Piper Sherwood vs Galaxy Cat Aurora Estrella - Set Up from the Start

Qualified wrestlers face off in a tour around the world for a chance to become Inaugural Openweight Champion
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Re: Piper Sherwood vs Galaxy Cat Aurora Estrella - Set Up from the Start

Unread post by winner3 »

Piper couldn't have asked for a better coming-out party. The girl had been honing her craft for what had to be many months, maybe even over a year now. Under the tutelage of like-minded veterans like Ayane and with the support of underhanded women like Defoe, Piper had finally done it. By hook or by crook, Piper not only evened her score with the rival she found in The Galaxy Cat- she totally dismantled Estrella!

"LEAVE!!!" Tracy was still in a tizzy when she entered the ring to come to her friend's aid. The boos for Piper were deafening! You could barely hear The Circus Cat yelling at Sherwood over the cacophony of jeers and expletives the crowd was throwing in Piper's direction!

Of course, Piper tried to get the most bang for her buck while making her exit. Typically, each of the SWAT Cats discarded the tails from their wrestling attires after their entrances, often by giving it away to someone in the crowd in the front row. But with the way Angie and Piper set Estrella up, that wasn't possible in this match!

"Grrrr...." Tracy growled upon hearing Piper's words. Every part of her wanted to toss the blonde over the top ropes and take a dive to the outside to tackle Sherwood to the ground at ringside! A younger, less seasoned Circus Cat absolutely would have done exactly that. But the pink and white luchadora of today knew what was important.

Tracy turned Aurora onto her front. She pulled the lightweight up to a seated position and cradled Aurora's torso in her arms.

Aurora wasn't moving. The expression on her face was still contorted with discomfort and pain. It was obvious that she was in bad shape. The commentators at ringside called for the doctor to get in there and check on her. The referee got between Piper and The Cats to try and herd the woman out of the ring before she could brandish that signature metal bat of hers and do more damage.

But no physical harm she could inflict at this point could rival the damage she had done to the hearts and minds of Estrella and the fans, tonight! Much to he chagrin of everyone, and with many asterisks attached, Sherwood had finally done what she said she was trying to do from her very first match with Aurora. For the first time ever, the evil, conniving blonde had finally used the lightweight luchadora as something of a stepping stone....
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PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

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Re: Piper Sherwood vs Galaxy Cat Aurora Estrella - Set Up from the Start

Unread post by Bare »

Winner via Pinfall: Piper Sherwood

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