Apex Match: Eve Summers vs. Raquel Masters

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Re: Apex Match: Eve Summers vs. Raquel Masters

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Raquel felt Even kick out and before Raquel could get up she felt herself grabbed and trapped! "Ngh! Damn it...." Raquel hissed as she thrashed about and squirmed in the grip of Eve. Raquel tried to punch at Eve with her fee fist while bucking her hips hoping to tip Eve over onto her shoulders. If that didn't work Raquel's aching, throbbing arm was in real trouble!

She couldn't lose to Eve here, not like this. Raquel took wrestling more seriously, she always did more to advance herself. She wasn't somehow the lesser wrestler all of a sudden because Eve had more talent and finally decided to give it a half hearted effort right? Doubt began to creep into her mind as she was trying desperately to escape the hold.
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Re: Apex Match: Eve Summers vs. Raquel Masters

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Eve bit on her lower lip, feeling those alarmingly powerful strikes Raquel possessed. She struck with determination and emotion, managing to hurt Eve as she struck against her arms and bucked her hips in an attempt to be free of the armbar. Eve would not relent however, managing to bridge her body to try and put more pressure upon the shoulder joint of Raquel and also her arm, stretching it out in gruelling fashion. Eve was looking good in this match, much better than when the two had first faced each other.

Despite the weight difference however, Raquel was not to be underestimated, no one knew better than Eve herself when she was defeated the first time to two clashed. Eve felt bad putting her in such a hold, and she also felt bad beginning to realise that Raquel wanted something more out of their relationship. She felt like she had hurt Raquel, especially after all she had said before their match... but this was an Apex final! She could not go easy on her despite how she felt. It would be disrespectful, and Raquel was not holding back either.

Biting on her lower lip, Eve applied more pressure, however, she failed to realise that with Raquel's struggles and bucking, the woman was just within reach of the ropes with one of her legs!

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Re: Apex Match: Eve Summers vs. Raquel Masters

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Raquel howled in pain as she wasn't able to roll Eve onto her shoulders. Her wild kicking and flailing did move her closer to the ropes and in a desperate attempt she reached her leg over catching the bottom rope! She kept flailing and punching at Eve as she caught the rope looking to strike and lash out however she could but the gasping, struggling Raquel was clearly in a bad way right now as the hold did its share of damage to her visible to even the most casual bystanders watching the match.

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Re: Apex Match: Eve Summers vs. Raquel Masters

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The referee managed to catch the vibrations of the bottom rope, seeing that Raquel managed to finally hook her leg onto it. Instantly she would call for a rope break, waving her arms to signal to Eve it was time to release her captive. Despite being hit on, Eve still had a good lock upon Raquel, but the moment the ref decalred a rope break she relented. She was not one to use cheap tactics, aware she could have held on for a while longer to inflict more damage and brave the count for a DQ... but it was simply not her way, and she would not dream of doing such a thing to Raquel.

As such she released her arm, unfolding her legs from over her chest before she rolled backwards to give Raquel a little space to rise after she earned her freedom. She would grant her little more than a few seconds though, all too aware the pair were still in a important and intense match. The moment Raquel was upon her feet, Eve would advance upon her, looking to try and catch her around the waist and slip behind her, her intent clear as she looked to try and German Suplex Raquel if she did not react fast enough. Given her momentum however, Eve over used her strength, allowing Raquel a chance to flip to her feet if she was quick and deft enough!

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Re: Apex Match: Eve Summers vs. Raquel Masters

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Raquel was still in a daze and trying to recover when Eve grabbed her from behind. Her initial reaction was actually to hook her leg behind Eve's to prevent her from lifting at all and from this position Raquel swung elbows back into the side of Eve's head! It wasn't the acrobatic counter, but it was the most immediate and easiest for the hurting, dazed Raquel to pull off. After smashing Eve's head with elbow strikes she grabbed an arm and pried herself free, spinning around to Eve's back while still holding the arm. Raquel would then yank on the arm to spin Eve around while she herself spun in a circle swinging her leg up to connect a roundhouse kick right into the face of Eve!

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Re: Apex Match: Eve Summers vs. Raquel Masters

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In expert fashion, Raquel was able to battle free of the German Suplex attempt before Eve could complete it. She had Raquel in a reverse bearhug, and even began to lift her ready for a slam when Raquel began to battle hard against her, throwing hard elbows and fighting against the momentum to try and weigh herself down. It would work well, as one elbow caught Eve at the side of her temple, making her grunt as she released her grip from around Raquel's form all at once. This allowed the lightweight to land before she grasped at Eve's arm, spinning around her before forcing Eve to twist and face her in fast motion!

Eve could do little about the roundhouse kick she found herself spinning into, being caught clean with such a perfect strike. Sweat and spittle splashed from Eve's head from the impact before her head whipped back. Soon after the strike, she collapsed completely against the ground, dazed from such a devastating move!

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Re: Apex Match: Eve Summers vs. Raquel Masters

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Raquel sent Eve crashing to the mat and the small but lean woman was fired up. She bent down, grabbing Eve and grunting as she deadlift her off the mat! Raquel swayed and struggled but lift Eve high and let out a shout as she stepped forward hitting a back breaker! She would shove Eve off her leg to the mat and go for a pin hooking Eve's leg. "You won't beat me, you can't beat me." Raquel said as she had Eve pinned to the mat and the official came over to begin the count.


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Re: Apex Match: Eve Summers vs. Raquel Masters

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Eve gasped out as Raquel was able to spike a vicious backbreaker move against the British beauty. She was bent into a C like shape as she landed and curved over her outstretched knee, feeling intense pain within her back from the deadly move. She groaned out, before Raquel would shove her from her leg, allowing her to collapse against the ring. The pain was still throbbing in her lower back, as she clutched at her lower spine and writhed. This allowed Raquel to try and clucth her into a deep pin, lifting her leg before her body spread across her chest.

The first count was swift, as Eve was still distracted by the pain.



The crowd gasped out as Eve was able to get her shoulder up before a third count could be made. The match was still on as Eve's form twisted enough for her to break the pinfall attempt. But she was still in a rough manner, still in pain from such a deadly move.

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Re: Apex Match: Eve Summers vs. Raquel Masters

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Raquel was close and she slapped the mat herself in frustration as Eve kicked out! Raquel swayed she stood up, yanking Eve up by the hair. If she wanted to kick out, fine. Raquel was going to treat her like a speed bag! Raquel let out a shout as she began swinging a flurry of kicks at Eve's abdomen, chest, sides, legs and head! Raquel was not going to stop until she left Eve a mess on the mat or so she told herself!

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Re: Apex Match: Eve Summers vs. Raquel Masters

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Before Eve could even recover from what was going on, Raquel was already upon her, unleashing a flurry of strikes and kicks upon Eve's entire form. The British Middleweight Apex hopeful tried to defend herself, but where ever she tried to block, Raquel shifted her attacks, aiming for a different part of her body. Eve in the end just opted to protect her head, knowing it was the most important, but it meant tanking a lot of hard strikes to her core, legs and her chest. She gasped out, being driven back, being hit and hurt hard!

Knowing she could not withstand this forever, Eve tried to carefully telegraph Raquel, looking for a pattern in her strikes. It was then she attempted to grab one of her legs when she went for a kick against her, before she intented to try and dragon screw Raquel to the ground, before wrapping herself around that same leg whilst they were grounded in an attempt to lock an ankle lock upon her former lover.

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