifting the midnight off her feet and arching back to perfectly land the verdant break! Creating a resounding impact from the force Alizeh would hold onto Mindy's leg and keep her self bridged, intending to pin Mindy right here, right now from this position as the ref dropped down, starting the count!

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Re: LAW Apex Match: Mindy Midnight vs Alizeh Midori

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The pin was starting once Alizeh bridged her in the fisherman. Mindy was given seconds to escape this or suffer the first loss as Mindy Midnight in LAW, and worst of all lose out on being the champion winner of Apex! Her leg kicked but the rest didn't follow, and it was a really weak kick. Mindy could only groan and shake her head to force herself back in the game while she still had a chance.


Mindy was out of time, whatever she did now had to work. Her body hurt and her eyes were still closed, nothing seemed to be working well enough to get her out of this pin. Mindy had to dig deep and start to prove that she really wanted to back her words up, pulling her leg back while preparing herself one more time, she would kick her leg out and push her head back to break Alizeh's grip around her head and neck.


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Re: LAW Apex Match: Mindy Midnight vs Alizeh Midori

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Absolutely spiking Mindy into the mat with one of her signature moves Alizeh wouldn't lie when she said she thought she had it, especially after the amount of damage Mindy had taken up until now. Almost as if their roles had been reversed within minutes though Mindy would prove Alizeh wrong, managing to kick out of the bridged pin just before the three count, causing a massive uproar within the arena, practically everyone now split in half as to who they wanted to win, their cheers, chants and boos all melding into a cacophony of chaos!

Forced onto her side from Mindy's kick out Alizeh didn't look shocked, or angry though. No she looked grim. Her signature move, one of her aces had failed to put away Mindy, and she was running on fumes as is.. So if she wanted to win this, she'd have to put everything she had into what came next. Gritting her teeth and pushing herself up she would reach forward, looking to grasp Mindy's hair and and tug on it, intending to pull Mindy up with her until the two were both standing. "Hagh.. Hagh.. Nghhh.." Taking a few sharp breaths Alizeh would pull her arm back before swinging forward! "I! Am! Winning! This!!!" She roared, punctuating each word with a punch aimed at Mindy's face, seemingly set on knocking Mindy's lights out the old fashioned way!

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Re: LAW Apex Match: Mindy Midnight vs Alizeh Midori

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To not be mistaken, Mindy still couldn't see straight after that fall. She was kicking out in darkness and rising up to shadows and slightly visible feet while her mind was on reset. She was too worn out and tired to make any moves or any plans or boast her invulnerability for denying Alizeh a pin while she recovered and despite not being able to see, she knew that was about to be a problem since Alizeh had to be on her. She didn't make a sound until her hair was pulled, screaming while she was forced back on her feet by Alizeh who was angry even if Mindy couldn't really see it, since she felt it when the first punch hit her.

"Ngggh!" Mindy groaned, her head turned and she tumbled back a step or two when her jaw was struck. Alizeh had run out of moves so her strategy was to punch Mindy until the actress was tko'd. "Gnngh!" Mindy spluttered when another punch hit her, smashing her face and forcing her back again. This time however Mindy felt her anger rising, she was getting beaten up and her pride told her she had to respond. Instead of waiting for the next punch Mindy rushed back and swing at Alizeh with a clubbing blow to the face. "Stop talking! You're giving me a headache!" Mindy shouted, wanting to silence Alizeh. She knew where Alizeh was hitting her and if she hit her the first time she would move in and stop Alizeh from striking back with an uppercut to the belly.

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Re: LAW Apex Match: Mindy Midnight vs Alizeh Midori

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Alizeh knew things down to the wire now. Both her and Mindy were on their last legs. A little more damage for either and it would be all over. The only question was who would do the damage neccessary to do so. Well Alizeh intended for it to be her as she struck out at Mindy with straight up punches, nearly knocking the woman flat right there. As she went for another however Mindy would answer back with another punch of her own!

"Gah!" Alizeh cried out as it hit, stumbling back and leaving her victim to a second punch, this time though in the form of an uppercut to the gut! "UGH!" Alizeh gasped out, early collapsing right there from the sheer breathlessness she felt, but she stayed standing, seemingly barely. Gritting her teeth though Alizeh refused to give up and pulled her fist back, tightening her muscles to send another punch, aimed right to Mindy's face, intent on taking her out right there!

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Re: LAW Apex Match: Mindy Midnight vs Alizeh Midori

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Mindy felt her punches connect, as she started to blink she gained a bit more sight. Soon her shadows became people and she could see green, the green of her hair and the green of Alizeh's eyes. Eyes staring at her full of anger that made Mindy want to take another step knowing that being too close was bad for her health. Mindy had nothing to do and everything to worry about with how much pain she was in, the daunting reality of any move being a potential game changer was enough to make Mindy wait until she had an opening. Instead of moving to attack, she reacted and saw Alizeh going for another punch, letting Mindy move to avoid it before she would go right back to Alizeh's belly and punish her with a second punch.

"I told you who was winning this." Mindy said before she would throw another punch. "I told you that nothing was going to stop me." Mindy would get up and throw a punch to Alizeh's head. "Only an idiot would think that I could be overwhelmed by your rage. A storm means nothing to me!" Mindy shouted despite it hurting to talk this much. She smelled blood and ignored those pains to punish Alizeh, she knew she was close to winning and this combo could spell the beginning of the end. "I've beat girls tougher than you bloody, and when it comes down to you you think you'll beat me in a fist fight? Stick to what you're good at and get out of my face." Mindy said as she send a punch to Alizeh's mouth, then sent a few more to her face as she tried to push Alizeh back.

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Re: LAW Apex Match: Mindy Midnight vs Alizeh Midori

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Not good. Not good at all. Mindy seems to be recovering with each punch she sent towards Alizeh and the hits were adding up. Hell as is she was barely standing but if she didn't end this now she was done for. So Alizeh pulled her arm back, tensing her muscles before unloading a massive straight aimed to take Mindy off her feet and knock her out completely! Unfortunately for Alizeh however Mindy had enough sense now to lean back, avoiding the move, causing Alizeh's eyes to widen in shock and panic.

Before a punch hit her in the stomach. "Ugh!" Alizeh cried out in pain before another blow struck home in her gut. "Ack!" She gasped out in a choked gag of pain until Mindy switched targets, choosing to start battering her face and head rather than her stomach with punch after punch! "Ngh! Agh! Gah!" Yelling in pain with each hit Alizeh would be left on wobbly, noodle legs from the combo, her eyes were hazy and half lidded, and after a moment... She dropped forward, and would have collapsed face first on the mat had Mindy not been in front of her, causing Alizeh to fall onto her rivals body and hold on for dear life, but it was clear... Alizeh had lost this fist fight.

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Re: LAW Apex Match: Mindy Midnight vs Alizeh Midori

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The crowd was watching Alizeh struggle as the fist fight went on. While she had anger and determination Mindy seemed to be getting a second wind as she was fighting and was proving to be the better in a fist fight as her punches struggled to find their target but Mindy hit Alizeh over and over again. Punches to her face that was knocking Alizeh out. Soon the fight Alizeh had moments before seemed to be gone and she wasn't punching back at all while Mindy hit her until the combo ended and she was wobbling on her feet until she fell forward looking half asleep. It was only because she landed on Mindy and nearly knocked them both over that she was on her feet and the crowd seemed to have an idea who was winning now. Alizeh couldn't even stay on her feet anymore and Mindy was pulling her up so that she couldn't fall down early.

"Seems you're finally slowing down. You did some damage but we're past your best." Mindy said. Her hand came up and gave Alizeh a pat on the back before her hand went lower and would hold her back letting Alizeh lean on her arm with enough separation Mindy would punch Alizeh's belly. Wanting to avoid any second winds, Mindy kept at it while getting close to the ropes, striking Alizeh's stomach over and over again as she fist found little resistance from Alizeh's abs, it was a final show of power before Mindy could finish things showing that she really had Alizeh outmatched in this fist fight before they got close to the ropes and Mindy pushed her against it to set her up for her finishing blow.
Last edited by Fairy Dragon on Wed May 24, 2023 6:26 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: LAW Apex Match: Mindy Midnight vs Alizeh Midori

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Hazy. Fuzzy. Blurry. Those were the only descriptors Alizeh could describe her world right now. Hearing, seeing, thinking, even tasting was all obscured by the damage from Mindy's punches, the taste of metal flooding Alizeh's mouth from blood. Unable to even stand on her own power she had collapsed against Mindy, seemingly out of it and at Mindy's mercy. A fact Mindy was all too eager to flaunt as she patted Alizeh's head before placing a hand on her back, holding her up in a way that was.. borderline romantic..

If it weren't for the occasional punches to the gut Mindy sent which, outside of choked gasps, Alizeh could do nothing more about. Naturally carried over to the ropes Alizeh would be set up, seemingly without resistance, but have enough sense to hold onto the top ropes and lean against them to keep herself standing as she looked up, her eyes clearing just a bit.. just enough to see the woman in front of her, the woman she swore to beat.. and the one that had beaten her to a bloody pulp in the last few minutes of this match. 'Was this is?' Alizeh thought to herself as Mindy set up her final move.

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Re: LAW Apex Match: Mindy Midnight vs Alizeh Midori

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When Alizeh looked up at her Mindy could see it, her steel eyes were open and hazy with confusion and doubt. For the first time Alizeh's resolve had faltered, and Mindy felt elated that she had pushed through the stone wall of the Emerald Storm's willpower. Her hands came up to steady Alizeh's chin before Mindy moved in and pressed her lips against Alizeh just like she did when she entered. It was sloppier than the beginning since Mindy was tired, but she felt the heat from Alizeh's breath, and she ended up tasting blood. It intensified Mindy's desire to win and made her confident that it was already hers to take.

"Now you'll always remember this moment..and me." Mindy said once the kiss was broken. Taking the necessary steps to get the distance she needed to aim her last punch. One final blow to knock Alizeh out cold and end this grueling match. Fist raised and winding back, Mindy aimed for Alizeh's head with all of her remaining power to crash into Alizeh's jaw and knock her to the mat. If it hit Mindy would jump on Alizeh and pull her leg up for the pin, what she expected would be the final pin of the match.

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