Apex Match: Antonia A. Aunt vs. Cassandra Selinofoto - Float like a Butterfly, March like an Ant

Qualified wrestlers face off in a tour around the world for a chance to become Inaugural Openweight Champion
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Re: Apex Match: Antonia A. Aunt vs. Cassandra Selinofoto - Float like a Butterfly, March like an Ant

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After a particularly devastating elbow strike, Antonia had Cassandra more than shaken up enough to be put into her finisher. Courtesy of the ant's large, stinger bum, the Blue Butterfly was subjected to Antonia's Stingface, her signature smother move. The general shook her rump against her captive's mug, as she stinkfaced Cassie in the creatively elevated position, ready to bring this match to a close. And after an extended period smothered by the blonde bombshell's big behind, poor Cassie would been forced into unconsciousness. Once the lightweight stopped moving, the ref would preform a consciousness check, before declaring Antonia the winner!

The General of the Antill raised her ant-themed swagger stick in triumph, before jumping down to the mat and off of her seat. She had finished all her Apex Qualifiers and won her Apex Match, officially making her a candidate to be considered for LAW's inaugural Openweight Champion! The crowd cheered loudly, having witnessed quite an exciting bout between the two insects.

Honie rushed into the ring and gave Antonia a loving hug with a level of force not appropriate for someone who had just had a challenging fight. "Ahhh-Ahhhh!" Antonia groaned, it took all of the tired general's willpower not to fall onto her butt, after the big bee finally released her. "Congrats Ant! That match was great, and you both did amazing!" Honie praised, before lifting Cassandra off the turnbuckle and gently carrying like a baby her in her muscular arms.

Arachne would enter the ring and smile at her stablemates soon afterwards. "While my victory was assured of course, I suppose I can understand how that Lepidoptera managed to beat you..." Antonia said, stating the scientific name for butterflies and addressing Arachne. "Any loss is still unacceptable though." Arachne stuck her tongue out at her general, before checking on Cassandra herself. "Must suck for Cassie to lose such an important match though..." The villainess remarked, showing a level of concern reserved exclusively for people she cared about.

The Battle Bugs pondered this for a moment, until Honie lit up. "Wait just a minute!" The bee buzzed. "I think I have a buzzing great idea!" The Masters of the Swarm huddled together as they discussed Honie's idea. Cassandra would wake up to warm smiles from all three bugs of differing wrestling alignments, ready to inform the butterfly on what they had decided!

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Re: Apex Match: Antonia A. Aunt vs. Cassandra Selinofoto - Float like a Butterfly, March like an Ant

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Wasn’t an early waker like she had been with Honie. Truth be told, she had been putting off rest before Apex in order to get better, but unfortunately, that had left her with a lot of pent up exhaustion. When Antonia had smushed her out, for a good.. four minutes, Cassandra would remain unconscious, cradled in her bee friends arms again. A familiar sight to Honie, but a new one for Antonia and Arachne.

Her eyes finally fluttered open, as her hand made its way to her head.

“Ow.. ow.. head.. huh??”

.. she’d blearily rub her eyes, and then the three bugs’s faces came into view, a practical jumpscare. Cass’s eyes widened a bit to see all three hovering over her with smiles..

“.. eep. H-hi guys..?”

The realisation though that she had lost was slowly starting to dawn on her, her features condensing into a bit of a grimace, as she’d bite the inside of her cheek, thinking immediately back to a promise she had made.. and broken.
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Re: Apex Match: Antonia A. Aunt vs. Cassandra Selinofoto - Float like a Butterfly, March like an Ant

Unread post by dddybee »

Background Music
It took a while, but Cassandra eventually woke up. "Hiiiiiii Cassieeeeeee!" Honie buzzed, in response to the butterfly's confused greeting, she toke note of Cassandra's following disappointed and pained expression. Antonia's usual smugness sought to reestablish itself. She opened her mouth with a look of pride, about to utter a boast. But stopped after an 'imma punch you' glare from Honie. Reconsidering thanks to Cassandra's visible feelings, as well as Honie's non-verbal threat, the general decided to speak with tact.

"Listen, Cassandra Selinofoto. Shame your Apex opponent had to be me. Now I'm not going to give you any generic platitudes about 'how you did your best' or 'gave it your all' and how that somehow makes your loss okay. It doesn't. Honie and Arachne will be the first ones to inform you how much I DESPISE losing myself. So rather than give you any of those meaningless sayings, we'd like to present you with something of actual value. Something that'll will actually strengthen you and ensure loses become an incredibility rare occurrence."

"I was thinking and my besties here agree..." Honie spoke up. "You're a good friend, a fellow bug girl, a great wrestler capable of squaring up against all three of us, and above all: We just think you're pretty neat! Sooooooo, if it's like cool with you, we'd like to make you an Honorary Battle Bug! We can hangout even more, and get even stronger together, when we're all part of a buzzing team!"

"How sentimental..." Arachne chuckled. "You know I haven't been this choked up since I got me a cricket stuck in my throat! Hahaha! True story too." The spider creepily licked her lips at the thought of crickets, indicating the experience hadn't dampened her craving of them. "But yeah. What the two taller ding dongs said. We dance, we spar, we schmooze, we make you an honorary member. Oh. And Arachne will teach you how to terrorize your victims. Whatcha say? Come on."

Having fully settled on making the Blue Butterfly and honorary member of their stable, the Battle Bugs eagerly awaited Cassandra's response!

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Re: Apex Match: Antonia A. Aunt vs. Cassandra Selinofoto - Float like a Butterfly, March like an Ant

Unread post by Aeri »

“You eat crickets?!??”

Was the first thing that registered in her mind, staring at Arachne with wide eyes and a little bit of a gasp on her face. She’d blink a little bit, before.. the other thing sunk in.

Be part of the Battle Bugs.

Ant, Bee, Spider.. and Butterfly? That thought made her blush a little in embarrassment, resting her head against Honie’s chest again and thinking about it.

Certainly wasn’t a bad prospect. But.. was she worthy..?

Nevertheless, Cass shook her head. She wasn’t going to deny something, such an offer pressed against her face.

“.. yeah.

I accept! I’m glad you guys want me with you!”
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Re: Apex Match: Antonia A. Aunt vs. Cassandra Selinofoto - Float like a Butterfly, March like an Ant

Unread post by dddybee »

Background Music
"Yeah. But I USUALLY fry them first. Hehe." Arachne chuckled at Cassandra's reaction to the fact that she indeed ate crickets. She had to buy them to feed her tarantulas anyway, so she might as well make a snack of them herself sometimes.

The Battle Bugs grinned excitedly, when Cassandra accepted their offer to become an honorary member of their stable! Honie in particular could sense there were still some lingering insecurities in Cassie, and quickly thought of a way to try and take her mind off them. "WOOOOOO! BUZZ YEAH! This calls for a celebration!" The big bee buzzed. "Why don't we take ya back at our place for a party?!"

"Well, Honey Buns. Cassandra my not be at adequate energy levels for that now, considering the bout we just participated in." Antonia said in a tired tone, meaning she was actually feeling tired herself. But she preferred not to admit it. Haha.

"Ehhh, we'll figure something out." Arachne said. "Let's just outta here. Hearing all these simping LAW fans cheer this loudly for this long is bad for Arachne's health. Namely the eardrums."

And from there, all FOUR Battle Bugs left LAW Arena, Honie still carrying Cassandra in her arms. Things had ended quite eventfully. Antonia would be considered for the Openweight belt, and Cassandra was now an honorary Battle Bug. What did the future hold for all of these bug-themed wresters? Only time would tell, as the journey continues...

Winner Via Smother K.O: Antonia A. Aunt
Last edited by dddybee on Sat Jul 01, 2023 3:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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